Page name: FAF Rules [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-08-31 15:28:01
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There are some rules...

There is a difference between critiquing and insulting. Criticism isn't always easy to take, but try not to get bitter, remember, if you're here posting work, you are asking for opinions...

Art content is not strictly regulated, nor juried. You do not need permission or approval to post your work here, and you need not even be a member. Surrealism, fantasy, sci-fi, horror, anthro, abstract, photomanips, photography, sculpture and 3D, you name it! most any genre of work is welcome, you are not limited to fantasy. Nudes and figurative pieces are fine, but please, nothing explicitly pornographic.

The usual Elftown rules will apply: no uploading copyrighted work (unless it is your own). There will be no art piracy. You may use images within this wiki only with permission from the owner/creator of that piece.

Once your have read this, feel free to proceed to FAF members and add your name, if you so desire.

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