Page name: Heros of legend RPG [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-10-12 15:39:13
Last author: Nuoki
Owner: lenardo
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Heroes of Legend

Current Setting: Japan

*Walking along a narrow path in a small forest, Vash spots a hut just ahead in a small clearing.* "Oh, wow! Finally, I can get some rest," *He exclaimed and picked up his pace to barge inside this hut uninvited, unaware if it belonged to anyone or not.*

*Inside of the hut Hiei spots someone comming in and places his hand on his sword ready to attack*

*Vash burst inside, his usual large grin on his face.* "Hello!! Anyone here?" *That's when he noticed Hiei, looking almost ready to attack.* "Woah, hey there."

*Goku was (just happening) to be walking along the same path on the forest.He was with Raven and Gohan* 

*Heard from a bush along the path this will be interesting.* *Leave them be to their fight....*

*Meanwhile Dib was walking down the same path* "I know I saw...something...paranormal walking down here! Gotta find it!" he said outloud; and to nobody.

Hiei:Who are all you people!? Try anything funny and I'll be forced to use force.

Naraku: can't do anything to me.....he says from the bush...*

"AH HA! I KNEW IT!" Dib's cry rong through the forest as a cat-like tiny girl fell from the tree tops.
"Knew what?" Pudding (the cat-like girl) asked.

*Raven heard the cry from the forest.She looked up.So did Goku and Gohan*

*Baraka appears....he lets out a demonic howl.... Naraku: Stand down Baraka...We don't to beat these cowards....

"Calm down, little buddy," *Vash said to Hiei when he began shouting his threat. He didn't even realize Hiei was much older than he really looked.*

"I know that voice!" *Zim shouted out to himself, after hearing Dib's shout. Knowing he had been too loud, he jumped into a bush, peering around suspiciously.* 

"ZIM!" Dib called. "Show yourself!
"Who's Zim?" Pudding asked, mostly to herself.

*Naraku: Younger Toguro appear.....flush them out Naraku says......*

"I think he's on to me," Zim muttered to himself, still unwilling to move from the shielding shurbbery. He cleared his throat deeply. "Ahhheeem.. This is not Zim, stupid little boy. Just mind your own business!" He made a pathetic attempt at making his voice deeper while staying hidden.

Younger Toguro: Swings arm and destroys all the shrubery....

Dib stared at nothing with annoyance. "OK, I don't think that could have gotten any less pathetic."
"I've gotta agree," Pudding said.
"C'mon Zim. Don't you want to study this cat girl...thing?" Dib asked picking up Pudding. She kicked the air around her.

"Cat girl?! Hmm.." Zim mused to himself. "This must be some sort of sick attempt to lure me out.. YES!" He peeked a pair of large binoculars out from the bush. "Surrender the animal child to me at once!"

*Sesshomaru hears the screaming and runs into the forest looking for who keeps screaming*

*Raven and Gohan landed nexed to Vash,Then Goku landed right behind them.*

"That's right Zim, a cat girl!" DIb said. Pudding kicked some more and finally said "Pudding Ring Inferno!" throwing Dib off her. She giggled.

"Hm.. I must obtain this Ring of Inferno Pudding," Zim said, observing the scene through his binoculars. "Its secrets will be mine and I shall become ALL POWERFUL!"

*Vash jumped in surprise from the sudden landing of the people around himself. He spun around to face them all.* ".. Did you guys just come from the sky?" *he asked meekly, pointing upward.*

"No!" Pudding said, laughing. "It's Pudding Ring Inferno!" As she said this, she blew away the bush Zim was in.

Goku:*looked to Vash* yah ^^ we can fly!
Raven:...*looked at Vash abit odd*

*Vash just stared blankly at the three for a moment.* "That's... so.. COOL!" *he said, grinning widely.*

Zim sat for a few moments longer not knowing his hiding place was even gone. That is until he actually looked around. "AHH!" he yelled, jumping to his feet. "What are these tricks?!"

Raven:*heard the scream by Zim.Her eyes widdened and she picked up Zim with her powers*

"Hey! What about me?!" Dib yelled, standing up and brushing off his trench coat. "WHOA! AWESOME POWERS!" He ran to Raven and began to poke her. "Hmm...half demon, right?"

Raven:? what? <<; *puts Zim down to Dib* how do you know!?

Dib laughed for an extended time, then said, "Well, it's obvious. The name's Dib. I'm a paranormal investiagator. Aliens are usually my specialty, but I do demons too. Met a few in the past. People don't believe me. But you will right?! Well, of course you will! You're a demon! Mad that's cool!..." he babbled until Raven glared, then stopped.

*Sesshomaru made his way to the hut*

"And I'm....PUDDING!" Pudding said, comming out of the trees, but looked like a human again.
"Pudding?" Dib questioned.

Zim suddenly appeared behind Pudding, lunging toward her intending a tackle. "It's the power of the pudding inferno!" he shouted.

Pudding laughed. "You can't take my Pudding Inferno! It's made for me!"

Zoidberg:Wowowowowo, Puddin I love puddin I will eat you.

Zim stared at Zoidberg with a relatively blank expression for several long moments. "GIANT CRUSTACEAN!" he called, pointing at him. "What is the label by which they call you?" Of course, by this, he meant his name.

Raven:*saw shessomoru and looked suspicious and followed him*

"ANOTHER ALIEN!" Dib yelled towards Zoidberg. "What plans do you have?!"

Zoidberg:I am Zoidberg, I have came to eat and live on the Earth.

Zim calmly approached Zoidberg, pushing right past Dib. He beckoned for him to lean down as if he were going to whisper something to him. Instead, he sent a hand to smack Zoidberg across the face. "Eating is for the weak of soul!" he said. "You should instead steer your plans from food to world destruction. Start by destroying him." Zim pointed at Dib.

Zoidberg: Green man you look like food. *Opens his mouth and trys to suck in Zim*

"What?! What are you doing you insolent, slobber-coated sea-creature?!" he said, pushing Zoidberg's head away with both his hands and feet. He fell on the ground. "I told you to destroy HIM!" He again pointed at Dib. "Not eat my glorious self."

Zoidberg: Why destroy him when I can eat you?

"Useless! You're useless, I say!" Zim said.

Zoidberg: I will eat you.

Sephiroth: And I'll eat you.

*There was a rustle in the bushes and a blonde girl stepped forth. She wore a black shirt with a yellow T on it, and goggles hung around her neck.*
Terra: "Hey, what'd I miss, guys? Where's Beast Boy? Hey! BeastBoy, is that you? You're short... And bald!" she poked Zim in the head. 

Dib snickered at Zim's annoyed facial expression.


Raven:*came back* uhh....thats not beastboy

Zim glared a moment before slapping Terra's hand away. "I am no boy of beasts!" he yelled, raising a fist in the air. "I am ZIM!"

Raven:...yah sure why not

Terra "Ewww.... What's a 'zim'? Is that some kinda mutant bug?" Terra giggled, looking aorund for BeastBoy.

"Bug?!" Zim placed a hand on his face and sighed in annoyance. "Insolent fool girl," he mumbled.

"Look, I've been in a rock for..... a loong time, so it's not like I'm up to date or anything. Now, who is this?" She smiled at Goku.

"That's right, Zim's a bug," Dib said and laughed for a very long time.

Goku:*smiled back* good point

"Well, anyway.... I only know... Raven and BB, and I wanna talk to him. Where is he?" Terra put her hands in her pockets and smiled at Goku, by keeping her eyes avertd.

"Yoooouu rang?" a squeaky voice called.


Goku:hi BeastBoy!!


Terra: "BEASTBOY!" Terra yelled. "MMMM!!" she mumbled as she hugged him. "I missed you!"

Beast Boy stared blankly. "Huh...Terra?!"
"Who's that?" Pudding asked.

Terra: "I'm his girl.... I mean best friend." Terra looked at Pudding. 'She's cute....Like a little baby...' Terra thought

"That's right! Best Friends!!!" Beast Boy said and smiled.
"You're human..."Dib said, examining Terra.

Terra: "Yeah, why, big head? You only like non-humans? We should introduce him to Starfire.... Then again, Robin might get jealous..." Terra giggled. "But you and Robin... do look a little similar. But his head is smaller." she shrugged her shoulders, grabbing Beast Boy's arm.

"MY HEAD'S NOT BIG!" Dib yelled. "And no! I like to know that someone here isn't some form of a paranormal being!"

Naraku: *Paranormal.... an insult....this is not worth my time*....*A cloud of miasma engulfed the area* * Come on Baraka, Toguro lets go...* * Baraka and tagoro go into the miasma * 

Legato: *Having been watching for a short ways, he secretly followed into the Miasma behind Naraku and Baraka.* 

"HA!" Zim laughed, poiting at Dib. "You do so have an abnormally large head. I knew I wasn't the only one who noticed." Of course, his head was just as large, he wasn't going to point that out.

"Well, lil' greed dude... You're not exactly a pin head either... But anyway, what are we all doin here?"

"Hey! What's wrong with green?!" Beast Boy asked, but in a kinda way.
"I'm not exactly sure," Dib said.

Terra: "Nothing, BeastBoy! I was just maing sure he knew I was talking to him. I love green!" She gazed at him, squeezing his arm.

"Hey, Terra..." Beast Boy began to say, and pointed to his arm, "that kinda hurts."

"I bet this will too!" she gave him a noogie.

"...yeah..." Beast Boy said in pain.

Zoidberg:Green, green reminds me of food.

"Yeah, like veggies!" Beast Boy said and began to drool.

Zoidberg: And like Zim.

Terra: "So.... a Zim is a vegtable? What's it taste like?" she slightly sniffed Zim, hoping a scent would emmit.

Dib laughed hysterically again, getting looks from the others. "Zim's a vegetable!" he cried.

Oddly, Zim smelt like raw beef.. He looked over to Dib bluntly before giving a quick and obviously fake laugh. "Dib's stupid!"

Zoidberg: Raw beef my favorite. Yum.......

Terra: All this talk of food is making me realize how hungry I am!

"You're stupid, Zim!" Dib yelled back, in despration.

Raven:*sat down leaning on a tree*

Goku:wow this is intresting :D

Hercule: It is I the great one,the world champ, Hercule!!!

Raven:-_- no your not

"W-who?" Pudding asked, pokeing Hercule. "Another para-person?" Dib asked.

Hercule: If I'm not the champ then why do I have the belt?

Raven:-_- ok "mr. champ" lets fight right now...

Hercule: I, I can't there's no TV or ring to fight in.

Raven:that shouldent matter to a "CHAMP"

Hercule: It matters to me cause the public needs to see my matches.

Raven:T_T *points to the many ppl around them*

*mean while a female dog-hanyou (half dog-demon) Lay on the grass under a tree, she sighed deeply with bore. She sat up some, her golden eyes searched the area, she smelt someone... someone she knew perhaps, out of no-where, she is glomped by a boy with blond hair and a big grin on his face* Hey-a Yudan! ^^ *he smiles*
Yudan: *rolled eyes and pushed him away* -_- Joey...
Joey: 0o Grouchy... you need a dog bone?! ^^ *he teased*
Yudan: *cracked her knuckles* Joey... *anime stress mark*
Joey: ^_^; ok maybe later! *he chuckled*

"C'mon...Hur-Hur...whatever!" Pudding said, jumping up and down. "I'll be your audience (sp?)...or your opponent!"

Hercule: Ok, we have the people where's the ring to fight in?

Terra: Here ya go, dude. *Her hands and eyes light up yellow, and the ground beneath Hercule's feet rises. The rock is one big circle* Just dont go falling off the edge, or you lose.

"And I thought you were normal," Dib said to Terra and frowned. "ARE THERE ANY NORMAL HUMANS HERE?!"

Hercule: I'm normal.

Terra frowned. "At least I'm human, so is BeastBoy... And Raven is wel.... Half human or something! And look who's talking 'normal', watermelon head!"

"I do not have a watermelon head!" Dib yelled, and put his hands on his head, as if he were measuring it. Then he looked to Hercule. "Well are you human?" he asked.

Hercule: Yes, I am human little dude.

Yudan: *could hear Hurcules voice and got annoyed*
Joey: 0o *sat next to her and watched her*
Yudan: 0o? What?
Joey: ^^ Nothing... 'I wish Yugi were here...' *he thought* 0.0

"L-little?!" Dib cried, then pointed to Pudding "She's little!"

Hercule: That may be true but you are human.

Raven:...*punches Hercule*

*Hercules falls to the ground and a big bump appears on his face* OW why did you hit me?

Raven:werent we gonna spar?

Gohan:X_X well it looks like you won

Hercule: I wasn't ready! *gets back up* GO! *runs at Raven head first*

Raven:T_T *lifts out her fist*

Hercule: *runs into her fist*


Hercule: Never better. *gets back up amd charges again*

Raven:*sighs and leans out of the way and lifts out her leg*

Hercule: *trips and falls down*

Raven:ok now that THATS settled

" got a girl!" Beast Boy laughed, and then stopped after Raven's glare.

Goku:X_X u ok again Hercule??

Terra laughed and clapped for Raven.

Joey: *was arguing with Yudan*
Yudan: *turning red getting so pissed off* SHUT UP! *her voice rang through the trees as the birds left the bushes it all went quiet*
Joey: 00 Woh.

Raven:*felw over to them*....(who are they..?)

Joey: *looks at Raven* ^^ HI I'M JOEY! *he grins*
Yudan: -_- baka.... *looks at Raven* 'She is also a half demon...' *she thought*

"Are you human?" Dib asked them both.

Raven:*looks at Joey* no hes just a weak normal human...

"A human without freaky paranormal powers?"

Raven: T_T *looks at Joey*

Joey: 0o... I'm not normal... >> I can... um... remember all the pizza rias's # by heart! ^^
Yudan: -_- 'I'm not human...' *she thought and looked at Dib a bit oddly* What are you...

"I'm human freaky dog thing!" Dib yelled. "What are you?."

Raven:...*sits down under tree*

Yudan: *looks at him* I'm Yudan... I'm a dog demon...
Joey: ^^ a Half dog demon!
Yudan: *punched him*
Joey: X_X *slunk to the ground holding side* OWW!

Raven:*rolled her eyes*

"Demon...why're there so many demons...and cat things...and aliens here?"

Raven:...not really

"Yes there are, creepy girl!" Dib yelled at Raven.

"Gawd!" Terra sighed.

Raven:T_T *threw did back with powers*

"See? See what I mean?!" Dib yelled standing up and straigtening his trench coat.

Terra pushed Dib again. "Stop it, big-head. You are such a.... well, you pick on anyone that isnt like you!" Her eyes were yellow.

"I'm not picking on anyone! AND MY HEAD'S NOT BIG!!!" Dib yelled back.

Suddenly a swarm of pebbles attacked Dib. "If your head isnt that big, why is it such an easy target?" Terra stood up, towering over Dib.

"OK, rock girl...take this," Dib said and hurled one of the falled pebble as Terra, missing by a mile.
"That...was terrible," Beast Boy laughed.

Zim was on the ground, rolling with laughter in which he had to hold his sides. "Stupid Dib child," he said.

"Shut up, Zim," Dib said, as if he were offended (although he wasn't). "Wait till she throws rocks at your hideous alien head!"

"Don't kid yourself, Dib," Zim said, waving a hand at him as if to brush him away. "My head is perfect."

"There's nothing perfect about you," Dib said with anger.

"You know, I think you're right for once," Zim said, sounding as if in total agreement and crossing his arms before saying in a smooth tone. "I'm better than perfect."

Dib sighed, realizing he'd never get through to Zim.

Yudan sighed deeply and turned to walk away, when Joey grabbed her leg and said, "DON'T LEAVE ME!! ;_;" Yudan raised an eyebrowl and rooled her eyes, "Fine..." She leans agains a tree.

Raven:*sighed board*

Kazacoon: maby i can liven things up for you....*anialating first bullet*

Yudans ears twitched at the sound and glared at Kazacoon, "Was that nessasary?"

Gir:*blows rasberries* WHEE OOO!!

It was more than nessasary I am kazacoon the shell bullet, alter user for hire I have been hired by Niraku I am to destroy everyone.

Yudan growled jumpeing to her feet and cracked her knuckles* I will not allow you! *she growled*

Just try it.....*inialating second bullet* this shall finish you..

*Yudan grins evily* heh I know Naraku... always hiding behind his servents... just like you! *she readied to attack*

A rattle from the bushes says *he is not alone kazu has power to controll*

Kazacoon: YOu have dodged my first 2 bullets bu this time I shall not miss....*Inialating final bullet* *kazacoon speeds toward yudan arm ablaze*

Yudan: *eyes widened and gasped in pain, she grabbed her arm* Damn you!
Joey: *ran to her side* Yudan! Are you OK!?

Raven:*jumped infront of them and put a force feild up*

Goku:*turned super sayin*

Gohan:*also turned super sayin*

Yudan: *looked at her shoulder*
Joey: Damn that looks like it hurts...
Joey: 00

Raven:T_T *heals it*

Yudan: *looked at Kazacoon angered* Thanks Raven... YOU have some NERVE!
Joey: 0o... He said he worked with Naraku...
Yudan: *growls* Damn him...

Wolfy and Richard were walking on the sidewalk. "I know who did it!!! It was you!" said Richard pointing at Wolfy. -_-' "your a idiot...." She hit him in the head and kept walking. Richard wondered what just happened and ran up to her. "That hurt...." "ya so does my head but I don't complain...." They kept walking and finally stopped at Richard's house and fell asleep on the couch.

Kazacoon: Do you think I am afraid of a group of blond idiots a spell caster and a 3rd rate deulist? * pulls gun out and throws it into the air.....* *The light it is raideating* *arm transforms*

Wolfy got off the couch and ran outside and ran from the house. She ran and then saw Kazacoon. She walked over to Kazacoon and pokes Kaz i the head. "who are you?" O_o

kazacoon: Who am I.....I am kazacoon the shell bullet....who or what are you???

*two figures step out of the bushes.....* stang and baltro....Kneed any help kazu?

kazacoon: not really these wimps are going to be easy.....but i might need some help...maby

Stang: ok you got it *ZEBERU* *Baltro transforms into a giant robotic demon hound*  Stang: were ready.

kazacoon:lets get busy.  Inialating first bullit...

Stang&baltro: *Baltro fires missles*....

Yudan: *growls, her eyes turn white as giant angel wings arise from her back, she places her hands infront of her and creates a large barrier* With the power of the gods at my side I will not allow you to kill anyone! *her body inflamed with white as she diflected the mistles back at them*

Terra and beast Boy stood in confusion, now accompanied by a blue man in a funny hat. "What's going on?" the blue man said. "MUMBO!" Terra jumped.

Raven:*quickly grabbed Mumbo with powers*

Mumbo: "MUMBO, JUMBO!" Raven's hair began to part, and from her head, two rabbit ears began to sprout. Mumbo smiled

Watching from the trees.....Niraku Baraka and Tagoro stared at the the battle going on....Niraku: Kazacoon Stang lets go they will kill themselves soon enough....Soon I will sumon Zeno.....He shall be here to do my bidding....

Kazacoon, Stang, Baltro, Niraku, & Baraka dissapeared into a cloud of miasma (a poision cloud of acid)... The cloud goes across the heavens. They were then gone...

Kenshin: I wonder what that is going across the sky??? Well I Have a fealling I will find out soon enough, indeed I do....

Raven:>.< *throws Mumbo into a bulding*

Kenshin: Hm...can't they solve their problems without voilence.....

Sanosuke was standing just behind Kenshin, watching the rest of them fight with his arms crossed. "Now, now, Kenshin," he said. "What fun would it be without a good bit of violence?"

Kenshin: True but this is so pointless.... Sometimes I think the side of good is truley wrong....Sometimes...well never mind it isn't important....

Sano poked Kenshin in the side of the head. "And sometimes you think way too much," he said. "Maybe they're just fighting to get a point across. To prove who's better, ya' know."

Kenshin:Indeed, True they are trying to prove who is best but still.....they only fight among each other they only know which one out of the small group is the best...Indeed they do....

"Who cares if it's out of a small group of a big group," Sano said, with a shrug. "The point is for us, is that it's great entertainment." He grinned widely.

Kenshin: Ok....lets just watch the carnage....

General Roy Mustang: *Walks in* What is going on here....I like this...I think I will stay for a while....

*A young boy was walking down the path.He had brown spiky hair and blue eyes.His hands were behind his head.*

Kensin: *readies his sword* Who is that?

Mustang: *pulls right hand out of his pocket* *readys to snap his fingure* I don't know But we will find out.....

Kensin: Who are you?

Mumbo swung his wand, and all of the people, and those who werent people, turned into animals. Raven was a bird, Terra was a golden retrevier, Zim was a bug, and Dib was a monkey. Beast Boy was a lamp. 

Mustang: Now that is sad.....*snaps fingure* *an explosion engulfes Mumbo* 

Kensin: *puzzled look* Well.....I guess that was effective.....

Mustang: Well....someone had to stop that noncense......

Mumbo: "Now that was rude!" Mumbo appeared behind Mustang, with a large, smug smile on his face.

Beast Boy turned into a phone and began to ring. Dib picked it up with his tail.
"I'm a lamp again!" Beast Boy yelled as Dib dropped the phone.
"And I'm a monkey!!" Dib yelled back at him.

"I'm a dog! Howd'a think that feels?! At least you can pick things up, monkey!" Terra barked.

"Atleast you can move!!" Beast Boy's voice yelled back. Dib hung up the phone.

Terra laughed and picked up the phone in her mouth, bringing it towards Raven.

"I'd rather be carried by a monkey tail," Beast Boy said.


Sora:*he heard people talking.He stoped and turned around.He heard someone ask 'who are you' but didnt know if they were talking to him.

"What do you mean phone?!" Beast Boy cried.

Raven:your a P.H.O.N.E

Mustang: *turns around slowley....* *grins*

Kensin: *turns and stabs Mumbo*

Mustang: why did you do that?

Kensin: I don't want to become an animal and he is just odd...Indeed he is....

Mumbo: "Well well well well well....! You're all a buch of rude people!" Mumbo come out from behind a tree and pulls the sword/ dagger from an inflatable Mumbo doll that had taken his place just before the attack.

"Can you just stab people like that?" Pudding asked.

Kensin: *Grabbs his sword from mumbos hands*.... 

Mustang: Pudding is right Kenn you shouldn't hurt a second rate trickster like that....

Kensin: I knew it wouldn't hurt him.....He is alwayse running from danger....

Sora:*saw what was going on and hit Mumbo hard on the back of his head with a keyblade*

Kensin: *smiles and laughs*

Mustang: That was um....random....

But Mumbo had dissappeared. His annoying voice rang through the tree. "I'll get you, my pretties! And your little dog, too!" *all eyes averted to Terra, who then changed back to normal, as did the others.*

"," mumbled Dib.

"Watermelon, monkey crossbreed!" Terra kicked Dib, and he fell over.

Raven:>.< finnaly

Sora:*smiled abit.though he had no idea where he was*

"Watermelon? WHAT?!"

"You heard me!" Terra was digging into Beast Boy's arm for restraint


Terra: "He started it!" Terra's eyes were yellow

Raven:well im going to finish it!!

Sora:*didnt like all the yelling*

Yudan: *looked at them all and siged then is pushed over*

Nozomi: ^^ HEY-a SIS! ^^

Joey: ^^ *laughs*

Yugi:*tackls Joey out of know where* :D HI JOEY!! ^^

Sora:...*the keyblade dissapered*

Joey: 0o! YUGI! ^^ HEYA BUDDY *noogies him*

Nozomi: *looked at everyone* Wow... new friends> you said you didn't have any!

Yduan: -_- I didn't... untill he started folloing me.. *glared at Joey*

Joey: I wasn't FOLLOWING! I was tagging along~! ^^

Dib had spaced out, and leaned over to Terra. "Um...what happened?"

Kensin: Joey.....a stalker?  Well.....It isn't that bad I guess.. *grins in stupid way..*

Mustang: Something is in the trees....He says

Baraka-Niraku: Niraku says this has been sort of boring...

Go fetch Kenshin, Biraka...

Kensin: *grabbed by biraka and dissapears in a cloud of miasma....*

Mustang: No Kensin!!!!

Nirakus voice.... Now he is on the dark side you shall not get him back until another day...

Yugi:*smiled at Yudan*


Raven:*back with BB and Terra*

Meatwad: *rolled up beside Raven* Wana cross the meat bridge?

Dib made a face like o.O and yelped "I-it's a talking meatball!"

"Aren't you used to these things?" Terra grimaced. "I mean, you are a paranormal investigator..."

"Yeah! But I don't study talking meatballs!" Dib yelled. "Aliens...and Ghosts...and Yeti...not meatballs!"

Sora:o0 what the!? *hits meatwad with his keyblade*

Raven:X_X *gets away from the 2*

Yudan looked at Yugi and shrugged then sighed deeply*

"So...who's the guy with the killing problem?" Pudding asked, looking towards Sora.

Sora:....*looked behind him*

"Ehh?" Pudding said.

"He reminds me alot of Robin. Must be the over-exaggerated violence that does it." Terra smirked

"Ha! You might not want to tell him that thought. He might get kinda touchy," Beast Boy said. "As usual."
"Robin?" Pudding and Dib asked in unison.

Sora:*felt oddly out of place here* who are you guys talking about?

"Team leader," Beast Boy replied. "But you wouldn't know him."

"Yeah.... And he is pretty secretive." Terra dded.


Raven:T_T yah

"And pshycotic..." Beast Boy mumbled.

Terra laughed.

"But apparently, he's not the only one," Beast Boy said, pointing to Dib. Dib frowned.

Yudan randomly threw a rock at BeastBoy hitting him dead center in the head. She smirked, she didn't like him nessasarally, but she didn't hate him, suppose she just wanted amusement.

"Hey!" Terra yelled, literally gliding forward, ready to strike Yudan. "You wanna start somethin'?!"

Yudan glared coldly at Terra, "What? He can fight forhimself can't he... he dosn't need some girl sticking up for him..." She said coldly.

"O-of course not!" Beast Boy said, but turned into a turtle.

Yudan looked down at him and raised her head laughing, she even wrapped her arms around her waist she was laughing so hard. "WOW, Maybe you do need to have protection from a girl!"

Sora:hey enough...

Terra yelled "He does not- it's just that I'm already here, is all! He's as manly as anyone else here!" Her eyes scanned the people (Goku, Kenshin, Saou... etc) "Uh..."

Raven:V_V no hes not...

Sora:GUYS I SAID STOP!! *he put his hands behind his head*

Terra lookes to Sora. "You. Say. Something. Punk.?" her eyes are yellow

Beast Boy returned to his human form. "Exactly, she's already here!" he exclaimed.

Yudan slighlty glared at Terra. Nozomi smiles at her and hugged her, "Love you sissy." Yudan looked down at him, she ran her claws through his silvery hair, she smiled a bit, "Yea, me too" She slighly gave him a noogie.

"Eeeeeyeah....." Terra looked at Yudan and Nozomi with a strange look in her eye. A scared look.

Dib stared at Nozomi as well. "What's with all these demon things?" he asked.

"Maybe you're the unnatrual one here, watermelon monkey man. I mean, you're the only one here who is so short, has such a big head, and no powers." Terra slid back next to Beast Boy

"B-but..." Dib stuttered. "Eghh...I give up."

Yudan looked back up and sighed. Nozomi smiled and tugged at her sleeve, "Come'on I wanna play!" The 7 year old said happily. Yudan looked down at him with a raised eyebrowl.

"I'll play with you," Pudding said and grinned. She did an acrobatic flip.

"This is just too weird..." Terra grimaced.

"Is it?" Pudding asked.
"You're telling me," Dib grunted.

Nozomi was looking at the others shyly, he didn't know wether to trust them, seeing that his sister didn't either, but she was a loner. But he was always with her. (think of it as an sessh/rin relation) Yudan looked down at him, "Well? You going to play or not." Nozomi sighed a bit and looked at pudding then walked over to her shyly and asked, "What's your name? How old are you?" He looked so cute as he asked.

"I'm Pudding!" She said with a grin. "Annd...I'm 9."

He nods and blushed shyly, "What do you wanna play?" Yudan watched him carefully.

"Ha! Of course!" Pudding said in her usualy immature tone. She did another flip.

Sora:*hung his head and sat down*

Nozomi thought about doing a back flip but instead he jumped up a foot off the ground and levitated there and waved with a grin. YUdan smiled a bit seeing him have some fun. It's been forever since he has actually played. Suppose that was her fault though. She sighed and looked down.


"Eh...can I ask exactly what you are?" Pudding directed at Nozomi.

Raven:*looked at Nozomi*

"I'd kinda like to know the same," Dib said.

Nozomi smiled, "I'm a demon! a full demon!" Yudan smiled a bit.

Sora:X_X d-demons...?

Mustang: How can you all just stand around like this? Niraku took Kensin doesn't this matter to you....

Niraku: *voice only* donot fear Mustang he is safe he is not himself he is back to his man slayer state....a ruthles killing machine...

Mustang: No Kension....

Sora:LETS GO SAVE HIM THEN! *even though he dosent know ANYONE here*

Niraku: I told you he shall be back soon enough, but you may not like what you see....

Mustang: I will kill....Never mess with my friends....

Yudan looked to Sora then to Mustang, "Niraku... do you mean Naraku? the one who hunts me down?!" Tightens fist, Nozomi saw her, "The baboon man..."

Mustang: Ya where is he????

Yudan growled, "Don't you think that if I knew that by now he'd be DEAD!" Nozomi backed up.

I don't know...I just need to find him to take my revenge. *smiles snd snaps fingures* *flame engulphes the sky* I think he will reallly want to see me....

Sora:*looked up at the sky*

Raven:im gonna go *telaports away*

Mustang: that coward... She's running away....

Raven:-_- *came back and grabbed his collar of his shirt* no I need to go cuz I have a city to look after MYSELF....i dont care about who ever this guy is!

Sora:*watched the 2*

Mustang: Don't you know who I am???? I am General Roy Mustang. I am the flame alchemist.....I can defeat you with the snap of my fingure.....You dare to touch me.... *smaps fingure* * flame engulfes Ravens cape* I will let you off this time but next time you will not get off so easily...*turns and walks away with a smirk of confidence on his face.....*


Sora:*watched Mustang go with a glare*

Sephiroth: I find him amusing.

Naraku: *unseen* I see he, will join me soon...

Sora:...*looked around* (I feel something wrong.....) *the keyblade appered in his hand*

Sephiroth: Your just hungry.

Sora:? m-me? <<;

Raven: T_T *sits down*

Yudan: *senced Naraku* (I can feel him... DAMN HIM)

Nozomi: *Saw his sisters reactions and tensened up*

Sephiroth: Please, he's small potatoes compared to me. this Naraku a heartless?

Raven:...*thinks this kid is crazy* what?

Sephiroth: Woah slow down junior, Naraku is just a punk demon. Nothing to be woried about.

Sora:does he work with heartless..? is he with ansem? does he know ansem? is he from another world?!?

Raven:...*scoots away from him*

Sephiroth: Kid I have no idea who or what your talking about, but Naraku work for nobody.

Sora:not FOR anyone... with

Yudan looked at Sora, "Sephiroth is right... He works for no one... though he has servants to save his own life... the coward..."

Sephiroth: Look, if he tries anything, I'll cut him into pieces.

Sora:*sighs and walks up to the shadowy part of the forest and looked into it to try and see if anyone was there*

*In the distance sea you see a old man riding a turle*

*Few minutes later the old man made his way up to the hut*

Master Roishi: Hello everyone I heard you all needed help so Idecided to come help you.

Sephiroth: You must have us mistaken for some wimps old man.

Master Roishi: No I haven't back on my island I looked into a crystal ball and seen Goku, Gohan, and Hercule were here so I decided to watch and I seen that you'll needed my help.

Sehiroth: Thanks but no thanks old man we're holding down the fort here.


Sora:O.O *poked his shell on master roshies back*

Terra: "Who's this geezer?" She laughed at the old man in the shell.

Sephiroth: I thimks its a turtule thing or something. *Sephiroth pokes at him*

Terra: "Then that's an UGLY turtle!" Terra inches sloer to Beast Boy

"That is no turtle," Beast Boy said. "And I know something about animals."

Raven:sure why not...

"Well.... ewwwwwww! It's all wrinkly and smells like old!" Terra covered her nose as she went closer to Master Roishi.

Meatwad: my head it feels impelled it hurts!!

Master Chief: i can make it feel better* pulls out battle rifel and shoots meatwad in between the eyes* Hooo Raaa!!


Sora: O.O

Meatwad: dude i can see the hole * >o< * these are the times imm glad im made of meat.

Master Chief: if u dont shut up you wount have nuthin but

Kouga:hey robot boy! back off the meat ball, hes on my t.v. programing block

Raven:..t.v ruins the mind..

Master Chief: *pulls out roket lancher* ill do much more bad thing to you if u dont stay out of this!

Meatwad: Hurry every one cross the meat bridge *molds into bridge*


Sora:...*slowls backs up*

Meatwad: hurry run!!!

Master Chief: not a chance * shoots roket at bridge blowing hole into it and making it fall into stream* HOO RAA!

Meatwad: *takes in water rolls out of stream and blats Master Chief down* now who is laughing robo dude?

Sora:X-x *hides behind Yudan*

Master Chief:nooooooooooo overload overload *explods causing big butiful fire works*

Meatwad:yay pritty colors* waches fire works with big grin on fasce like a retard at chuky cheese*

Terra stood confused. "Okay then..."

Niraku: *hidden in bushes* I told you the man slayer would return...

Mustang: *from the other side of the path* what.....Niraku...I'll kill him....*runs toward the place he is*

Kension: At last I have become a man slayer once again *evil laugh* 

Mustang: what did he do to you kension *drops to knees* *screams* Niraku!!!!

Niraku: I shall return a have some new recrutes to tend to...*grabbs meatwad and dissaperrs in a cloud of miasma*

Kension: * steps back into the miasma* *dissapears with an evil laugh.....* 

Mustang: *mutters* new recrutes he already has Kazacoon, Tagoro, Baraka, Baltro,Kension, and Zeno.... Who else does he have???

Meatwad: where am i what am i doing here and what happened to the fire works?!!

Niraku: *pulls out Sacred Jewel shard and sticks it into meatwad*  Now you are on my side.....have fun...take them all out *miasma engulphs meatwad and takes him back to the road....*

Meatwad: ok, that was weird. Hay there is the body of that robot guy i hate him! * looks at Master Chief with an angry eye, and in that instant his body was insinerated* HOLY SH**T!! I mean cool now where is shake i want to look at him now. *gos looking for shake* 

Zoidberg: Wowowowowow, Meatball. *Opens mouth and sucks as hard as he can on the meat.*

Kazacoon: *inialathing first bullet* *flies across the field and hits zoinburg in the head.....*zoinberg flies into air...*

Mustang: *looks around the corner.* What is going on?

Lloyd: *walks towards Mustang* "Need help, for the right price?!" *grins* "I am Lloyd" *bows*

Heroes of Legend RPG2

Username (or number or email):


2005-09-03 [Siyue]: woooah.

2005-09-03 [Yudan333]: just gonna wait...

2005-09-18 [Kumagoro]: @_@ can someone fill me in?

2005-09-18 [Yudan333]: nope sorry even I havn't been watching.. lol Just read 5 of them and post! XD that's what I do

2005-09-23 [lenardo]: Go to Page 2 to continue the RPG

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