Page name: HBRP: Chapter 1 [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-11-26 21:13:23
Last author: Kiristo
Owner: Kiristo
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There is a dimension that is detached from the real world. This seperate world is called Karsh where creatures of all sorts live. This world seems peaceful enough to some, but in the dark corners of Karsh lies evil that threatens to dominate the world of Karsh and throw it's peaceful way of life into darkness and chaos. This evil calls itself Oranos, and under Oranos' new leadership with a monarch named Carthos, Oranos has begun to surface.

  Kiristo sat high on a treelimb, watching over the happy little elven village of Thantos. Thantos is an elf-halfling tree village hidden deep in the Enchanted Forest. All kinds of elf-halflings inhabit this village from sage elves, theif elves, regular elves, and more. Kiristo smiled as she saw her sister walk out from their small cabin. "Lilly!!" Kiristo called to her and jumped down from her perch. Lilly turned to Kiristo, "Good morning, little sister." Lilly said with a smile.

Lor-lor looks around wondering what would happen today to her

Kiristo smiled to her sister, "Good morning, Lilly. Going to plant some things?" she looked at the potted plant that Lilly was holding. "Yeah." Lilly answered.

Lor-lor wanders through what seems to be a forest but she seems to be lost.

Taro is sitting down on a tree and looking around and thinking about something.

Konobi watched carefull from the bushes, observing the one named Lily. He kept his tail curled around his leg, and his ears laid back to keep out of sight.

Lilly looked around, then focused her attention on the bushes and smiled nice and pretty. She turned back to her sister, "I'm going to the Water Garden to plant this." Lilly said. "Ok. Tonight I think I'm going out again." Kiristo said. Lilly frowned, "How can you possibly like going out there? It's....It's....well it's not home..." "Well one of us has to find someway for our village to get through. You know if we don't have any offers for the trading festival this year we're not going to get any good blinkets for the winter or anything liike that...and I need a new sword!" Kiristo said. Lilly giggled, "Alright...just make it quick and don't get caught." then Lilly walked off into the woods. Kiristo smiled toward her and continued further into the village.

*lor-lor wanders around lost and she wonders where that inn was*

"Hmmm...I'll just sit down" Taro took out all his weapons he had about 6 sowrds "Man this stinks...."

*lor-lor screams all of a sudden then rants and raves about how she can not find that stupid in then she mutters* "Why did I ever make that appointment!?"

Taro heard a scream and he went running and see was what all the screaming about, but he had to get his things first, then he went and saw somebody "Hey why are you screaming?" he said.

*lor-lor jumps and turns to look at Taro and says* "Sorry I am just late for a meeting, and the person would probaly be gone by know. I can not find the stupid inn in the trees and I am tiered, angry, and lost. Ohh an my name is lor-lor. Whats your's?"

"Well that fiqures, My name is Taro, so why do you need to go to a inn?" Taro ask to lor-lor.

"What do you mean 'well that figures'? Nice to meet you Taro. Also I need to find that inn to see if they might by chance still be there or left a message/clue for me." lor-lor said.

"Nevermind about that, and why are you here? Because of the know you could come to my place if you want..." Taro told her.

"If you are sure. I di=o not wish to impose." lor-lor said.

"I dont mind, umm you have a family anyways?" Taro said.

*lor-lor looks a way a moment then look at Taro and says* "My family died awhile ago. I had been away training and the reason I came here was to find my next master."

"Okay well I have to go anyways, farwell" Taro was walking away and heading to the waterfall.

"Goodbye maybe we will meet again." *lor-lor looks around seeing her new master left her to catch up or to be punished when he found her, she shudders at the punishment of a demart because they are hard to earn* *she walks around looking for him*

Kiristo began to make her way out of the village, greeting the town elves as she passed them by. "Ah! Goin' out fer 'nother highst, are ye!?" The fish monger said to Kiristo as he leaned over the table to his fish stand. "Yup!" Kirsito grinned to him. "Ah. You'd best be careful then, lassy!" The fish monger said. "Don't worry. NO ONE has been able to catch me yet! Or keep me locked up long for that matter!" Kiristo laughed. Then she left the village and began out of the forest.

Taro was at the waterfall and now he is pratcing his water moves "ltes see of Yeah" "AguaShield!" Then a huge pack of water was procting Taro "Wow,that awsome!" he said.

Kirsto wandered through the forest untill she found her way out, "Ah! Here we go!" she was now standing on a cliff, looking down upon an open plain. She sighed, "Better get going before nightfall..." Then stuck two fingures in her mouth and whistled. After a minuet a dragon, flew up from beneith the cliff and landed next to Kirsto. "Ok, Sage, we need to go to Daryum. Gotta few things I need to get tonight." She winked. The dragon happaliy gruntted and Kirsto mounted him. Then sage took off into the skys.

*Lor-lor gives up finding her new master and heads back to the waterfall she started out at*

As Sage flew through the skys to thier destination, Kiristo looked over the horizon. She sighed, "Hurry up, Sage! Nightfall is comming."

So Taro wanted to learn something new but fisrt he took a swim for a while, "This is so cool...but I'll relax and think or something"

Kirsto was so egar to reach Daryum. She thought of what she should get. Then she discided to steal Coppelia's Necklace. That wouldget her village some money for a while.

Taro "GOT it!, so i better head off..." So Taro went walking for severl of minutes...

As twighlight approched, Kirsto finally saw a small town sitting upon the horizon. "AH! THERE! There it is! There's Daryum! Hurry up, Sage, night aproches!" The dragon let out a small, happy squeel has flew faster.

Rio looked around amoungst the comotion "what strange people" he said to himself

Taro was to tired that he wanted to sleep so he did on the groung but he brought food so he fisrt began to eat'Yumm..'.

Rio looked around pulling out some cards "bound to be a few of them around here" he said to himself

As night fell, Kiristo and Sage reached the city, Daryum. "MADE IT!!" Kiristo shouted joyfully over the noise of the high winds. Sage let out a happy roar and began a downward spiral to the top of the clock tower.

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2005-10-20 [Konobi]: I pretty-ed the page up, if you don't mind. ^^;

2005-10-20 [Eloura]: kewl.

2005-10-20 [Kiristo]: ok^^'

2005-10-20 [Eloura]: ok

2005-11-08 [Kiristo]: I fixed everything up a little so it's better understood.

2005-11-08 [Eloura]: ok

2005-11-08 [Kiristo]: Ok, some new things, bold the first word of your sentances. No need to put the name of ur char there. And make sure to put actions either with or without the *, and all things being said need to be put in ". Anything thought is itallisized and put it either ' or ".

2005-11-08 [Eloura]: ok

2005-11-08 [Raikyu.]: Got it okay its somebody else to rp

2005-11-08 [Eloura]: ok

2005-11-08 [Kiristo]: I'm going as fast as I can^^'

2005-11-09 [Eloura]: ok.

2005-11-26 [Kiristo]: SOMEONE RP!

2005-11-26 [Raikyu.]: ok

2005-11-26 [Kiristo]: Shadow boy, you don't bold ur chars name at the begining of the sentance. You bold the first word.

2005-11-26 [Raikyu.]: oh

2006-03-14 [Eloura]: .... Me lost *returns to shawdows to relax*

2006-03-14 [Kiristo]: .....

2006-03-15 [Eloura]: What?

2006-03-15 [Kiristo]: nothin

2006-03-16 [Eloura]: ok.

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