Page name: Elysartcomp [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-04-07 00:26:19
Last author: Elisha Kelly
Owner: Elisha Kelly
# of watchers: 3
Fans: 0
D20: 8
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2005-10-19 [pixish]: :D I like your style a lot! ^_^ Out of these pictures...I think my favourites would have to be...The two there for the winged humanoid contest and the pregnant earth lady :)

2005-10-20 [Elisha Kelly]: ooh... thanky vera muchly... i like the winged ones to, mainly cause the purple one is me... and the pink one is Princess Courtney, my eldest girl... (mind you the me one is more an inner me... :P)

2006-04-27 [smakeupfx]: heheheeh, Bratt under glass!  so fun :-)

2006-04-27 [Elisha Kelly]: it just so seemed to suit :P

2006-05-22 [pixish]: I think I have to officially delcare myself a fan :p shoudl update! :p

2006-05-22 [Elisha Kelly]: I should...though next week :D I have limited puter time this week :P

2006-05-22 [pixish]: whee! *looks forward to next week* :)

2006-05-22 [Elisha Kelly]: oooh you just popped out of no where! :P

2006-05-22 [pixish]: no! I popped out of bed! ^_~

2006-05-22 [Elisha Kelly]: lol... you early riser you!

2006-05-22 [pixish]: nooo :3 My alarm went off at 6:30 and I only got out of bed at 7 ^_^ Now I have to shower -_-

2006-05-22 [Elisha Kelly]: lol... I do that all the time XD

2006-05-22 [pixish]: I'm not sure the extra 2 x 15 minute snoozes help much, but I like to think they do :D *tickles*

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