Page name: Fake Decks [Exported view] [RSS]
2008-08-27 07:28:12
Last author: Nazarath.93
Owner: Nazarath.93
# of watchers: 1
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D20: 11
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Holy Darkness
Deck user: [Nazarath.93]
Monsters 18
4 Angel of The nexus
4 Demon of the nexus
3 Harbinger of Discord
3 Harbinger of Hope
1 Crocell, Repented Demon
1 Tower of Enchantments
2 Solus Master of the Nexus

Enchantments, Sorceries and instants 9
3 Edict of the abyss
3 Genesis of the Nexus
3 Might of the pious

Land 27
20 Holy Darkness Nexus
1 Nexus of Souls
2 Border of Heaven
1 Nexus of Serenity
1 Angelic Nexus
1 Demonic Nexus
1 Valley of the Dead Nexus

Total: 56

 The Basic Idea of this deck is to use the black cards to deal small amounts of direct damage and use the white cards to heal yourself by using angel of the nexus, demon of the nexus, the angel and demonic nexus cards, and Harbinger of Discord in unison, you sacrifice the angel and demon with nexus of souls in play each time you sacrifice one and bring it back (for free with the harbinger out) you heal 1 life and they take one life damage, do this 3 times each with crocell repented demon out and then your opponent cannot play any non white cards through the whole game and with nexus of serenity Crocell cannot be killed. Also Border of heaven has a nice defender effect as well as using the angel and demon to heal/ deal damage. Might of the pious will wipe out any trump cards and its flashback will keep them down. Using Edict as my kill card I will use Harbinger of hope to ressurect any power monsters my enemy used and heal myself with their power while the edict will destroy them. This whole time using solus for double mana and genesis to gather it, and any mana I dont need ill use to turn my opponents mana into mana they cannot use crippling them.

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