Page name: European Intro [Exported view] [RSS]
2011-07-29 21:25:42
Last author: ZeoOfFire
Owner: Mira Ravenheart
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Worlds Between

European Intro

Thomas Burd, Sean Outen, and Howell Duggan were going about their every day lives.

[Post here. Please use a line break to separate posts from different locations :) You may play your family members and environment, and I will interject events and characters]

Tom sat in his front room, relaxing back with the computer humming beside him and the TV barely audible over the talk going on. He really shouldn't waste all this power, but he found having so many flashing lights a calming effect on him, as if he had some kind of anti-epilepsy; his two friends were sitting in the same room as him, as always, enjoying a conversation about the film they had just come back from. Harry Potter seven, ten whole years of waiting and now they were tearing it apart like... well, Fenrir Greyback with a less developed character. "I think that the directors had an obsession with soaking Emma Watson. At least in the first few moments, where she was in a very tight corset. And for that, I can only thank them." He sank back in his black leather chair, smiling to himself and gazing fondly at a mental image, his actual gaze slipping well past the wine red walls and the selection of swords, daggers and flitlock pistols that hung from hooks. They were all replicas, very good, essentially effective replicas but still just replicas. There was even a bugle, and a tapestry in here. But he had grown used to the oddities that hung from his wall, now only concentrating on the mental images that lingered privately in his gaze.

"Well they did owe the fans something after taking a gun to the franchises head. Besides, she's become a sex symbol now and therefore must suffer occasional soakings be it from waterfalls, lakes, or that one thing she did for BBC, Ballet shoes I think it was called, when she was in a bath." Sean replied in a growingly sadder tone as he recalled fondly on his childhood, sitting in class reading the books when he was meant to be doing maths. He brushed his hair behind his ears with his spare hand, his other occupied with a laptop upon which he was monitoring Facebook with growing boredom.

Howell, sat back in one of Tom's chairs, if you could call his cross-legged, leant-sideways position sitting. Atop his leg, as usual, was his laptop, an oldish, mildly run-down Toshiba, but still running like a beast. He was busy playing around on some downloaded games, until the mention of 's Emma Watson sex appeal 'aroused his interest' "I've seen that clip of her in the bath, not sure if she's wearing a bra in that or not, but she sure as hell ain't wearing one in here!" With a soft tap on his temple, he continued, hoping he wouldn't rattle on too much and end up sounding like the little pervert his friends more than likely knew he was. "Pretty sure there's lesbianism in that film too, maybe that's just the internet and horny people, who may or may not include myself, just wishing."

Sean readjusted himself on the leather chair he was sat on. "Ok, I know we're guys and everything, but that doesn't mean we need to hear about what goes on in there." He sighed, pointing at Howell's head, shaking his head at the perverted topic this discussion had changed too. "Anyway I still can't get Voldemorts faces out of my head, I need to do a vid of that for youtube, to the can can theme with Harry's sex face spliced in there."

"It should be to that song... what was it now... uhhh..." Tom's mind went completely blank right now, as it often did when he'd just come from a deep mammary filled gutter "baby don't hurt me." He followed this through by humming a few bars of the song, making small "dnggg" noises under his breath. He looked up at the sound of Howell giggling, raising an eyebrow and wondering just what was so amazing that it had distracted Howell from the conversation. They all suffered with a slight lack of attention span, but to wrench Howell out of his happy place would take quite a lot.

"Sorry, it's this face. It still gets me." At that, Howell heard a near simultaneous ping as both Tom and Sean received the same link of <>, a smile of Voldemort, meant to pierce one's soul, but instead reduced Howell to loud chuckling outbursts during the movie. "Still wondering what he was eating when he said 'AVARDER KABLABLAH'! But yeah, that film, a mix of 'not meant to be funny' and Hermione in a corset".

Chuckling at the face that had appeared on his screen, Sean amused himself by searching for a picture of the merged faces of Harry and Voldemort but to no avail. "Well that's certainly entertaining." Unaware of what to do now, Sean picked up a small red bag from beside him and began flicking through the comic he had purchased that day.

"A cotton sock from the sound of it" Tom giggled as he remembered the mumbled line that had spelled Harry Potter's first death. "Seriously dude, I was trying to listen to the movie. I don't care if Harry and Voldemort were falling through the air, pressed together, writhing and moaning and yelling and screaming and finally melting into one glorious form that pulled the weirdest jizz face I have ever seen, you shouldn't giggle." He was trying hard not to burst out laughing from this line himself though. He enjoyed making jokes way too much.

"PFFFT!!!" It was a culmination of all of Tom's words, ending in 'jizz face', and Howell was off again, almost causing his laptop to fall from its rightful place. "Woah! Almost..." Looking at Sean, he decided to enquire. "Comic looking good? Magneto being a dick, yet still cool?" Tilting awkwardly so he could reach his own red bag, yet still not cause a falling laptop, Howell thought of how much the comics shop must love it when they have money. Picking up his comic, he opened to a random page. "Okay, Bladezz waving around his weiner!" After closing it, deciding to leave it for a little bit, he thought he'd clarify, knowing his friends too well. "...A sausage..."

"Meh, it's not too bad, it's basically there's a crap load of people from Marvel coming in with their own introductions, so far its Red skull, Magneto, Miss America and some random guy who seems to be the main character... Think I need the next one to come out for it to make any sort of sense." Sean explained, setting the comic down half way through and looking in confusion at Howell's outburst about waving sausages. "That's an interesting addition to what I'm sure is a thrilling storyline..."

"I'm a little afraid to open my Cthulhu book" Tom admitted, pulling out a packet of red laces and starting to open them with fumbling fingers "Considering half the store keeps falling down whenever we pull one out of the stacks. Gets rather ominous, you know?" His mind was replaying the song "don't hurt me" again, rather to his annoyance; it would have been better if he could remember the whole thing, not just one line over and over again. His fingers roamed over the yu-gi-oh cards he had just bought, and the rather mixed deck sitting in front of him "I have got to get this thing in working order." Stuffing a sweet into his mouth and throwing the rest towards Howell, he picked up the cards and began to sort them out onto the table. He'd had another lucky selection out of his purchase today, it made him happy that sometimes the great machinations of the universe came together, planets aligned, stars shone a mystical colour and he managed to get a three pound pack with a shiny card that was of great use to him.

"Nom!" Grabbing the thrown laces, Howell couldn't help but feel like a scavenger. There's only so many times Tom can say 'You'll pay me back in uni', or 'You'll be cooking for me in uni' before it loses meaning. "As for the sausage, I kinda know the context from the web-series, just wanted to shout it out." With Tom now looking through his cards, Howell instinctively opened a tab of a YuGiOh wikia on his laptop, ready for any questions, before turning to Sean. "So, main character guy, how bad is he?"

"Seemingly terrible, it's a homeless guy in a shelter or in a retirement home... he's watching the news and captain America is on." Sean picked up the comic and threw it over to Howell. "Either that or that's just the intro for captain America and the guy is just a guy, I really don't know." Sean began flicking through pages on the world wide web, looking for something that would tell him the basic plot to this comic. "But like I said, I think it's waiting on number 2 to bring in some real stuff." Sean shrugged, remembering that he needed to check up on Zapi comics soon, hopefully his new comics would be there waiting for him.

"Guys" Tom said, thoughtful as he sorted out his not so good monsters from the ones who could actually do something of use "Do you think that the death of voldemort is the best advert for head and shoulders you've ever seen?" Tom liked thinking of things like that, little quips and jokes; he also liked doing it while filing cards, it was... relaxing. Figuring out strategies that might work in a game, and thinking of funny little things to say all the while.

'Seriously, why let a homeless man around so many villains?' was one of the few thoughts in Howell's head. 'Unless he's a super-powerful villain too...' "His name shall be...Vagabond Vicious!" He was about to think of a better name, but the image of Voldemort's flaky demise replaced it. "Oh god. I'm a horrible person." Those words were always a bad omen, that something tasteless was about to spew forth from his mouth. "Voldemort has leprosy." And there it was. "I mean, he lost his nose after the first film, and he has long fingernails that look like they'll fall off at any moment, but that probably bad prosthetics, and then he dies by exploding into flakes!" An image of the bloodied foetus-like corpse then popped into his head. "And now I'm hungry for barbecue chicken again."

"Voldemort already had soul leprosy" Tom said thoughtfully "I mean bits were just FALLING off him in the end, shooting into anything alive. I'm surprised there wasn't MORE horcrux's, considering how many times Voldemort died and came back." Tom sniffed, checking a card's stats before flinging it into the 'not quite good enough' pile. He paused, then let out a yelping laugh that sounded a crossed between a mad man's and a dog "Does that mean Draco Malfoy hugged a leper? Do you think that's why he had to grow that stupid goatee, because he's actually got no chin?"

In the midst of their chatter, the boys could hear the distant rumble of thunder.

"Hard to say, surely magic could cure leprosy? I mean if magic can create a stone that can make you live forever, you must be able to do some cool stuff with it?" Sean turned to look out of the window whilst he talked, hearing the thunder. But it was common in these parts, rain was expected. He was surprised that the locals hadn't evolved webbed feet or something to cope.

"Well let's be honest, it can cure broken bones, sometimes, but not eye-ai-ai-ai!" With the arrival of thunder, Howell was instantly distracted, switching between waiting for lightning, trying to remember which came first between lightning and thunder, and just plain staring into space. "Lightning, Thunder, Speed of Light, Speed of Sound, Starship Enterprise, Jumbo Jet...DAMMIT, I missed the lightning!"

"I need some more defense cards" Tom said, tapping at his new handful with a frown "I've already got a great defense with this thing, I just need a few more so it's not such a small chance that they turn up in my hand. I mean this card has saved my ass so many times" he waved a charcoal inpachi card, one of his favourites with the highest defence he had. He blinked as the thunder rumbled, then listened to Howell as he spoke "Uhhh... yeah... light then sound Howell. That's why you will always see something before you hear it. Also, why we have broken the speed of sound with a plane but not the speed of light, as that is impossible under Einstein's mathematics."

"Well, to state exactly, the sound barrier was broken by an object that was made of matter, not sound. Whereas atoms and molecules that make up matter are connected by electromagnetic fields, the same stuff that light is made of. In the case of the light speed barrier, the thing that’s trying to break the barrier is made up of the same stuff as the barrier itself. It's the reason why as soon as you hit the light barrier, your energy needed to move any measure of mass becomes infinite." Sean said, taking a large breath as he tried his best to explain the workings of the universe. "That's why Doctor Who can travel through space and time, as he can break the light barrier because as stated in one episode 'Gravity? My people invented the stuff.' or words to that effect." Sean finished, he himself had been working on a few theories, most of which seemed impossible.

"Uh...buh...muh?" Howell, for all his knowledge of maths, and some science, always got confused when Sean talked about science, normally smiling and nodding until the conversation continued enough for the required information he needed to understand were divulged. "Oh god dammit!" It was the fifth day in a row now. "That song! IN MY HEAD! Screw it, gonna play it." With that, a youtube video "Rawest Forest" began playing, a remix of a tune from the videogame Super Mario RPG. He also pulled his blue Zeldarian 12-hole ocarina from his pocket. After a small amount of the video was played, Howell began playing the tune, near perfectly. "It's weird, I love this tune, but it's stuck in my head. But I like it...Conflicted. Screw it." With that, he continued his playing, occasional changing to another videogame tune, but no matter what, it kept returning to the same old tune.

"Dammit, again howell?" Tom sighed, he'd heard that song over and over in his head and it had only slightly stuck; you either wanted it entirely or not at all. He shook his head rigorously, as if trying to dislodge some kind of parasitic leech from his brain "Ah... anyway... that would mean that speed of light is obtainable because atoms are being held together by the same kind of energy as light. At least the energy that holds atoms together is able to obtain the speed to light, but the atoms would be unable to achieve that level of speed. So the ENERGY would move and the thing that just achieved the speed of light would actually get turned into something finer than dust. Also, Doctor Who is only able to travel through time and space because his craft is a 'time and relative dimension in space', he does not travel past the speed of light, he's just... constantly present in all places. He opens a door and the door has moved from its one place along the connected dimension to another. I also refuse to repeat this dammit, I'm making this crap up!"

"Well, travelling at the speed of light is not completely impossible... ok, let us see if I can explain this right. First you need a reactor, and a kilo of pure water. The mass of the hydrogen in that water is about 111g or 0.111kg, so if we use Einstein's equation E=Mc2, then the equation becomes Energy = 0.111kg x 300,000,000 x 300,000,000, so the energy within the kilo would be 10,000,000,000,000,000 Joules." Sean was very thankful of the calculator on his laptop, he had never been that good at the core principles of math, his mind was too flighty and unfocused to pay attention long enough. "Ok, so within that kilo of water you have alot of energy, possibly enough to travel at light speed BUT you need to release that energy all at once, by completely annihilating that kilo of water. The way to do this is to obtain the anti particles of water and combine them, so that they cancel each other out and release this vast amount of energy. Simply add an equal amount and there you have it, trouble is, there's no way of measuring antimatter at this point in science so at the moment, it's not possible." Sean took a large breath. He began to feel the beginnings of a headache, sure this stuff was fascinating but it involved alot of thought processes and frankly his brain had been out of commission too long to keep up.

"Haaaaaaate to burst the bubble, but that math is just...weird." Howell had a knack for math, and mild bullshit detection, or just breaking hopes and dreams. "Firstly, that entire equation, is measuring the energy within any object. Not the energy required to move it at the speed of light. Not gonna mention the fact that c doesn't equal that much, because it is kinda close-ish, yes, a quick google, but the big thing is, it...kinda hasn't been proved." With a huge gasp of air, Howell slunk back down. Blowing into an ocarina for half an hour didn't wind him this much. "BLEEEEEH!"

"Well the numbers are rounded up of course, I'm not looking to perform the experiment right now..." Sean sighed, he had a thing for theoretical physics but he didn't understand why the theoretical part was so unclear to people, maybe because he had forgotten to mention that part. "And we're not looking at the energy required to move the object, this is a measure of the energy within the particles, and I wanted to show that a vast amount of energy can be released from the particles and so infinity doesn't seem like such a dead end in physics. What I failed to mention was the other stuff, I.e negative energy. Now this is all theoretical, but it has been shown that it is theoretically possible to create a continuously propulsive effect by the juxtaposition of negative and positive mass and that such a scheme does not violate conservation of momentum or energy. A crucial assumption to the success of this concept is that negative mass has negative inertia. Their combined interactions result in a sustained acceleration of both masses in the same direction." Sean was reaching the end of his knowledge on the subject, he really was pulling out all the stops.

"But this is going back to the thing I was talking about before. Actually you're doing it before you've even started moving, you're breaking down atoms in order to leave only the energy that drives it, which is capable of light speed because it practically is light. However the moment you do that, the moment you try to create energy in that way, it will not be channelled into full propulsion, if you could somehow channel this energy at all. Some will go into heat, or actual light, and the moment that happens you have something that does not achieve light speed due to wasted energy. You are pushing a solid object with the power of something going at lightspeed; while you will definitely achieve something very close to lightspeed, it's a bit like saying that a cart with a horse on it is as fast as a horse by itself. You're dragging that speedy little energy down. In fact the only thing that is currently going the speed of light in that entire contraption is the energy you are creating by destroying atoms with anti-matter. If you wanted a PERSON to ever travel at actual lightspeed you'd... have to disintegrate them. Now can we shut the HELL up, my brain is hurting" Tom said, a pair of laces landing on Howell's chest and Sean's face like the gift of the giant spaghetti monster in the sky who had just reached down a blessed noodley appendage and squirted strawberry strings on them. "Seriously. I can't concentrate on working out what card goes where with you guys talking like the freaking Big Bang Theory cast. But with better social skills."

"Yeah...kinda ouchy in the brain...But yeah...better social skills? That's debatable." Howell couldn't help but smile, even it was a mildly mean comment at all of them, even himself. "Right, I'mma play some emulators. Feel like playing some Jade Cocoon" He didn't wait for his friends blank faces, no-one knew that game. "Ocarina-y me playing a monster capturing ocarina user in a game, it's like Zelda meets Pokemon meets breeding. All awesome." In most circles, this would be rude, ignoring your friends to play games, but Howeel was a pretty social gamer, and, even when lost in a game, would still be chatting with his friends.

"Yes, moving on..." Sean typed a few words on his laptop, searching through the Marvel wiki for some interesting read and appeared on a page dedicated to Deadpool. "Huh, did you guys know Deadpool is Canadian? Interestingly it seems to be Project X's playground."

"Canadian? Since when have ninjas been Canadian?" Tom asked, raising an eyebrow and calculating what the odds were this deck could actually work. He half wondered why he had so many defensive cards here... why he never really attacked unless he was throwing a really powerful punch. Because he was a defensive person he supposed. Both socially and physically; just like his big old charcoal inpachi, thick defence and no mouth to tell secrets. When he thought of making a character in that weird Yugioh:XD show he always had Charcoal Inpachi as a... what were they called... basically 'spirit guides'. "That game... Amber... Wrappings or whatever. Sounds like Lost Kingdoms. Man I loved that game." He turned the card around in his hands, looking at the shiny blackened figure on the front... silent... still... a bit sad "You could like... turn into this big ass golem... wonder around almost invincible and stomp on the things attacking you."

"Well they haven't been, ninjas originate in Japan. I just thought it was a coincidence that both Wolverine and Deadpool come from the same area." Sean finished, flicking through the page he was on. "I don't see why anyone would want to become so bulky, so destructive. There's no challenge, no smoothness, no rhythm or sense of beauty." Sean went on, his mind on the flurry of movements caused by the soft stroke of a blade against the skin, unravelling the work of whatever force designed the human form, causing rips and tears which would lead to an ultimately fatal conclusion.

"Deadpool's a ninja? I thought he was just badass, flipping around, agile with swords, throwing things...okay he's a ninja." Hearing the butchering of the name of the game he was playing, Howell sighed. 'Amber Wrappings, really?' "Wait, Lost Kingdoms?! I loved that game!" It was odd seeing Howell's reaction, his face and voice showing so much excitement, while the rest of him tapped buttons on a plugged in Xbox controller he'd set up for his laptop. "The bosses in that game were awesome, hard as hell, but awesome!" Speaking of bosses, Howell had just reached the first one in Jade Cocoon, but, whether due to the usual excessive grinding he always did in these games to level up, or having played this part of the game so many times before, the boss wasn't being a particularly hard challenge.

"Well not everyone has a quick freaking bunny" Tom replied to Sean, pulling a face at him "And from what I can remember of the game, it's to smash through things that even the quickest swordsman couldn't get through. Scoff all you want, if I had a choice between hacking away at a tree trunk for hours with a sword or turning into a bad ass golem and pulling it up by the roots, I'd pick the golem." He chuckled at Howell remembering the game, giving a small nod and returning to look at his cards "I loved that game, but it too so darn long! God the bosses were hard though; it was all worth it for that moment you got to use them in battle though. The Kraken was amazing to use. And my big ass Ghost Ship... sailing through the air and BOOM!" He accidentally scattered a few cards onto his lap, huffing and starting to gather them up again; Kozaky, a few magic cards, Trap Hole, elemental hero clayman, soul tiger... "If the cards were like this though then they'd be pretty bad. I mean, you DO go against Gods later on in the game."

Please continue in European Intro 2

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2011-07-26 [AccountUnavaili able]: Last post of the night guys, I'm shattered, will post plenty more tomorrow!

2011-07-26 [ZeoOfFire]: I should sleep too, after my next post, waking early tomorrow, to give the mother pressies.

2011-07-26 [ZeoOfFire]: And I sleep.

2011-07-27 [AccountUnavaili able]: Ok, I'm tired and my brain hurts from all that explaining, Ima sleep...

2011-07-27 [Evolution X]: please write out the numbers you are actually talking sean... three hundred million for example... or, if you are stuck for the number name, then you're going to have to write "one zero, zero zero zero, zero zero zero" etc...

2011-07-27 [AccountUnavaili able]: It was 6 Am, I only wanted to give estimates... I just rounded up, speed of light is 299 792 458.

2011-07-27 [Evolution X]: *waggles finger* You know that wouldn't slip past. Also, writing them out.

2011-07-27 [Evolution X]: obvious...

2011-07-27 [AccountUnavaili able]: Writers block...

2011-07-27 [Evolution X]: ...... MIRA! Seriously. We're taking this over too much.

2011-07-27 [AccountUnavaili able]: Ok, the more we have to go on, the more depressing and scary it becomes, there's an ultimatum.

2011-07-27 [Evolution X]: Or erotic. Your choice.

2011-07-28 [ZeoOfFire]: Tom, Yu-Gi-Oh:XD?
It's GX, or 5Ds.
Although I do mix them up when I talk, so that may be where that came from.
Also reading your last comment, I'm hearing Zapp Brannigan shouting "EROTIC! EROTIC! EROTIC!"

2011-07-28 [Evolution X]: GX...

2011-07-29 [Mira Ravenheart]: You are right, this is kinda like watching an episode of the big bang theory :P I am amused.

2011-07-29 [Mira Ravenheart]: Something will happen really soon.

2011-07-29 [Evolution X]: Yey ^_^ And yes, this is roughly what we do... every day.

2011-07-29 [ZeoOfFire]: Preeeeeeetty much.

2011-07-29 [Evolution X]: <img100*0:>

2011-07-29 [Mira Ravenheart]: Oh wow. Thanks Zeo!

2011-07-29 [ZeoOfFire]: No problemo, I prefer using the bolds myself, but looked around and others weren't. So yeah, tagged 'em all.

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