Page name: Fantasma Character: Eluvies Mulier [Exported view] [RSS]
2006-08-22 14:08:37
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Eluvies Mulier

The Wasp


User: [Sunny Silverunicorn]
Race: Nereid Elf (Female)
Neutrality: Neutral
Age: 28
Size: Average
Class: Fencer (Adv. Thief)

~: Stats :~

Health: 6/6
Stamina: 3/3
- Strength: 3
- Agility: 5
- Speed: 3 (+1)
- Resistance: 0.3
Mana: 12/12
- Magic: 3
- Accuracy: 3
- Intelligence: 3
- Awareness: 4
- Faith: 3/3
- Creativity: 3
- Luck: 3
- Charisma: 3
- Appearance: 3.0

~: Armament :~
(Space: 6/9 Size)
(Capacity: 2.25/9 Weight)

- Offense: 6(+1) Cutting or Piercing (150% Str/Agl)
- Defense: 1.5/1.5
- Range: SR3, Linear or Thrust
- Weight/Size: 0.75/3
- Attack Speed: 3 (+1)
- Offense: 2.8 Cutting or Piercing (70% Str/Agl)
- Defense: 2.5/2.5
- Range: SR1, Linear or Thrust
- Weight/Size: 0.5/1
- Attack Speed: 3
- Offense: 8 Piercing (Uses 1 Shot)
- Defense: 1.5/1.5
- Range: LR6, Ranged (200% at SR, 100% at MR, 75% at LR2, 50% at LR3, 25% at LR6)
- Weight/Size: 1/2
- Attack Speed: 1
- Reload Time: 4
Money: 00/400cr.
- Baldric (20/20): (20 Shots)
- (x2) Elixer (x3 charges): Heals 25% Health.
- (Open)
- (Open)

Skills (Skill Points: 0)
* Swimming (Automatic): +1 action for Swimming.
- Steal (Cast-Stamina): Takes 1 item from a target.
- Parry (Cast-Stamina): Deflect 25% attack to the hand side of the weapon.
- Riposte (Cast-Stamina): 1 Action for attack on defensive turn.
- Finesse (Cast-Stamina): Adds Agility to 1 attack for damage.
- Speed Bonus (Permanent): Increases Speed by 1.
- Lockpick (Cast-Stamina): Opens Level 1 Locks, Reduced chance for higher level locks.
- Loner (Automatic): +1 Action when no ally is within 1 range.
- Counterattack (Automatic): +1 Automatic Counterattack chances.
- Dabble (Cast-Mana): Use any witnessed spell at 25% spell quality.
- Quickstrike (Automatic): Attacks twice during an automatic deathblow.
- Fencing Mastery (Permanent): +1 Action & Attack Damage with Fencing Sword weapons.
- Flèche (Cast-Stamina): Move forward & thrust attack in 1 action.


Armor Capacity: 3.5/9 (Moderate)
Head: Cotton Bandana (+0.2)
Neck: None.
Body: Castaway Cotton shirt & Leather Vest. (+0.8)
Waist: Cotton Shawls. (+0.2)
UArm: None.
LArm: Cotton Bracers. (+0.2)
ULeg: Cotton Torn Pants. (+0.2)
LLeg: Leather Boots. (+0.6)
      Eluvies is about 6’, and has a well built body, good breasts and hips. Her oval face holds her pale blue eyes, straight nose, and full colorless lips. A vertical cut runs over her right eye, which she covers with an eye patch. Many say she has lost her eye when she got the scar, but others say she covers it for it has magical powers which she prefers not to use often. Her hair is long, straight and black, with a hue of blue to it. She wears a head cloth over her head to keep her ever wild hair out of her face. She wears a castaway shirt under a tight vest, pants tore a few inches higher than her knees, two cotton shawls tied over her waist and midmost leather boots.


      Eluvies is a rather complicated character. She's easy-going, still can get real stubborn when the situation calls for it. She's extroverted and she communicates with no matter who (and she's even sometimes flirtous), yet she never talks much about her past, specialy the insident with her eye. She's determined, loyal, and quick in action and thought. Her temper rises often and fast, but settles easily, and she holds no grudges.


      Eluvies was born on her fathers ship, knowing his father to be the captain, and her mother a noble woman who travelled on his ship. She never got to meet her mother, for the sea journey that she was concieved on, took long enough for her birth to come, and then she was left for her father, for her mother even though happy to have her, was afraid to introduce her father to her family. Growing up, Eluvies was always a part of what ever plans her father went through on his journeys, and meanwhile she learnt all different things on the ship, from navigating, steering and leadership, to cooking, washing, waxing the deck, and fighting. But what she liked most was fighting, and had learnt the master ways in fencing from her father, and got to become even better, excercising daily with her fathers 2nd in command. When she got older, her father who was lying in his bed dying, offered her the command of his ship, but she told him to leave the ship to his 2nd in command, a middle aged man who had grown to be like a family to her, and that she would like to start fresh and work her own way up. So after her fathers death, she left the crew she had grown to know, and the ship which was the only home she had known, and worked along the docks waiting for a ship with crew place open for her, and hopefuly an adventure she could take part in.

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2006-03-27 [Adaman]: Gah, Eluvies is deadly now with saber skill, and able to two-hand those weapons as well. 2 skills can be used to gain some Ronin skills if you want, or you can use them to upgrade her to an Ashigaru, giving her 4 more skill slots. Or you can save them to learn some unique skills later on (I'm sure some Tauren can teach her Military skills, like Deathblow or others). I wouldn't want to fight her with any of my physical characters.

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