Page name: Drawings made at age 8-9 [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-01-08 12:32:31
Last author: The Alchemist
Owner: The Alchemist
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Drawings made at age 8-9

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I found several reports containing grades and notes from my artteacher, we recieved a report every january and june.

The oldest report i found was from the year 1994-1995. My teacher Myriam wrote the following:

"Drawings are good, but working them out with the assigned technic, could be better."

Lol, looks like i always wanted to do my own thingy, i still do, hihi

"... makes quiet a lot of noise"

haha i bet i did, i had ADHD AND i loved to talk, pour teacher, i must have been a real burden on her.

"ONCE focused, he CAN be pretty quiet"

When i'm in the zone, ... i'm IN the zone

"works independantly and has great ideas"

' Hands ' 


I haven't got a clue on what the assingment on this one could possibly be, i just thought this was a nice drawing. Since the only thing i can make out is my hand, i'm calling this one: hands.

' Alien '


Not much to say about this one, he looks pretty colourfull for a alien and friendly too, i just hope that crashing rock doesn't hit him when i turn the page.

' Colours '


Euhm... colours ???

' Dinosaur age '


Background done with ecoline, dinosaurs are cut out from black drawingpaper and glued on.

' Birds '


it's not my camera that is blurrying this pic, it's actually this bad.

going on to Drawings made at age 9-10

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