Page name: Gryffindor. [Exported view] [RSS]
2006-09-12 18:15:52
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Hogwarts: New Age
Hogwarts Houses
User: [Rice]
Name: Cyan (Kai-Anne) Ford.
Age: 15.
Gender: Female.
House: Gryffindor.
Year: 4.
Height: 5’4ft.
Weight: 8 stone.
Appearance: (with her brother ‘Vandal’)
Description: Unlike her brother Cyan is more controlled and hardworking, she can however be a little headstrong at times especially around people she considers a threat. She can however be very courageous and brave always standing by her friends and loyal to those who help her. However, she also has a bit of a temper and when fired off she is defiantly a girl not to be messed with.
History: Cyan lives with her brother in London.
Other: Cyan has a pet lizard she calls ‘Monty’ which is always with her.

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