Page name: Goldenfalls and Ebonclouds Pg. 17 [Exported view] [RSS]
2016-03-15 20:52:52
Last author: JINKS MAN
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~Welcome to The Battle of Goldenfalls and Ebonclouds Role Play~

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* = Narration.

King Megildur: *I put my hand over top of yours and smile*

Lord Daugon: Good day to you then lady

Queen Pavarti: " shall we head inside . I am almost ready to head back to our kingdom

King Megildur: Yes lets go inside, and I am too my dear, I'm a little worried on how Prin is doing as it has been some time since we've seen him.... We'll leave in the morning to head home, so we'll get things ready so that we can leave early in the morning.

Queen Pavarti: " I smile as we do . I am ready to go home

King Megildur: *I start to pack*

Queen Pavarti: *We pack and then sleep .*

*The morning comes slowly with the sweet smell of rain that had fallen during the middle of the night. As the sun come up above the eastern mountains, there is a sharp murderous scream let out by one of the servant girls in the castle. Guards come running into the throne room finding a severed head on the the lords throne with a message in blood 'The worst is yet to come!'

King Megildur:*I wake up at the sound of scream* What's going on??? *I yell as I rush to the door with sword in hand*

Queen Pavarti: * I wake to the scream and you getting out of bed. I get up on check on our son. I then I head towards the throne room.*

Royal Guard: Your majesty there was a severed head found in the throne room with a message written in blood 'the worst is yet to come'.

King Megildur: * I rush to the throne room and see the head and the message written in blood. I see our fathers come rushing in with swords in hand as well.*

Queen Pavarti: * I rush in behind you.* " My dear what going on?"

King Megildur: I'm still trying to figure that out myself. You have a severed head and a bloody message.

Queen Pavarti: * I walk beside you and see the head . A gasp escapes my mouth. *

King Megildur: *I take you into my arms* It's okay dear, I handle this. Get dressed and take our son and head back to the castle. Guard I want extra men escorting my family back home.

Royal Guard: It will be done with much haste my majesty.

Queen Pavarti:  * I kiss your lips softly .* " Hurry home to me and please be careful. " * I walk upstairs grabbing my stuff and our son and head to the carriage .

King Megildur: *I kiss you back softly.* I will my dear.

The carriage takes off with the crack of a whip, and barrels down the dirt road towards the castle. The loud thud of the horses hove's could be heard from afar as I looked and listen from the throne room.

King Megildur: *I began to examine the head and message*

* We arrive at our kingdom a day later . The kingdom looks like a small fire took place while we gone *

Queen Pavarti: *I look around once inside . I see that everything is the way it should be. I call our troops and figure out the best way to protect us . Until we figure out what had happened and why the attack*

King Megildur: *I begin to wonder as I examine the head and the message, if our half siblings had anything to do with this as this had not had before they made known their presence.*

Queen Pavarti: * with the help of the guards we make a plan. I wonder where our adopted son is. *

Prin: *Comes running from the training room* Mother mother, I've missed you, how was your trip and where's father?

Queen Pavarti: "Well hello son. I was just thinking about you . The trip was let's say intresting. Father is dealing with a slight complication that arose. So I am here to get some things set into place in case the issues present them selves here. Hopefully they will be resolved soon. How have you been? How have things been here? I missed you to. "

Prin: I've been doing well mother; I have been diligent in my studies and training while you and father were gone. And things have been going well here. Will father be okay?

Queen Pavarti: " I sure hope do prin. Your father is a strong man and where there is a will there is a way. I need to go check on you brother he should be waking soon."

Prin: May I come with you to see him?

King Megildur: Well Lord Daugon and Lord Pavarti do you have enemies that may want to settle a score?

Lord Daugon: Not that I can think of at the moment. You Lord Pavarti?"

Queen Pavarti: " Absolutely son." * we walk upstairs and I go check on our son. I pick up seeing he is awake. I turn and set him to feed. *

Lord Pavarti: " Not that I can think of."

King Megildur: Well then I will start an inquiry into these acts that have been committed. 

Lord Pavarti: " it truly disturbing."

Queen Pavarti: * after a couple of days I send a I letter to you. * " My love I hope all is well and I hope the situation is getting better . I am worried and miss you . Everything is in place at our home to keep us safe. Hurry home love you dear wife . "

King Megildur: *I received your letter and send one back* My dear loving wife I'll be home in a couple of days.

Queen Pavarti: I help prin with his studies and keep things going on our kingdom .

King Megildur: *a couple of days pass and returned home* Dear, dear *I say walking through the castle*

Queen Pavarti: * I hear you and come running to you. I run into you arms . I kiss you softly. Prin follows holding our son. * " I am so glad you are back ."

King Megildur: It's good to be back, my love. *I kiss you back softly* Oh my Prin you look like you have grown quite a bit, it's good to see you son. *I hug Prin* Let us go and enjoy a meal together. *I take our son from Prin and hold him, well walking towards the dining hall.

Queen Pavarti: " My love how did the situation go? We have everything set here just in case . "

Prin: " father it is so good to see you again. I was worried about you and so was mother."

King Megildur: It is good to see you as well my son. I know but everything is going to be okay, I not going anywhere for quite awhile son. My dear wife will discuss that after dinner, for now lets enjoy a meal.

Queen Pavarti: "as you wish my love . " * we head and eat dinner *

Goldenfalls and Ebonclouds Pg. 13
Goldenfalls and Ebonclouds Pg. 14
Goldenfalls and Ebonclouds Pg. 15
goldenfalls and ebonclouds pg. 16
Goldenfalls and Ebonclouds Pg. 18

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