Page name: Haval O'Gyfan [Exported view] [RSS]
2010-09-28 00:37:23
Last author: Mrs Vicious.
Owner: Mrs Vicious.
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Username:[Mrs Vicious.]

Character name: Haval O'Gyfan

Allegiance: New Varse

Race: Dwarf

Age: 152

Gender: Female.


Appearance: About 4'8", Haval has long auburn hair, often warn in braids, Thin for a dwarf and still young among her family, her ample curvature showing her cross over into adulthood and balancing her features out, her fringe (bangs) covering her Gray eyes ever so often but setting off her freckles nicely. having a slightly chubby face and a bit of padding to her. A tendency to ware tunics and tight pants to allow for quick movements, dressing in shades of green and brown usually. Her ears pierced in several places and a nose ring, all in silver, the only real jewellery is a necklace which doubles as a magical amulet to deflect arrows at certain speeds and distances and help deflect swords to an extent.

Weapons: An axe and multiple daggers hidden amongst her person.

Armor: Defective magical shields from her amulet and light body armour.

Abilities: Has the rare occasional ability to move rocks and things with her mind but only if they're no bigger than her, like her forefathers she can craft magical weapons and shields into jewellery.

Personality: Stubborn as an old boot with an interesting sence of humour. Haval tends to have bad mood swings and distrusts a lot of people, though often willing to forgive and forget for minor disagreements, she is kind very rarely and then suddenly cruel if need be. Often not liking to get too close to people.

History: Haval comes from a long line of mountain dwellers, she has six brothers and has a baby sister, the O'Gyfan family have been crafters and jewellers for what seems like forever, enjoying travelling but finding it difficult with the war going on.

Other: Haval is absolutely terrified of storms and lightening, oh and bees.

New Varse

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2010-09-28 [Talos Cyrion]: Go ahead an put her up :) Just change the alliance to New Varse. Other than that she's great!

2010-09-28 [Mrs Vicious.]: cool beans.

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