Page name: Goldenfalls and Ebonclouds Pg. 16 [Exported view] [RSS]
2015-10-10 21:59:30
Last author: JINKS MAN
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~Welcome to The Battle of Goldenfalls and Ebonclouds Role Play~

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* = Narration.

Lord Daugon: WHAT!? Why you dirty little coward, I'm the mastermind!!!! No no no no no, your the mastermind Lord Pavarti, not me and it was you who talk those woman into sleeping with us not me I was minding my own business and drinking my ale during our countries victory celebration on winning the war. You were the one stretching the facts to have these women sleep with us, oh no not me I was just enjoying the ale. Didn't count on me remembering the facts do you?

Lord Pavarti: " How dare you.. I wasn't the one who forced you to have sex.. Plus not early that day you said you want a maiden to celebrate with."

Queen Pavarti: " How about you both just tell your side and stopping like a bunch of kids. You both are a disgrace to our name and kingdom.. How did you two rule because it is beyond me.. If you both keep avoiding it I am sorry to say but our mothers with soon learn the hard truth.. Even then I think the people have the right to know to. " * I smile at you knowing this will effect them .*

Lord Daugon: Do you now my dear daughter-in-law, well let me tell you something the people don't need to know and here's why because there will be revolt and they won't stop with just us little missy they will come after you as well, so then the entire kingdom will fall into to chaos. Now that I've said that here my side of the story; we had just won the decisive battle of the war and were near a town that was maybe a mile away so we headed there to celebrate our victory and yes I admit I got a little to tipsy from drinking a little to much and yes I did want a maiden but one to last a lifetime but I tell you the truth Lord Pavarti was stretching the facts to get both sex however as I have mention before I was not in the right frame of mind to know what I was doing and before to long I came across the same maiden and told me she had been with child, my child, I was already engaged to be married to your mother son, so I went to Lord Pavarti and asked him what to do and said to pay her off to keep her quite, so I did. There you have it the truth.

Queen Pavarti: " Wow this just gets more Interesting. " " Father is he telling the truth. What would mother think if she knew."

Lord Pavarti: " yes it is very true.. As for your mother she will never know ."

King Megildur: Yes dear this does get more interesting by the minute. *I'm just in sock of what I'm hearing. I look at you and don't know what to say.*

Queen Pavarti: * I look up and see my mother and I can see pure horror on her face. I know she know the truth now.. I smile softly and start laughing.* " that dear father is where you would be wrong.. "

King Megildur: *I turn to see why you started laughing and saw my mother-in-law in horror and see my mother come from behind her and saw a conniption, and the gaze she had set upon my father made my body start to sweat and burn up.*

Queen Pavarti:  * I look up at you..* "husband I think this would be a good time to take our leave.. I have a feeling we don't want to see what about to happen ."

King Megildur: *I look down at you* Yes dear I think we shall. *I whisper to you* prepare to make a run for it dear. *as I slowly edge us to a hallway.*

Queen Pavarti: * I follow you out of the hall.* " I need to check on our son."

King Megildur: I'll come with you dear I need to see our boys.

Queen Pavarti:  * we head upstairs .*

Lady Pavarti: " So dear husband do care explain to me why you cheated on me and tried to cover it up and why you tried to hide a child from me ? " I can't believe this ."

Lady Daugon: I have the same question husband.

Lord Daugon: uuuuuuuhhhhhh we were young. *innocently* Right Lord Pavarti, we didn't know what we were doing.

Lady Pavarti:   " Really you are so full of it . How do you not know what you were doing."

Lord Daugon: "Well Lady Pavarti and my dear wife, we were drunk and so it lead to what it did.

Lady Pavarti:   "I see so it was a drunk night and now it coming back to bite you in the ass . I can't believe you let our children make a decision that they never should have made . " * she walks away leaving the hall

Queen Pavarti:  * mean while we are up with out son.. He is awake and being a happy baby. I smile picking him up and holding him. "

King Megildur: *I come closer to you and our son and embrace both of you* Let us go to the private courtyard and the warm weather my dear?

Queen Pavarti: "Yes let's.. The warm weather might do us all some good .. "

King Megildur:*As we walk to the courtyard, I pose a question to you* Dear...why do you think our fathers wanted to keep this hidden for so long??

Queen Pavarti: " You know my dear I was wondering the same thing .. The stories aren't adding up. It like there is a piece missing for everything to make sense . Also it seems like they are afraid of something . "

Lady Pavarti: " So tell me what did you give you other children.. For I will not let our people suffer from a child of not full royal birth. They will destroy our kingdom we have slaved over and lost a lot of good men over ."

King Megildur: I concur with you my dear, something isn't adding up at all. It's almost like someone is pulling the strings from the shadows.

Lord Daugon: I think I can speak for both of us in that all we did was paying gold to keep them quiet and it obviously hasn't work out all that well, and my son gave them a job and sent them far away.

Queen Pavarti: " I completely agree .. But I wonder who . "

Lady Pavarti: " What did they want thou.. What price did our kids have to pay to make them leave . "

King Megildur: I don't know dear it just doesn't make sense....*I go deep in to thought.*

Lord Daugon: Well it was giving them their own castle and staff loyal to only them and a job as an ambassador. 

Queen Pavarti:  " I Smile . Well either way I have you and our beautiful and I would hurt anyone who hurt us . I love you my dear .

Lady Pavarti: " I wonder why they would do that . "

King Megildur: I concur with you, I would do the exact same as well. I love you too my dear.

Lord Daugon: To be honest I haven't a clue Lady Pavarti on why they did that, I'm still trying to figure it out myself...

Queen Pavarti:  * I smile softly as we sit in the garden .*

Lady Pavarti: " Maybe they are trying to keep the kingdom healthy . Who knows I shall takes my leave for I have much to think about."

Goldenfalls and Ebonclouds Pg. 13
Goldenfalls and Ebonclouds Pg. 14
Goldenfalls and Ebonclouds Pg. 15
Goldenfalls and Ebonclouds Pg. 17

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