Page name: Fantasma Character: Fallasta Argal [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-10-03 01:28:22
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Fallasta Argal

(Image drawn by: [Pnelma Tirian])

User: [Pnelma Tirian]
Race: Satyr (Female)
Age: Juvenile (+1 Stamina)
Class: Mage (Serf)
Trade: Gypsy
Neutrality: Neutral

Health: 8.5/3.5 (Average/Small size)
Armor: Leather
- Head: (0.5/0.5) Burned!
- Body: (2/0) Burned!
- Right Arm: (0/0)
- Left Arm: (0/0)
- Right Leg: (0/0)
- Left Leg: (0/0)
-Strength: 2 (Average/Low)
*Accuracy: 2 (Average/Low)
-Endurance: 3 (Average)
*Agility: 3 (Average)
-Speed: 4 (Average/High)
*Stamina: 5/4 (High)
-Magic: 3 (Average)
*Faith: 4 (Average/High)


Iron Halberd (Uses 1 Stamina per attack)
- Quality: (9/9)
- Big Size & Average Weight.
- Can be used to hook enemies and force them to fall over.
- Range: Short Range 5
* Signature Attack... "______" - (1 Stamina)

Iron Blowgun (Bolt Bag: 10 Bolts)
- Quality: (1/1)
- Small Size & Light Weight.
- Poisons with attack.
- Range: Medium Range 3

Enchantment Magic
- Lovespell: Allows the control of a specific target.
- Insanity: Causes "Confusion" effects, with DOT.

Illusion Magic (Improved with Illusion Proficiency & Marionette)
- Multiform: Creates 4 images of the caster.

Extra Items

- Bolt Bag...
- Purse: 703cr.
- (M) Leather Armor (2)
- "Firebomb" Ember Potion

Attributes (Victory Point count: 4)
Class Attributes
Foresight (Activate - Charge) - Increases agility by 1 point per turn until attacked.
Trade Attributes
C1. Illusion Magic (1 Slot)
C2. ...
C3. ...
B1. Illusion Proficiency (Permanent)
B2. ...
B3. ...
A1. ...
A2. ...
A3. Marionette (Automatic) - Allows Illusion spells to be "real", thus making them far more effective.
***. ...
Racial Attributes
"Dancing" (Activate - 1 Stamina) - Allows the user to distract a target for 1 turn.
Aspect of Goat (Activate - Eating) - Allows the user to eat anything to gain health.
Botanical Resistance (Permanent)


Mischeivious, and will do anything (and when i say anything, I mean ANYTHING) for a couple coins. Fallista (often nicknamed Fally) is an entertainer at heart, and often uses magic in her work.

(Unfinished Description)

Return Link: Arneas Mercenaries Text Adventure 2

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2004-11-11 [Pnelma Tirian]: okay, how the heck am I going to hit ANYTHING with an accuracy of 1?! Are you TRYING to get me killed?

2004-11-11 [Saba Nyx]: lol

2004-11-11 [Adaman]: lol that's the disadvantage of being able to see the future. It makes you near-blind to the present.

2004-11-11 [Pnelma Tirian]: dude! why did you give me foresight? What the bloody hell am I going to use that for if I CAN'T HIT A BLOODY THING?!

2004-11-11 [Pnelma Tirian]: I'd GLADLY give up the ablility to see the future if it meant that I had ANY perception of aim AT ALL.

2004-11-11 [Pnelma Tirian]: and may I mention that Sanura ALSO has an accuracy of one, and yet she has hit something whilst I am swinging blindly with my CRACKED HALBERD? and why the heck is it cracked now? Can you tell I'm ranting? Because I am. I want answers for these, btw.

2004-11-11 [Adaman]: Check the boss fight again, Sanura missed. Besides, Fally did hit the witch but she just blocked it.

2004-11-12 [Saba Nyx]: i haved missed 4 times now i think grrr

2005-05-15 [Adaman]: I need to over some things with you Pnelma, concerning the spells.

2005-05-18 [Pnelma Tirian]: whatcha need?

2005-05-18 [Adaman]: First is the "signature attack", which is a unique effect/attack for that weapon. You can make it whatever you want within reason and worthy of using 1 stamina in order to use. Next is just spell selection, which you can now easily look through the Fantasma Enchantment Magic & Fantasma Illusion Magic lists to see what you want.

2005-08-27 [Adaman]: DOT means Damage Over Time, alot like a poisoning effect. Signature attack still looks available if you have one in mind.

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