Page name: Endgame #5: Storming the Burning Feilds [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-01-09 00:12:59
Last author: Zapinc
Owner: Zapinc
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Naochang, South east China
3 Miles from the Last and Best Chinese defence system
In the British Command tent for Regiment 71

(The 4th Night of the Seige)

Feild Commander Craig took a deep breath and cleared his throat;
"I will tell you the things you need to know, Im giving you these specifc orders, understand?"

The regiment nodded in agreement, the fear in their eyes suppressed by pride in their country

"Run...Run your ass off, you stop, and you will die, so just pace yourself, ok"

Craig held onto the table with a steel grip as the sweat poured off his forehead, he could barely say the words

A soldier held his hand reasuringly

"Artillery...will-be firing over your heads......" He swallowed dispite his throat was dry

"We need ground, and we need you to get it, you move out in 60 seconds to the front line, gather your things"

Caig stood up and saluted them, the soldiers also gave their respect to their FC

Craig breathed hard and said loudly and clearly "Good luck, God have mercy on your enemys..."
"Because WE WONT!!!!!" Yelled the soldiers

The regiment tucked themselves behind the ledge as their captains issued specifics

The whistles blew

As the stim-packs coursed through the blood streams of the warriors, they padded their way the the mech line out front. In responce to seeing the army coiming up from behind, the Armoured Walkers started to make a slow walk forward, to avoid stepping on their allies

The cyclone rangers began their barrage, and awe inspiring beacons of light elegantly rose into the sky like winged angels


A sound only refferable as ;
BBRRUUUIIIIPPFFTTT----PRUGCKKKKK!!!!!!! (Try saying the word - its an onamatapia)
Arose from the massise explosions that ripped through the Chinese defence team, dirt blood and machenery splintered everywhere, and fire engulfed men and mecha alike

Gunfire tore through the charging ranks, coming from the anti air vulcan cannons located in hundreds of placements around Naochang
Bright streaks of arching light buzzed from the machene gun nests, the spray of bullets ran through the front line like a flood covers a plane

Roger Parlee panted and wheezed as he ran through the explosions, with the annoying 'ting' 'ting' of shells from the Armoured Walker's machenegun overhead, Another large explosion rucked everyones vision and shook the ground with tremendous force, a soldier somewhere from the smoke ahead was propelled into the air and landed in a smldering heap behind him, followed by his gun, which hit Roger across the head

"Madness", he breathed

He proceeded to run through the smoke ahead, and when he came out from the cover of smoke, only then he could see how far he'd come.
The vast Nao Fortress loomed overhead
"FOR FUCKS SAKE - GET OUT THE WAY!!!" Screamed an ABT driver who almost ran Roger to the ground as the ABT passed in its afterburner roar, charging with an ontarage of machnery towards the Nao, only to have its hull shredded open by an artillery barrage.

Roger's squad raced over to drag the victems out of the shell of a tank, only to find their smoking corpses and entrails lining the walls of the deathbox of a tank.

"Reeps!!!" Yelled a soldier ahead, followed by a shower of his blood, the Reapers had come to claim their meat, their skelatel bodies composed of other soldiers fallen in battle where storming towards the squad like a tsunami

"DIE SCUM!!!" Belted the Squad as the Reapers ran through them, with their fists wildly flailing in the soldiers' faces, ripping them to shreds on impact, Roger ran forward and slammed his gun down one of their throats, but the Reaper was not as pathetic as a normal human, and, dispite being shot from the inside, the Reaper reached out and stuck its razor sharp fingers deep into Rogers' temple.
Killing him Instantly.

This happens about 500 times a minute every day since reapers where invented by the Chinese, its nothing new or special.

Depressing isnt it?

And to think - This is five minutes of ONE day out there.....Pure hell, No?


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