Page name: Elftown Graphics Firenze [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-10-20 20:11:57
Last author: Firenze
Owner: Firenze
# of watchers: 3
Fans: 0
D20: 14
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Art Count: 1445

Mood Count: 19

Grand Total: 1464

Welcome to Elftown Graphics Firenze where there is over 1000 graphics for you to choose from to brighten up your Elftown house! All of the graphics in this wiki have been donated for free usage throughout Elftown and I hope that you like them.



EGF - Dividers


EGF - Bullets


EGF - House Page Sets


EGF WelcomeMats


EGF - Inverts


EGF - Random


EGF - Name Tags


Go or Return to:
- Elftown Graphics
- EG Special Artist's Sections
- [Firenze]'s House

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2006-02-10 [I stabbith ye]: First comment! Whoot ^_^ *checks the graphics*

2006-02-24 [Charybdis]: Could you add a link to EG Special Artist's Sections? :)

2006-02-24 [Firenze]: Sure thing ^_^

2006-02-24 [Charybdis]: Thank you! :)

2006-02-24 [Firenze]: No problem, anytime ^_^

2006-03-21 [zoloftzantac]: wow! you have been busy [Firenze] ^_^

2006-03-21 [Firenze]: I told you I had been busy

2010-10-05 [windowframe]: Hi!

This is just a note to let you know that from now on, all new images you wish to submit need to be OKed by the Elftown Graphics Group first, so you need to place them on Elftown Graphics Submissions. DO NOT add them to your wiki yourself, please. This is because when we recently went through the special artists' sections we found quite a few images that broke the Elftown Graphics rules, and had to be removed - removing them and readjusting totals is a lot more work for us than checking the images in the first place!

Also, a final note: donations cannot usually be undonated once approved! So think before you submit! :)

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