Page name: Drive- Leilani [Exported view] [RSS]
2012-02-13 17:52:54
Last author: Ravendust
Owner: Ravendust
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Character Name: Leilani Freya (pronounced: Lay lawn ee -- Fray ah)
Home World: Becillius (Beh seal lee us)
Race: Becillian (Beh seal lee an)
Age: 26
Height: 5'2"
Eye color/shape: A brilliant shade of red, tends to run in the noble lineage.
Hair color/style: Short black, with crimson roots (natural), kept in an upswept, spiky do that accentuates her features.
Face Specifics: High cheekbones that angle down into a narrow jaw, her features are smooth and graceful. Her eyebrows are narrow and arch at an angle over her eyes that tend to give her a ‘lost’ sort of look, though she’s very sure of herself. Her lips are soft and appear to almost be ‘pouting’ all of the time.
Body Specifics: She is well toned, a thin girl with a layer of muscle that doesn’t look grotesque, instead it seems to be an appeal to most. She has a long, thin scar that’s hardly noticeable that wraps around her throat.
Occupation: --
History: Leilani was raised in a large well-to-do family. The youngest of 9 she was often looked down upon as inexperienced and foolish due to a rather rash nature. She has also often been considered the black sheep, the foul luck of the family embodied due to the happenings that seem to come upon days that are considered holy to her- birthday, inauguration as a noblewoman, and other such special dates.

The eve of her birth her mother fell ill and died suddenly, her father, Lord Amuras, went into a severe depression for the next three years. He began to feel that the death of his wife was Leilani’s fault that she, even then a young toddler was at fault. He tried all that he knew to get rid of her- leaving her in the woods far from help, pushing her into a fast moving river. Anything that he could do subtly was the plot. Needless to say she came back in one piece each and every time.

The day of her inauguration, just after turning 7, when her father gave up trying to get rid of her that is, the planet was attacked by slavers seeking to use the becillian's. None were prepared and many lives were lost before the enemy was subdued.

She was schooled many long, hard years on the proper mannerisms of a woman, (what was expected of her, etc) though she didn't really follow them. Leilani had her own personality and wasn’t willing to let anyone take or break her spirit. Many days were spent disguised (she had a knack for covering up her natural appearance, colored lenses for her eyes, wigs to cover her hair, etc) and in attendance of fencing, and other such classes that she found fascinating. (here she learned to use a few different types of weapons, some guns, knives, a bit of swordplay... She was pretty skilled with their use, though has never physically attacked anybody. She also took classes in hand to hand combat and if it comes down to it... She could put up a damn good fight to defend herself or others) This went on until she was 17 and her guises discovered. She was kept under strict observation until graduation.

The morning of her marriage to a nobleman brought the final attack on the noble house of Najurian. The family was detained and the servants, as well as her fiancé, slain. It wasn't too long after that that it was decided her people were 'of no use' and sentenced to death.

She isn’t quite certain of what happened next, but when she awoke she was burning- flames licked at her flesh, as well as the mangled bodies beneath and around her. Leilani fled for her life, she didn’t stop for nearly 2 days, and only then due to sheer exhaustion and dehydration.

Once she'd recovered she found that it wasn't just her home that had been affected. Villages, towns, whole cities had been ripped to pieces. The people brutally murdered. They'd been overrun by drivers, so driven by their hunger for power that they took out anything and everything in their way. Leilani has remained in hiding, alone, and takes the first opportunity to leave the planet as a stowaway on a shuttle.

Personality: Despite past experiences Leilani is a kind individual who has a tendancy of speaking her mind. Her curious and stubborn nature can sometimes get her in trouble.
Sexual Preference: --
Relations: none, her family was slain in the attack on her home.
Abilities: Regeneration; not so much an ability but she (like many others of her species) has a very high metabolism rate. She is a fairly decent shot with most hand guns, and has had training with bladed weapons and hand to hand combat.

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