Page name: Eagle Defenders [Exported view] [RSS]
2010-03-17 04:12:03
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Eagle Defenders

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The defenders are the sworn guardians of the sacred gray birds of power. Ranks are color coded by armor types, white being the highest, then gray, then blue, then green, and lastly brown (only whites are the master adept and his guards). Their leader is the master adept, having been gifted a silver eagle when the last one died.

Thyamus is about 50, with light blue eyes and has a clean shaven head. He has been the master adept for over 27 years, and is well versed in weaponry despite his age. The eagle on his shoulder is Celeste.

The eagle defenders patrol the land on specially breed gryphons, however wingless, they can easily outrun even the fastest horses. Sometimes the grypons grow miniature wings, but it isn't common and they are pretty much useless. Typically, they are tawny, but many have been seen with all range of colors of any bird of prey.





Rank and Specialty:




Gryphon's Name:





Name: Shilo

User: [Aeolynn]

Age: 27

Sex: Male

Rank and Specialty: Gray, with a love for hand to hand combat.

Description: Only standing at 5'9", Shilo has light auburn hair and sand colored eyes. He is muscled, but still very lithe and he has a hard time hiding it with clothes and the like. His armor is pretty unique, considering he enjoys metal working when he isn't on patrol and has actually helped designed armor for the next generation. Shilo's armor on the other hand is part leather, part metal, with extra thick padding on the wrists and arms capable of stopping even the thickest of blades. The typical gray eagle is engraved over its heart.

Personality: Shilo knows his duty and a pure gentleman, but he tends revert to violence quickly and is often in fights at the local taverns if he even thinks he heard someone bad mouth Thyamus. It is in fact these fights that is keeping him from becoming one of the master adepts guards.

Weapons: His body. Although he doesn't normally carry a weapon, he will bring along a wicked looking dagger, just in case.

Gryphon's Name: Raisu

Sex: Male

Description: Raisu is a very large gryphon at 18 hands at the shoulder. However there was an accident when he was born in the fact that Raisu actually doesn't have front talons. He makes up for that by being able to ball his claws up into fists, taking after his rider for the liking of punching people. Having a dappled brown hide with toughs of white feathers and streaks of rust red, Raisu is pretty dashing, and even without frontal claws he is popular among the lady gryphons.

Name: Cyrus the Magi

User: [Pnelma Tirian]

Age: 22

Sex: Female, supposedly

Rank and Specialty: Blue; magic and Fallen tracking

Description:  A very, very small individual; it was difficult to tell what sex it ascribed itself to, so emaciated and slight was its figure, even as scarcely clothed as it was. Around its dark, naked pelvis wrapped a simple cotton loincloth, serving only to shield its genitals from the elements. Its bare auburn thighs seemed to flow down into ethereal blue cloth that climbed up each leg at a continual slant, so similar was the fading brown hue of the cloth to the skin underneath. Its muscles are like cords of string under dark skin, wrapping the thin bones from head to toe and forming the heavy slopes of her shoulders. Two pert, light brown nipples nuzzled the long cloth loosely draped across her chest, her breasts barely raised above her merciless ribs. Her collarbone jutted forward violently, permanently decorated by a peculiar and distinctly foreign modification; at the base of her delicate neck, bumps on her skin trapped a large, angry ruby on her sternum, so surrounded by delicate gold filigree that it was difficult at a glance to see how integrally bonded she was to the smooth gem. Along her collarbone stem rods of ash wood and silver, embedded in her flesh and stretching across her chest like longhorns, curving to a point well beyond her narrow shoulders; across these smooth poles the loose cloth that brushes her breasts is draped, knotted loosely to keep its shape around her shoulders, and stretching down beside her like window curtains.
Her smooth faced mask was carved from wood, a smooth cylinder that betrayed no human contours beyond two small fox-slits for eyes, the right eye a crossed slit. It cut off her face, revealing only her sharp, dark-skinned jaw and voluminous lips. Across the mask's forehead a crown of thorns jutted out like a king's burden; above those, the wood of the masked stretched itself up and forward into wooden antlers, each prong hanging baubles of every kind to catch the light and sing in the wind. It obscured everything but the back of her dark, shaved skull, a leather strap fastened to hold it in place.

Personality: Cyrus is not a social person, and she can seem simple or insane from how she speaks and how her mind works. She isn't inclined to be violent in any situation beyond the need of the hunt and of self-defense. When she decides on something, she focuses on it with all of her being and it is impossible to tell her otherwise.

Weapons: Cyrus uses only her magic, using the living blood of her enemies and even her own veins to spark and control her magic. She is otherwise entirely unarmed.

Gryphon's Name: Scarza

Sex: Female

Description: Scarza is a sleepy old gryphon, her huge, owlish eyes often heavily lidded. She is reasonably sized, at 16 hands at the shoulder, but very long and lean. Small, vestigial wings poke out of her back, more salt than pepper in color. Her speckled white feathers coat her in downy snow; her hindquarters are those of a desert lion, and toughened with a hundred age-old battle scars. She is nothing but muscle and bone, her tail extending a ridiculous six feet. Her narrow countenance is justified by her six-inch, curved black talons and her sudden agility.

Name: Eralie

User: [Aeolynn]

Age: 25

Sex: Female

Rank and Specialty: White, one of Thyamus' close guards and the top five healers in the ranks.

Description: Standing at a proud 5'8", Eralie is almost frail, but still has the glint of strength in her limbs as well as very pronounced leg muscles and abs. In other words, she is a very swift runner. As a healer she has learned when to stop what she was doing and run. With lightly caramelled skin, butterscotch eyes, and dark, almost black hair, this woman gets a lot more attention then she desires. She keeps her hair long, tied at the base of her skull, then tied once more at the tips. With her bangs over most of her face, Era's eyes make a startling contrast to her hair. Since she is of white rank, she wears the traditional ivory gear, with the zebra-like striped going down the long sleeves. Eralie on the other hand is a healer, and such wears white where others wouldn't. In fact she only wears white. Darkened silver seams mark where the striped would be, continuing to accentuate her breasts and ending at her waist. The white deerskin is left to keep some of its strength and sown together to flow from the hips, coming out to a dress to trail behind her when she walks. However in the front it is cropped short to allow the wearer to run if needed. White shin-high boots complete the attire.

Personality: Strong willed, but meek, Eralie has been deeply scarred by the loss of her gryphon and has since refused to be bonded with another. She has lost confidence in herself, and hasn't left the citadel since. Although the healer may look docile, her very body screams of defiance.

Weapons: None. N/A

Gryphon: A few years ago, Era's gryphon Zercahyus was killed in a skirmish with bandits near Saizon. Since then her certainty in herself to heal has suffered greatly at the hands of this trauma.

Name: Cael
Age: 24
Sex: Male
Rank and Specialty: Grey, Archery and stealth
Description: Cael is a very slender man though isn't tall enough to be considered lanky. His skin tone is a light peach and his face is splattered with freckles. He shaves daily to keep his face free of any facial hair. Cael has an average to small nose and a slightly cleft chin. His hair is a light brown, shoulder length and tied back into a braid. Often his eyebrows are raised while his eyes are relaxed and a pale blue in color. Cael is physically fit and has a very steady hand, given it's part of his specialty. He wears a brown and black hooded outfit. Tied at his collar bone, Cael typically only wears the hood up while in battle or targeting enemies. Dark in color, his cloak is a very good for camouflaging him. The rest of his clothes are various shades of brown, white and gray and made of soft cloth or leather. This made his approaches and mobility both silent and easy. 

Personality: Cael is a very patient man with a somewhat 'laid-back' personality. He also tends to keep to himself, though many would consider him to be a bit shy. Especially with admirable women... When he is flirted with, Cael tends to freeze up and stammer his words awkwardly.
During his leisure time, he enjoys a few(arguably too many) shots of whiskey. He keeps a trusty supply in the belt of his pants. Drunken, Cael is a lot more social and outspoken...perhaps too outspoken.
Weapons: Bow and arrows

Gryphon's Name: Eara
Sex: Female
Description: Quite young and small at 14 hands, what Eara lacks in build, she makes up for with speed and agility. The majority of her hindquarters and legs are variations of gray while the small feathers around her chest and face are patterned with white and black. Her eyes are a coal black and her beak is completely black.
Although she is very serious on the job, Eara can be quite clumsy at times. When distracted, she sometimes runs into trees and falls into pits and Cael often scolds her for it. Despite this, they have a loyal companionship to one another. 

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Flight of the Silver Eagle

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