Page name: Her Darkness - Take Two [Exported view] [RSS]
2009-03-11 18:39:57
Last author: Cillamoon
Owner: Cillamoon
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2009-03-11 [Skydancer]: Some came out clear as crystal, very good indeed. The two of you standing in front of the dresser are out of focus because the camera focused on the mirror frame. You need to put something, a standing lamp, a tall chair, some object, for it to focus on where you will standing that you can then move before it takes. In these cameras the focus happens when you press the shutter, so when you activate the self timer, is when its going to lock on something. I don't think yours has a manual focus, have to look, but I don't think so.

2009-03-11 [Cillamoon]: Okay, now I can address your comments. Sorry, I wanted to finish uploading everything first. ^_^
Well, the fact is that I had put the camera in front of the mirror, but not facing the mirror, it was facing me. I do get how the focus works though as you said, it focuses from the second you pull the trigger, even on a timer. So I will really need to come up with some sort of way to push the trigger without me doing it personally. And you are right, there is no manual focus, it's automatic. But the fuzzy ones, I still like them. It gives a abstract touch to it.

2009-03-11 [Skydancer]: nods, perfectly ok. The trick I use though with the self timer, is like I said, to put something such as a lamp or chair, where I will be when the photo is taken, so that the camera can focus on that. :) Works pretty well really if you have something contrasty for it to lock on to.

2009-03-11 [Skydancer]: oh, and I was talking about the mirror frame in the back ground, not the dresser you had the camera setting on. :) The camera looks for the most contrasted item in the scene to use for a focus but still toward the center of the scene generally speaking. Its the way the software is programed.

2009-03-11 [Cillamoon]: Ohhhh...I understand now about the mirror, thank you for clarifying. :)

2009-03-11 [Skydancer]: Clear communications, especially over the net is key. :)

2009-03-11 [Cillamoon]: lol, yes I agree. :)

2009-03-11 [Cillamoon]: After reflecting, I would like to thank my parents at this point for such great genes!!! :)

2009-03-11 [Skydancer]: ah yes, Blue Blood Jeans, best in the world :)

2009-03-11 [Cillamoon]: I wish! Honestly I think I get my father's mothers' genes, she and I look A LOT alike!!! And if you saw pictures of my parents, I don't think it would be easy to put the two together to get always confuses me how it works out.

2009-03-13 [DREAM of BLUE]: good work..:)

2009-03-13 [Cillamoon]: Thanks!

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