Page name: Gotei 13 Characters [Exported view] [RSS]
2006-12-21 05:33:11
Last author: Mastermind2302
Owner: Mastermind2302
# of watchers: 2
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Member: [Mastermind2302]
Class: Shinigami
Rank/Standing: First Division Captain, Comander of the Gotai 13-
Name: Shinji Takashi (Revived)
Age: Appears about 27, real age unknown
Soul Slayer: Unknown
Type: Fire
First Release Comand: Unknown
Firs Release Attacks: Unknown
Ban Kai: Unknown, yet to be seen
Special Facts: Youngest high comander in all of soul society history. Little is known about his past though it is assumed he is connected to the viasards or even the royal family of soul society. As he is a really lax person and private, it is just rumors as of now. Not completely trusted by his captains because of his unusual way of handling situations. He has also been know to cause alot of headaches for the other captains because of his secret visits to the human world. After he was nearly killed freeing his son Shiro of his hollow, Shinji Takashi was revived and was set to win the war as soon as possible and finding a way to controle 2 hollows inside of himself.

Second Character
Class: Arancar
Name: Jose Esparda (arancar name: Dead Eye)
Age: 24 (age he was when he died, 80 years as a hollow)
Hollow Form: Black with red striped body. 4 arms, 2 large legs, and a dragon looking mask.
Standing: Numero Uno
Apearance: Like any arancar he looks completely human but has a hole in his neck and parts of his mask around his right eye and along the left side of his jaw.
Special fasts: Stronest of the arancar, has a tattoo on his left calf of the number 1. nothing known as far as his plans but is assumed that he is after the death of shinigami.

Third Character
Class: Vaizard/Shinigami
Rank/Standing: First Division soldier under Miyabi-Taicho
Name: Shiro Takashi
Age: Appears about 20, real age about 100
Soul Slayer: Leviathan (inherited from his father, he had no real soul slayer)
Type: Water/Ice
First Release Comand: Vaporize
Firs Release Attacks: Water lash, Ice spike/thorns, and Rain of Death. Water lash is like water whip. Ice spike is ice sword but can shoot spikes or thorns and and rain of death is the same as dualing dragons but it is alot more offensive where it attacks using water and ice instead of just blocking and making armor.
Ban Kai: Unknown, yet to be seen
Special Facts: Was controled by the hollow in his heart until his father purified the hollow by giving his life to free his son. After his fathers death Shiro was lost and only had Miyabi to look up to who felt hatred towards him for losing the man she love. Shiro has great power and potential but very little confidence. He is lecherous and very shallow. He is rare because he gained Vaizard powers without posessing shinigami powers or a soul slayer.

Fourth Character (and yes im cheating cause I am porting a real Bleach Char! It is my wiki...:-P)
Name: Byakuya Kuchiki
(Read or watch bleach the soul society arch to learn about him or look him up on wikipedia cause i dont want to fill out one of these for him just yet!)

Member: [Lily~]
Class: Half human/Death God
Name: Miyabi Sakuraba
Ranking/standing:Captain of the first division
Age: around 19
Good or Evil: good.
Attacks/Special Powers: She can summon 6 small winged creatures and can fight with amazing skill for her age.
Special Facts: Her grand mother was a Highpriestess and her mother was next in line. Her mother died when she was only 7 years old. Her father is unknown to her. He was never around and her mother never spoke of him. She believes that her father is still alive but how he is alive is unknown to her. she sees these things that others can't see.
second charater

Name: Yuranitsu Tenaka (Yura)
Class: Shinigami
Ranking/Stadning: unknown as of yet
Age: looks to be 20 real age is unknown
Sex: Likes it.. oh.. Male. hee! ^.^
Good/Evil: good
Soulslayer: kikino
Type:Water/wind/earth fire.. basically unknown as of yet.
First release: Unknown yet..
First release attacks: " "
Bankai: unknown
Special facts: He's funny, easily jealous and choosy. He likes teasing, slightly perverted, gets jealous of Khi's male friends, so picky that he needs his uke to look after him. Yura can only sleep on his stomach and hates sweet foods. Yura hates small children but has a soft spot for animals. He has a knack for showing up at the most random points in time. Not a very tidy person either... <.< >.> *steals Khi and kisses him* hee hee hee.

Member: [Equivalent Exchange]
Class: Shinigami
Ranking/Standing: 10th Division Captain
Name: Kehimaru "Khi" Shinsu
Age: Appears as 18, although real age is unknown
Sex: Male
Soul Slayer: Kaze Arashi (Wind Storm)
Type: Wind/Water
First Release Command: Eye of the storm
First Release Attacks: Ice Storm, Piercing Wind (2 offensive) and Spring Wind (defensive)
Ban Kai: Ice Phoenix
Personality: Often overlooked as a serious oppenent, Khi rarely gets a chance to prove himself in battle, because he balances stategy with strength. But there has been times when no matter the better outcome of fleeing, Khi will remain to figh to the death. Quiet, emotionless and sometimes unapproachable by others, he is still looked up to by his subordinates, who are said to be the most loyal of all the Shinigami. Rarely is he seen angry ... but then again, having to search for the first division captain in the human world, countless times, isn't always something that would put a smile on someone's face ... Khi curls around pillows and hates anything spicy. Khi is afraid of spiders, but can act brave and tries to ignore that.

Second Character
Class: Shinigami
Ranking/Standing: 3rd Division Captain
Name: Shiori Kurozaki
Age: Appears around 16. Younger than Khi and Takashi
Sex: Female
Soul Slayer: Kitsune Honoo (Fox Blaze)
Type: Fire
First Release Command: 
First Release Attacks: Fire Shield (defensive)
Ban Kai: Three-tailed Fox
Personality: Calm and commanding one second, out of control the next, this foxy little fire shinigami give the expression 'firey spirit' a whole new meaning! It doesn't matter if its her child-like crush on Takashi or her complete worship of Khi, she will go to extreme lengths to protect them. Whether they like it or not! Shiori, or Shi-chan, as she likes to be called, has grown up with Khi since her birth and in her own way 'adopted' by Takashi, she has an unbreakable bonds with both males, showing this through her stubborness. Although it may seem that she is immature and clingy; when it all comes down to it, Shiori's pure and innocent soul shines through. Yura and Shiori don't get along .... at all. (She doesn't except Khi being paired with him)

Third Character
Class: Shinigami
Ranking/Standing: Member of first division
Name: Takinera "Taki" Miyasawa
Age: 16
Sex: Female
Soul Slayer: Sui Chou
Type: Water
First Release Command: Breathe
First Release Attacks: 
Ban Kai: Small Butterflies
Personality: Flirty and easy to get along with, Taki has been the bane of Shi-chan's existence since their childhood. Taki, a popular shinigami has always gained the attention that Shi-chan has wanted and seems to learn everything at an excelerated speed. Though it may seem that she has no flaws or faults, Taki has had no real friends throughout her life and has such a big 'Shiori' complex, that she is willingly to follow her around and do anything for her attention. She sees Yura as her big brother.

member: [Dark Trance]
[Character deleted because of non-use]

Member: [Red kira]
[Character deleted because of non-use]

The maintenance crew: [The Decieved] and [Lily~]
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2006-07-17 [Equivalent Exchange]: Woah... we can delete characters?! .... the power of Ma-chan is scary...

2006-07-17 [Mastermind2302]: only i am gonna be able o delete them, i find out anyone deleted one without me knowing they will be banned... if i can do that... i think i can

2006-07-17 [Lily~]: lol I was getting a little annoyed at the non-use. Thanks Joey!! *hug* I am relieved! ^-^

2006-07-24 [Equivalent Exchange]: *thinks* I think you can too..... maybe, if I say so *grin*

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