Page name: Fantasma Character: Üsserhadd [Exported view] [RSS]
2006-08-13 18:55:14
Last author: Adaman
Owner: Adaman
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The Brawling Knight


User: [Adaman]
Race: Fellrise Human (Male)
Neutrality: Neutral
Age: 35
Size: Average
Class: Squire

~: Stats :~

Health: 12/12
Stamina: 4/4
- Strength: 3
- Agility: 1
- Speed: 3
- Resistance: 0.5
Mana: 9/9
- Magic: 3
- Accuracy: 3
- Intelligence: 4
- Awareness: 3
Faith: 4/4
- Creativity: 2
- Luck: 3
- Charisma: 3
- Appearance: 3.0

~: Armament :~
(Space: 4/9 Size)
(Capacity: 2/9 Weight)

Gladius (Right Hand-Equipped)
- Offense: 3.3 Cutting or Piercing (110% Str)
- Defense: 2/2
- Range: SR2, Linear or Thrust
- Weight/Size: 1/2
- Attack Speed: 2 (+1)
Targe (Left Hand-Equipped)
- Defense: 2.5/2.5
- Range: SR2, Defense
- Weight/Size: 1/2
- Attack Speed: 2 (+1)
Money: 137/400cr.
- Boar Tusk
- Griffin Talon
- Apples (2)
- Oranges (6)

Skills (Skill Points: 0)
* Diplomacy (Automatic): +1 Charisma with 'neutral' NPCs.
- Defend (Activate): +25% Weapon defense while active.
- Riding (Automatic): Increases Mount pet skills by 1.
- Einhander Skill (Permanent): +1 Action with Einhander Weapons.
- Fear Resist (Permanent): Increased resistance to Fear by 1.
- Shield Skill (Permanent): +1 Action with Shields.
- ...
- ...
- ...
- ...


Armor Capacity: 7.5/9 (Heavy)
Head: None.
Neck: Green Cotton Scarf. (+0.2)
Body: Segmentata Breastplate. (+1.5, +2.5 vs Impact)
Waist: None.
UArm: Cotton Sleeves. (+0.2)
LArm: Segmentata Vambrace. (+1.5, +2.5 vs Impact)
ULeg: Cotton Pants. (+0.2)
LLeg: Splint Greaves. (+2.0)
      Üsserhadd is a typically Fellrise knight, brandishing the green color of tradition. His bravery is often his downfall, since he neglects to wear a helmet even in the most dangerous of conflicts. However, his segmentata and platemail often provides him with enough defense but without overloading him in a tough scrape. His black rawhide is actually the result of wading in murky swamps, and his leathery clothing has been quite stained ever since. His dented shield is a testament to its use, and his sheath is black cloth studded with bits of iron and wrapped in green ribbons to keep with tradition. Üsserhadd is indeed a man of tradition, however unorthodox he may express that in social situations.


      Üsserhadd is an unorthodox knight, not resorting the traditional methods of chivalry. He does maintain the bravery of his once lucrative military career, but now focusing his talents on a more illustrious and rewarding career of mercenary battling. He has a great deal of maturity within him, but not to the point that he has a dampened sense of humor. Üsserhadd tries to keep a smile whenever it suits him best, and makes friends with the lower class even though he still expects payment from them in order to keep his own lifestyle in check. Usually his jobs for the lower class tend to have a bit of a discount by comparison to those of the nobility who hire him as a bodyguard.


      Üsserhadd was born in the City of Midgard to a middle class family and enjoyed a life of a small boy in the most ancient of the great cities. As a boy he was fascinated by the Fellrise Footman who patrolled the streets clad in the most shining of armors. He knew what he wanted to be when he grew up and even practiced swordplay with his peers in the cobblestone streets, and often won. After years of practice he finally worked up the courage joined the Fellrise military of Midgard once he came of age. It was not all glistening and glamorous once he realised the amount of death and destruction that occured outside the city walls. After only 3 years, he had earned the command of a patrolling unit and had even become a cavalryman, but his honorable position did not last long. A routine mission to flush out bandits from a cave quickly turned into a massacre of his men when an Abomination Undead Giant hobbled through with misshapen limbs carrying meat cleavers and a poisonous cloud with swarms of flies surrounding it. The beast pounded the soldiers into the ground like pancakes and began to infest them, but Üsserhadd quickly pinned the monster with his lance and swiftly ended its undeath with his sword carved into its brain. He then personally executed the infested men and the survivors dragged their carcasses with the abomination into the cave and collapsed it to prevent further infection. Due to this mistake in judgement that cost the lives of several men, he was discharged from the Military after only 3 years in service. From that moment on, he's decided to use his skills learned from combat to make money as a mercenary for hire. Although Üsserhadd excels at his new job, he still gets horrifying flashbacks of his times in the Fellrise military battling the unforgiving undead.

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