Page name: Guy Rubel [Exported view] [RSS]
2013-02-25 00:10:21
Last author: Dwarf Ronin
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User Name: [Dwarf Ronin]

Character name: Guy Rubel

Mutant Name: Age

Classification: Student

Abilities/powers: Able to accelerate time around inorganic matter exponentially faster. Guy's mutation only activates if he is making direct contact with this hand(s) or finger(s) and keeping contact until he has reached his desired affect. Every one second while making contact, time flows five years per second. Any other objects making contact to the object Guy is touching is unaffected, unless he places his other hand on it. Larger objects drain Guy much more than smaller objects.

Guy's mutation can't accelerate the entire wall or building; just only sections of the structure (metals rails, bricks, panels, drywall, etc..)

Weakness: His mutation only works while making contact and keeping contact. Plus, being has agile as he is; he isn't built to take blows.

Sex: Male

Age/Date of Birth: 17 years old; May 16

General appearance:
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 135
Eye Color: Blue with gold ring around the pupil
Hair color: Dirty Blonde
Build: Athletic

Additional Appearance: Has a thin scar running along his right eyebrow and bite scars on his upper forearm. Has a two gauge flesh tunnel with a small hoop with a ice blue bead. Wears specialized gloves that are immune to his ability. His usually outfit consists of yellow collared shirt with black strips running down from shoulder to the waist, dark blue cargo shorts, and blue with yellow strips running shoes with ankle high socks. He wears a bear claw around his neck as a necklance.

Personality: Guy is a carefree kind of guy. He tends to laugh at everything that is funny to him. His confidence is ironclad, nobody can put him down. He only gets upset if someone causes harm or insults his relatives. Guy doesn't really have one belief, he is man of loads of them. He is mainly the neutral zone in any situation. He tends to keep a calm mind when dealing with sticky problems. He doesn't have one dark fear in his life; hurting anyone with this ability.

Special Skills: Very talented Magic the Gathering player. He can spends hours in his room making and testing out his decks. He also enjoy's playing traditional playing cards. Another hobby that consumes his practicing Parkour on pretty much anything he can find. This pretty much keeps him fit and pumped with energy.

Place of birth: Kenai, Alaska

Weapon(s) of choice: Doesn't use any weapons.

Medical information: Had his gall bladder removed due to infection bombarding him. Alcohol will give him worse affects of drunkenness and being hungover. While eating lunch, he must be aware of where his bathroom due to unexpected duties may need to be acquired. Also, his diet is no fried foods what so ever.

Brief History: Guy's home resides in 812 Peninsula Dr, Kenai, Alaska. He was a regular teenager that did teenager stuff. He rode his bicycle with his friends, sneaked into rated R movies, chopped wood for the wood stove for winter. Guy's mutation didn't manifest until he was 14 by accident. He tried on his dad's leather cloths. Suddenly, the leather cracked and began to age rapidly into nothing but dust. Scared out of his mind, Guy screamed at the top of his lungs. His family comforted him and told him they were just old to begin with and not to worry about it. He was left feeling it was just a freak accident and forgot about it. A year had past since that day with the gloves. Guy was hunting with this father and two brothers in Kasliof, Alaska. Moose was roaming around pretty heavy in that area. His brothers were picking on him because he hadn't killed a single animal all trip. A medium sized male was in sight and his father this would be the perfect chance. He handed Guy the rifle and told him to take his time and aim down the sights. The stress got to Guy when he asked to do something he didn't want to. The handle where his hands gripped began to decay right in his hands. His father took the gun and looked at Guy with a shocked look on his face. His brothers and father kept their distance for the rest of the trip, pondered on what happened to the handle. Once Guy got home, he began riding his bike to clear his mind. The moment he gripped the handle bar, they begun to rust and fall apart into nothing in mere seconds. Flashbacks from the leather gloves arose and he begun to tremble. Making sure not to touch anyone or anything, he sought out help to find some answers to his newly developed situation. Xavier located Guy at his home and talked to him and his parents about his school and his parents thought it would be for the best.

Relatives: Mother: Susie, Father: Mark, two Brothers: Joshua and Phil, and Uncle: Reed.

How long your character has been in the mansion: Nearly a week, finally got his stuff all unpacked.

Relation Chart: 1= Loath with fiery vengeance... 10= Bros for life

Lucas Alexander= 5: Had a small chit chat and so far, very easy to talk to.

Anthony Havelock= 4: Seems troubled and kinda not easy to chat with, will work on this.

Adrianne Wagner= 3: Scared when she "BAMF"ed behind me, but hasn't given in the chance to know her yet.

Vladimir Shostakovich= 7: Feels really comfortable around the giant.

Casper= 2: Still don't know much about him.

X-Men Characters

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2012-10-28 [Dwarf Ronin]: Thanks for the invite. I love the picture you created as well.

2012-11-06 [twitchboy]: Hmm Justin would be interested in paying some magic or comp games with Guy, hes a bit of geek as well

2012-11-06 [Dwarf Ronin]: That sounds awesome, I like that idea.

2012-12-26 [Duredhel]: Can't do chibies without knowing what the char is wearing :O

2012-12-26 [Dwarf Ronin]: OH,I'll put together an outfit.

2013-02-12 [XxTsomexX]: I think Endelyn and Guy should talk :) I think they could be good friends and he would be able to teach her magic. Of course she would think actual magic and get all excited, then realise it is a card game, and then still be excited.

2013-02-12 [Dwarf Ronin]: Sure thing, let me direct him towards the house and see how things roll from there.

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