Page name: Goldenfalls and Ebonclouds Pg. 14 [Exported view] [RSS]
2015-04-11 16:33:22
Last author: JINKS MAN
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~Welcome to The Battle of Goldenfalls and Ebonclouds Role Play~

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* = Narration.

King Megildur: Yes I'm a hundred percent sure, they like our fathers.

Queen Pavarti: "Did they say what their plans were? "

King Megildur: That they were the rightful heirs to the throne.

Queen Pavarti: "Well we have to figure this out soon ."

King Megildur: Yes dear, this is what has me so troubled, and distraught.

Queen Pavarti: * I hold you closing trying to calm you down and sooth you.. "

King Megildur: Thank you dear this really means a lot. *enjoy the warmth of your body and your luscious scent of perfume. I kiss you.*

Queen Pavarti: * I kiss you softly back.* " I would do anything for you my dear husband."

King Megildur: My love I know you would and that comforts me in knowing this. I love you so much, lets get some sleep we have a very long trying day tomorrow.

Queen Pavarti: " I love you my dear." *We fall asleep.. I wake early and smile at you as I feed our son.. *

King Megildur: *I wake and smile back. I get up and ready to meet the challenge before us. I walk down to the throne room and I peer around the corner and see my father and father-in-law in a fierce conversation and arguing back in forth.*

Lord Daugon: Alverdus, why else would he have call me here if it wasn't to confront us together about that thing from the past, that we both did, hhhmmmmm????? So forgive me for getting a little upset here, but if they find out what happen those thirty-eight years a go and who these people are they will never never let us live it down. And to top it all off you said you would 'take care' of it all those years ago, it's pretty apparent you didn't, now doesn't it!!!! So tell me how are you going to take care of it this time??? Are you going to denied it ever happened, hhhhmmmmm??????

Queen Pavarti: * I come down with our son a so see you peaking around the corner.. * I come beside you as I hear our father talking .*

Lord Daugon: So tell me this then do you even think about this happening??? hhhhmmmmm????? You didn't consider the possibility's of our children finding out, what we did when we were younger??? You were always the brains of the group, so how come this coming back to haunt us and what are we going to do about it???? Enlighten me what your answers.

Queen Pavarti: *I look at you as they talk.. Just then our son makes noise.*

Lord Daugon: What was that noise???? *waits for a moment* hhhmmmm, interesting well whatever, Lord Alverdus Pavarti answer my question I demand answers. *stares at Lord Pavarti*

King Megildur: *Wided eyed at almost being caught, I look at you and then slowly peer around the corner again, and I say very quietly to you* Your father has been quiet this whole time with his eyes closed listening, I wonder what his responses are going to be???? Dear do you think he'll keep his cool???

Queen Pavarti: " I don't think so.. He can keep his temper hidden but you can tell he has about had it.. " * I shh our son and him closer to me.. *

King Megildur: Well this is nice to know about my father-in-law, yeah I think your right, he looks rather annoyed. I wonder if he is about to blow my father out of the water????

Queen Pavarti: "probably.. Should we stop them before one of them ends up dead?"

King Megildur: No lets see how this plays out for a bit longer I think things are going to get a bit interesting and I have a feeling something good is going to happen in our favor here, and- * I see your father raise his head and open his eyes, and quickly hide again and then very slowly peer around the corner again and see him start to part his lips to speak.*

Queen Pavarti: I jump when you hide ..I look at you as you peek around again. *

Lord Daugon: *sighs* Alverdus look I'm sorry I should not have blown up like that but bless the Holy One how was I suppose to react when I found out that they were still alive, so what are we going to do about this problem?

Queen Pavarti: *i look around you at our fathers .*

King Megildur: *I continue to look at our fathers*

Queen Pavarti: " This is going to end badly ."

King Megildur: Yeah it is, why you ask??? Because I have a feeling those individuals are on their way here. Oh it looks like your fathers about to speak, this is going to very interesting to say the least.

Queen Pavarti: *I stand nervously beside you..* "I think I'll take our son back upstairs .. "

King Megildur: Okay be quite and swift my dear, I'll still be here watching what your father is about to say, because I have a plan in mind, that will be priceless.

Queen Pavarti: *I run up with our son and lay him down.. Before heading back down to you .*

Lady Daugon: *Sees you head back down stairs, and quickly follows you* Deary oh deary come give your mother-in-law a hug.

Queen Pavarti: *I turn and look at my mother-in-law .. I give her a quick hug and turn around to head to you..*

Lady Daugon: Thank you dear, now why are you in such a hurry darling?? Come have some tea with me and lets talk about all the things happening in your life, come on dear. *takes your hand and leads you to her room.* Please dear have a seat, I haven't seen you in like months please tell me how things going with you and the baby. How is my grandson doing anyways?? *unaware of Prin adoption*

Queen Pavarti:" your grand son is good .. I am in a hurry to get back to my husband him and I were discussing some things ."

Lady Daugon: Now if I know my son he'll be involved in something else, so I'm sure it can wait and we have some lady time to ourselves.

King Megildur: "I wonder whats taking her so long....oh dear God I hope she didn't run into my mother, it might be awhile for her to return."

Queen Pavarti: "mother I truly do need to go.. I will meet up with you later and we can talk.." *I get up and try and leave .*

Lady Daugon: SIT DOWN YOUNG LADY, *with a hint of irritation* there now wasn't that easy to sit down and relax, now where were we....*looking at you*

Queen Pavarti: I growl in frustration.. "You just asked me how my son was.. Both of my sons are good . "

Lady Daugon: Both? Both??? What do you mean both??? You have another son???

Queen Pavarti: "yes we adopted a little boy... "

Goldenfalls and Ebonclouds Pg. 13
Goldenfalls and Ebonclouds Pg. 15

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