Page name: eddie ryder [Exported view] [RSS]
2013-09-23 23:51:07
Last author: The Past
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User Name: [The Past]

Character name: Edgar ‘Eddie’ Alexander Ryder.

Mutant Name: Click.

Classification: Student

Abilities/powers: The ability to dislocate any bone joint in his body and replacement of it; movement of the joint to an extreme point; increased elasticity in muscles, tendons, nerves, arteries/veins, etc.

Sex: Male.

Age: 17.

General appearance: 5’10 height; short blond hair styled as a spiked mo-hawk; tanned skin; blue eyes; lanky, long-limb build.

Additional Appearance: Multiple piercings (18 all together):
Facial: bridge of nose, left eyebrow, ‘snake-bites’, flesh tunnels in both ear lobes, three additional earrings on each ear, two in tongue
Body: both nipples, and two lower
Tattoos: female angel on chest, female demon on back
Scars marks on both shoulders, hips, knees, ankles, elbows, wrists.

Personality: Before his capture Eddie was a general laze, rarely wanting to do anything (which showed in his grades) and only motivated upon a large amount of shouting at him or physically being made to do something. Overall he had a very laid back view on life, using money to solve a lot of problems and would prefer to spend his time with girls, smoking and drinking.

Since his capture he has realised how serious life can be, and the risk mutants have posed to them. He has matured, seeing the world as a darker place and not so ready to just left things slide around him. He now wants to try and make a difference, to stop what happened to him happening to anyone else, as well as bury the hatchet with previous problems, including with his family.

Special Skills: Contortionism; trained in hunting/marksmanship; fencing from private schools; horse riding; multilingual (French, Spanish, German, Russian, Latin, Japanese, Mandarin).

Place of birth: Born in Greece, but raised in England.

Weapon(s) of choice: Anything he can get his hands on, but particularly skilled in marksmanship.

Medical information: Suffers from stiff joints and muscle pain when cold, as well as bruising around the skin of his joints if powers used too much; has a constant clicking sound from several of his major joints (hips, wrists, knees, etc.).

Brief History: Eddie was basically a bored little rich boy. Growing up in ‘old money’ as he started to hit his teens he realised he did not fit into the prefect picture his parents tried to portray for their family. Rebelling against their need to change him, he altered his appearance with piercing and tattoos and began to act out against them. Unable and unwilling to handle his behaviour Eddie was sent to the first of many private schools, all of which he was ‘asked’ to leave from.

As with his parents, he detested the social and mentally of these school, finding friendship outside them and falling into a ‘bad crowd’ of drinking, smoking, and all those fun vices. It was during one of these parties with his friends that he discovered his powers, having dislocated his shoulder while roughhousing.

Not wanting to tolerate a disobedient son, let alone a mutant one, in the public eye, Eddie’s parents shipped him off to Xaiver’s for his education. Being at Xavier’s made minor changes to his attitude (they would actually punish him with physical activity unlike the other schools (Danger Room, cleaning the Blackbird, etc), yet he was still behind on his studies.

Eddie was a (underachiever) member of the house before this unknown attacker abducted him.

Relatives: Both of his parents (Graham, Jillian) are still alive but very rarely show any interest in him, unless he is making them guilty for sending him away so they send money to him.
He has two older brothers, Jonathan, and his twin Peter, as well as an older sister (Chrystal), all of which he was never close to.
Eddie's grandmother died just before he left for his first boarding school, the only relative he was close to. He did gain a large inheritance from her but he can only have access to it when he turns 21.

Since his abduction Eddie has aimed to try and bridge some of the gaps he has had with his family.

How long your character has been in the mansion: Two years prior to abduction.

Current Attire: Grey sweatpants, black shirt with grey skull design on the front. All piercings in a range of coloured plastics.

X-Men Characters

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2012-07-26 [The Past]: Mwhahaha, a new fresh page of no comments to assault >D

2012-07-31 [Roma]: WOO! Click! I say we come up with some back story sinc he's returning and Korvka has been there a while. Its feasible they'd know each other.

2012-07-31 [The Past]: Oh hell yeah, he would of course know those that had been around the mansion for awhile, since he lived there for a good chunk of the time.

2012-08-01 [Roma]: Let's plot :3

2012-08-01 [The Past]: In public? Where everyone can see us? :O

Hehe, I donno really, I place Ed as really just a general lazy ass around the school pre abduction. Clearly he will have changed thanks to that, more serious than before and so on.

With Korvka, I see him both flirting and teasing her, cause he's an ass and a teenage boy XD. With Vlad, I say they got on, and Ed would have given him shit, but maybe Vlad use to reel Eddie back in when he stepped over the line of bad taste, or something similar.

2012-08-01 [Roma]: Vlad won't have known him as well since he's relatively new to the mansion (6 months or something like that with all the skips), so I like the idea of them teasing and calling each other out on shit. I forget when exactly the abduction took place but its safe to say that they had at least met, and could probably get along well enough if they're ABLE to call each other out. We could have some real fun with this one.

As for Korvka that sounds about right. She is probably weirded out by his piercings and would just arch a brow at him, wondering what he's doing.

2012-08-01 [The Past]: Yeah, Eddie had very little tact in regards to what he said to people, so I would expect Korvka might had decked him at least once in the past for being too much of an ass to her.

2012-08-01 [Roma]: Yeah, I'd have to see him in action to really know how she'd react, but knowing Vlad, he'd probably find a way to get along and the two of them could perhaps be homies to a certain extent. It all depends on seeing him in action, though. Gotta know if he's good, bad, or neutral!

2012-08-02 [The Past]: Hehe, I think he will be more than a little shell shocked to begin with, having been saved after this amount of time, and having lost contact with the others who have been taken. Jump over to my DeviantArt account if you want a general idea of him, since I did those comics with him in it for the OC contest one of the X-Men Evo clubs was holding :B

2012-09-21 [Duredhel]: <img100*0:>

2012-09-22 [The Past]: HA! XD Oh Eddie, so much attitude hehe.

2012-09-22 [Roma]: Oh, this is my favorite so far.

2012-09-22 [Flisky]: That right there is why Rook is so attached. *grins*

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