Page name: Gurei [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-12-20 20:53:30
Last author: Atayemi
Owner: Atayemi
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Created by: [Atayemi]

Name: Gurei.
Age: 60 months, or 5 years.
Species: Wolf.
Gender: Male.
Appearance: As a wolf: <img100*0:>
Height: Wolf: 3'8"; Human: 6'4"
Weight: Wolf: 117 pounds; Human: 126 pounds
Humanoid Appearance: <img50*0:> Imagine George Clooney. XD
Weaponry: Teeth, claws, whatever. :P
Personality: Gurei is what you could call a unique character. He seems to have a split personality when around certain others. There are wolves in his pack who he enjoys being around, and some not so much. He can act like a gentleman one day, and then a devious leader the next. He likes to get his way with most things, and usually comes up with the best techniques and plans when fighting. He is the largest wolf of the pack, and he knows how to make himself be heard. This alpha is also a very sarcastic one when it comes to the young wolves who try to stand up for themselves against him when he questions them about things which they have stepped the wrong paw in. But when it comes to young pups, Gurei can't help but turn soft all of a sudden. Good looking females also cause Gurei to go weak at the knees. Females are his weakness, and always have been.
Likes: Pups, taking walks alone in the night, and fighting- playfighting or real, either suits him fine.
Dislikes: Not getting his own way, other wolves treading in his path, and obviously, the Niveus pack.
Love Interest?: Possibly Oki. His feelings for her will eventually develop as the rp progresses.
History: Took over as alpha male in the Orinthos pack after Hern. Has now been the alpha for the past two and a half years. The other wolves in the pack have described him as one of the most confusing alphas since his personality changes from time to time. But they have said that they feel extremely safe when around him due to his large size and fighting technique. Gurei hates his human form, and hasn't changed to it much since he learned how to do so. He would rather roam around in his wolf form for as long as he lives. Gurei's mother died when giving birth to him, and so his father Dalrae brought him up, teaching him the ways of the wolf. Dalrae had been known as the lead hunter years ago, and so Gurei inherited his father's long, slender legs, sharp canines suited for hunting, and quick wit. Dalrae died of old age, and the wolves remember him well, although his son is nowhere near as calm as Dalrae was.

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