Page name: F.P.D. Station [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-09-29 05:06:24
Last author: Lin-tastic
Owner: Blakkduv
# of watchers: 4
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"Wake up every one!" Richard Cambell said as the alarm sounded off. "Come get your food." Richard was the cheif of police but still liked to do the dirty work of the job.

Drac wakes up and heads over to Richard "Reporting for duty sir!" he says, snapping out a salute.

"At ease. Good morning new recruit, its time to eat eat with the rest of the cops. The most important meal of the day!" He said spinning around and eating his own meal.

Drac sits down to eat his meal, wondering just what he has gotten himself into and if this richard character was crazy

"You gonna eat that?" A man to Dracs left said pointing to his apple.

"Yea, I am." Drac says pointedly. "Eat your own apple."

The man looked away to go bother some one else.

"Damn right" Drac mutters before taking a big bite out of his apple. Once he's done he walks over to Richard. "So when do I start patrolling the streets?"

"Today... Maybe." He said thinking of the schedual. "Right now if you want extra hours..." He said scratching his head and eating at the same time.

"I'd much rather be out patrolling the streets, possibly fighting the enemy. By the way, just who IS the enemy, and what am i able to do?" Drac asks, just realizing he knows almost nothing about this job.

"When a fight happens. Break it up. Especialy between the Warriors of the Feather and the Deadwood Company. Those things get serious." He said making a small karate chop motion with his hand.

What amount of force am i allowed to use? What are my patrol routes?" Drac asks

Richard stared blanckly at the wall for a second before anwering him."Make a right at J street and a left at Central. Then make a right... Here." He said as he took out a pen and drew directions on his napkin. "Enter that into your Gps. And your uniform is in locker B12." He said turning around to take another bite of his food.

"I'm assuming lethal force is allowed? And i hope you realize that a uniform will only be worn underneath my powered armor, it will not be visible."

"If they apply lethal force than you do to. Here is the hand book if you need it." He said handing him a small pad with a screen on it. "Ask it the questions please." He said before returning to his food.

Drac shrugs and leaves the room, putting his uniform on underneath his power armor, and then heads out to the streets, wondering if he will see any action today.

Walking in from the back entrance, Genevir heads straight for her desk. She sits down and pulls out her laptop opening it and turning it on after plugging the power source in. She types madly across the keys, barely even thinking to blink, and moves her finger over the pad which controls the mouse. A daily routine for her: checking her email.

Seeing the usual messages appear, she sighs and folds the computer, leaving it on her desk. Checking the IN box on her desk, she finds nothing too urgent and important she has to leave immediately. Her stomach rumbled loudly and she placed a hand over it. "Quiet," she said. "I'm getting there."

She read a bit into the case inside the beige folder when her stomach growled once again. "Fine!" Genevir said, pushing the chair out from behind her desk. She turned the swivel chair to the left and stood up, beginning the walk to the lunch room.

Arriving at the doorway, she stopped and leaned against the frame. Taking a peak at the clock on the opposite wall, she turned back to Richard. "It didn't take you long to get here either, it seems," she said, smiling.

Richard was sitting in the cafateria, his arms folded and legs crossed."We have a new cop. He calls him self 'The Hunter'." He said as he held up two of his fingers to make quotations around Tha Hunter. "I want you to catch up with him and show him around the city." He said folding his arms again. "But first, you can eat. I'm sure he didn't get to far. He is running basic route." He looked at the clock as well and then back at his watch, then reseting his watch accordingly.

Stepping into the room, Genevir smiles at the use of air quotes and the quoted words. "The hunter?" she asked, retorically. "Seems interesting. Do tell, but after I get food. I've been around the city all day with nothing to eat but dinner from last night." She opens the fridge and rumages around for a bit before uprighting herself and closing the door.

She walks over to the countertop and rings a bell for the person on lunch duty to come and take her order. Seeing it was the usual woman behind the counter, she simply smiled and said, "The usual, please." The woman didn't even need those words to come out before getting to work.

After recieving her meal, Genevir walked back towards Richard with her tray, sitting across from the man. "Now, tell me about this Hunter," she said, unneccessarilly.

"He is a merc. Well used to be... His real name is Drac... and his last name is something realy russian." He said scooting his empty trey back a little. He was already dressed in full uniform and he was trying to get out a newly added stain from his shirt. "You should see him. He's pretty tricked out."

Genevir barely caught what he said, concentrating between eating and observing her boss. "Why do you wear that uniform? It's somewhat demeaning, especially if you aren't comfortable in it," she said, used to getting reprimanded for not wearing the uniform.

"I'm the cheif of police. I have to set a good example right?" He said scrubbing as hard as he can on the stubern stain.

Sighing and replacing her almost finished sandwich on half of her fries, Genevir stood up. "Let me see the shirt," she said, holding out her hand. She was an expert at removing stains.

He removed his shirt, revealing his plain white shirt under it, and gave it to her.

Locating the stain, Genevir walked out of the room to her office, opened a drawer and grabbed a spray bottle. She sprayed the area with it, lightly, and massaged it with a piece of towel also in the same drawer. Closing the drawer of her desk with her foot, she walked back to her food, the whole ordeal taking less than three minutes and handed Richard his shirt, stain-free. "Family recipe," she said, as if it explained everything. She took three large bites of her sandwich and began to work on her fries, taking occasional sips of her Coke.

Richard smiled and shrugged. "Thanks Lieutenant." He said braking the news very suddenly.

Almost choking on a french fry, Genevir coughed twice before looking up at the man across from her. "Lieutenant?!" she asked, surpised and smiling.

"Yes, you have been with the force quite some time. And you have proven yourself worthy for the advancement." He said smiling brightly now.

Genevir, shocked, smiled insanely, her eyes brightly lit. "You're totally serious about this, aren't you?" she asked her boss still sitting in a white T-shirt. She glanced back at her food and then back to Richard.

"Get ready for a whole new life." He stated before putting his uniform back on still smiling.

The woman looked back to her food, and stood up. Genevir cleared her throat, but wouldn't stop smiling. She picked up her tray, and brought it back to the counter and was back in less than a minuted, still standing, though. "Lieutenant Genevir Solira," she said, somewhat quietly. "It's not the best name of a Lieutenant, but it's not bad." She sat down again, stradling the bench, but looking at Richard. "So you've given me my first mission to carry out as Lieutenant and that's to be an escort?" she asked, jokingly angry. "Thanks, Commander." She chuckled a bit, standing up and walking to the doorway.

"It's your first underling. Just like you where mine." He said correcting her.

Stopping at the doorway, Genevir looked back at Richard. "Thanks," she said, simply. "For everything." With those words, she walked out of the station, through the back door, and into The city of Fante.


Holding the door as Drac entered with a man, forcibly kept in line, Genevir allowed the door to close. She remembered the card reader and grabbed it back from Drac, as it freed a hand for him to hold the criminal. She saw Richard and moved with speed towards him. "Here," she said happily. "A card reader with about five men's names listed." She held the reader so the screen faced him.

"Genevir, where do i take this scum?" Drac asks.

"Thanks Genevir." Richard said taking the reader from her. "Ahh. A fiew regulars eh?"

"Well first you have to fingure print him and photograph him and all that jazz." Intruded a voice in the back of the room.

Smiling, Genevir was about to reply when she heard someone speak from the back of the room. She looked to Drac and nodded. "I was getting to that," she comment to the person. "Why don't you introduce yourself?" She seemed to don a, more or less, unexplicable, narrowed eyes, mysterious facade.

The man set down some reading materials and his water and walked over to them.

"Greg?" Exclaimed a bewildered Richard.

"Thats me!" The man said as Richard shaked his hand.

"I haven't seen you in years!" Richard said recalling past memories. "This guy was the best on our team."

"Ahh I wouldn't say so."

"Well theres no doubt about it. Well meet the new you Greg. Meet Genevir. Our top law enforcer!" Richard let go of his hand and looked at her, waiting for her to make her introduction.

Drac takes the guy towards the cells rather roughly.

"Thats out new recruite by the way. Drac something or other." Richard explained prying at his memorie with no luck.

"Drac Mishkonev," Genevir complied, having stood idle for a few moments. She held her hand to Greg and smiled lightly. "I wouldn't've put it like that, but I'm Genevir Solira." Her eyes flickered and seemed to be a bit glazed over, despite her astout attention.

"My pleasure..." Greg said in a light voice.

"So what are ya here for?" Richard asked the tall man almost with a smile.

"Here to file a report on a Warrior of the feather who was fighting a D.W. in a public area and was a bit careless and destroyed a bit of the cities property, as I'm the only witness." Before continuing he licked his lips."I kinda was a bit of a vigilante also... He is being treated with a severe concussion. Stupid ingrates, still using primitive fighting styles and magic feathers. Look how organized the D.W.'s are."

"Ya." Richard said half agreeing.

Drac shoves the criminal at the booking guy, curtly saying "Take care of this."

Genevir had moved towards her office, but changed her mind, turning on the spot and leaning her right shoulder against a wide, square, floor to ceiling pillar, watching the conversation.

"They both cause the problems you know." Richard said waving his hand sparaticly through the sentence.

"If it wasn't for the D.W.'s you guys in this city wouldn't exist." Gred retorted scratching his head.

Drac walks back towards Genevir; "I took care of him."

Having looked to Drac, Genevir smiled. "Having the booker log in, date, sign, and place in a cell a common criminal is not taking care of it, but since we've more pressing matters to deal with, I suppose I can allow it for the time being," she said, a wink afterwards as her head inclined towards Richard and Greg. "I do believe we should act as flies on a wall for a few moments, until either notice that we have plastered ourselves silently into the background." She'd looked back to Greg and Richard at this last sentence, a sense of humor abruptly encased inside her words.

They both stood silently.

"Well uh see ya Greg!" Said a tence Richard.

"Ya." He said as they shook hands and Richard then retreated to his office and Greg left the building forgetting about the police report.

"I'll talk to you later, okay?" she told Drac, having moved and turned towards him, her directional movement heading towards Richard. Without waiting for an answer, Genevir'd already moved into Richard's office. "Having fun with old friends?" she asked, leaning against his doorframe.

"He's not a friend he is an old partner of mine." He said shuffling around some papers.

Genevir looked out into the hallway before closing the door after moving in. She stayed standing, her arms crossed. "Do you know why he came here?" she asked, curiosity getting the better of her.

Drac nods to himself and heads out onto the streets. "Just the way I like to work." He says to himself.

"Some report..." He mumbled trying to multitask through the heep of paper in the unfinished pile.

Genevir placed a hand on his the stack of paper he filed through, hindering any progress. Her face made it apparent she wanted an explaination. "I know he was an old friend, an old coworker, the best before I came along, as you pointed out, but he obviously meant to tell you something, and I don't think what he said was what he meant to." She seemed to speak far more of her mind than she was used to, but kept with it.

"Can we leave it as an inside joke?" He said obviously avoiding her attemps to get to the truth.

Genevir took a while to reply, almost as if trying to read what she was looking for from the expression on his face. "Fine," she said after a sigh. "But I still want to know the 'joke' sometime soon." She had moved back to the door, opening it and stepping into the doorway. "You will tell me, won't you?" she asked, having turned to face Richard again.

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W.O.T.F. story

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2007-06-11 [Blakkduv]: I think we need more F.P.D.

2007-06-11 [tiragon]: yea, i'm glad that he didnt decide to fight me, i woulda kicked his ass

2007-06-11 [Blakkduv]: haha

2007-06-12 [Lin-tastic]: Hey, Green, that post makes absolutely no sense...she's in the cafeteria doorway, at the moment and I thought Richard was already in there...THAT MAKES NO SENSE!!! Ah! I'm so tired...

2007-06-12 [Blakkduv]: oops fixed now hehe. was thinking of too many things at once.

2007-06-12 [Lin-tastic]: I do that sometimes...Wasn't he eating something? Ahk, nevermind. I'll just post.

2007-06-12 [Blakkduv]: lets say he finished. haha

2007-06-12 [Lin-tastic]: ^_^ Works for me...where would we go to post about this...hunter fellow? Showing him around, I mean...

2007-06-12 [Blakkduv]: Out side. to The city of Fante

2007-07-09 [Lin-tastic]: Hup, hup! I'm here! -said in a sing-song manner as I prance around strangely-

2007-07-11 [tiragon]: so should i be posting or are we waiting for Richard to act?

2007-07-11 [Lin-tastic]: You can...I dunno where stripe is, though...

2007-08-22 [tiragon]: so um, where do i take this scum?

2007-08-24 [Lin-tastic]: -shrugs-

2007-09-03 [Blakkduv]: to the cells...

2007-09-03 [Blakkduv]: And you have to finger print him and photograph him and all that jazz.

2007-09-17 [Lin-tastic]: ...I'm confused, now. Did I type something before or after your comment?

2007-09-19 [tiragon]: um...i dont know

2007-09-22 [Lin-tastic]: -shrugs- Oh, well. ^_^

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