Page name: Hellsing: Amen (Order 4) [Exported view] [RSS]
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Hellsing: Amen

by Notan Rappa

Chapter 4: Walter Missing
      Integra was lighting up a cigar when Alucard popped into the room.
      “You called me, master?”
      “Yes, Alucard. I want to tell you that the search is off. Walter is at London Hospital.”
      “Yes, I know. I heard the news and went to visit him.”
      A silent pause. “And...”
      “He isn’t there, and I suspect that he did not leave willingly.”
      “There was a faint...smell...of is hard to explain to a human. There were hardly any signs of a struggle. Walter was obviously still recovering from surgery.”
      “I see...”
      “Oh, and also, if you wish to protect that precious little army of yours, you would do well to order more blood packets.”
      “That night when I fought with Incognito, Seras drank my blood and became a true vampire. I went back to the mansion after meeting with you, and found Seras attempting to drink the blood of one of your men.”
      “Hmph.” Integra snorted. “Am I going to have to put controls on her as well? And when will her dark powers manifest themselves?”
      “I wouldn’t know. It develops differently for different vampires. And as for controlling Seras, I must say I do not like the idea.”
      “She’s like a daughter to you, isn’t she? A daughter who has finally broken free of her servitude towards you, and you can’t stand to have her chained as you are.” Integra smiled. “Is that it?”
      “Your idea of me being chained is utterly incorrect.”
      “What do you mean?”
      “I have never been chained by this control art. My powers are such that I could break it almost effortlessly at any time I wanted.”
      “Then why don’t you?”
      Alucard smiled. “Because it’s so much more fun this way!”                           
Later, while Seras is asleep...

      Darkness for a beach, and blood as the sea, washed over the dark beach until all that was left was a blood red ocean.
      Seras! Seras heard a voice calling to her. Seras!
      Alucard! Is that you?
      Seras, your intuition is sharpening every day, but your defenses are weak. The mind, Seras, is weakest while one is asleep. The moment you felt my presence you should have woken up. Your mind is strongest while you are alert. Remember that!
      Yes, Alucard. Seras hesitated. Alucard...
      Alucard was gone, the ocean of blood dried up, and the darkness took over once again.
~~End Chapter 4~~

Hellsing: Amen (Order 3)
Hellsing: Amen
Hellsing: Amen (Order 5)

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