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2008-06-15 15:53:13
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Featured Member Interview


Jimmy C. Fox
-Place of Living:
Joensuu, Finland
Photographer/graphic designer, studying Computer Sciense in University of Joensuu
-What are your hobbies?
Computers (and gaming), theatre, literature, singing, jogging, crafts, My Little Ponies, making clothes, drawing, writing, and plants.
-How did you end up on Elftown?
I can't remember for sure. I guess I found it by surfing the net after some art. (I'm a sucker for drawings of dragons) I wanted a place where I could show my photographs and elftown seemed the perfect place, it's easy to show and find art and artists (and new friends).
-What do you like most about fantasy: writing, images, reading etc. :
I can't pick up just one, as fantasy has always been almost more real to me than reality. As a child I didn't have actual friends, but did have LOTS of imaginary friends (Like the whole troop of Wing Commander), and read a lot of fantasy books and comics to come up with more friends. About 10 year after I started several fantasy novels (still in phase) in hope of someone finding a new world trought them.
Now I try to draw also (poorly) images I have in my head and have 2 fantasy roleplaying game coming up also (in phase also). I envy the people who have skills to draw amazing fantasy pictures, I love to watch them and try to learn from them also.

-Questions about the content of the house:
*How were the graphics/pictures made?
I update mostly photographs in my house. I love black and white film photographing but as I don't have my own darkroom, I have been shooting now mostly digitally. In plain pictures I do only the basic darkroom stuff in photoshop as a good picture needs no manipulation, but I also love to try new things and make heavily manipulated pictures.
In drawings I use mostly plain pencil, (and if competition requies,) I colour it. If I paint, I use acryl colours.

*Tell more about the poems on your house.
*How often do you update it?
Rarely. I hid my poetry wiki as I'm not sure do I want to keep these poems there and what to put up instead. I write difficult poems where every word or sentence hide a whole story or many different meanings behind it. I've been told they are too difficult to read and hard to follow and often have stuff to fill 5 poems. I've tried to simplify them but am not too good in it... In my diary there are some poems and after pictures there may also be some.

-What is it you do mostly on Elftown? (chat/build/wikis etc.)
Update pictures and wikis, chat with my friends, search art and new fun competitions to entry. Tried to find new things also from elftown what to do.

*Is there a particular thing you like about Elftown, such as a specific wiki?
I like competitions. People have so much great ideas and when you try to fill the requiments you come up with new and fresh things to yourself too. I loved the 10 day of photography competition as it forced you to photograph every day and try your best. Time was the worst enemy there but it kept me photographing during time when I could have been fed up with it.

-Is there a member whose house you really like yourself? Why do you like that house?
[Adnama]'s house is a pleasure to visit. She has the most beautifullest pictures there, and I simply love her Anthro Pirate Gallery!

-Have any critique/comments/suggestions/admiration etc. on a specific Elftown matter?
I hate when people come here just to show off their body parts or to find a bedpartner or such. Also people who spam messages advertising something really drives me mad. I know there is no way we could prevent them of coming but they should understand this is completely wrong place to do so! There are billions other places to ruin, I would love to have elftown for artists and about art.

-What is your message to all Elftowners?
Keep up with your fantasies! If we don't Believe in it, the Fantasy world disappears.

-Which 2 pictures of you can be used for featuring you on Mainstreet?


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