Welcome to 'Classroom'!
-Welcome to the "History Of Middle Earth & Beleriand " classroom. The point of this class is to bond all Tolkien fans who want's to know more to this place, where we can learn,talk,analyze and enjoy ourselves in J.R.R. Tolkiens' world.I have much to say about history that shaped Third Age, untill The War Of The Ring. There are many things to know about the last and Fourth Age, which Tolkien created...but they never saw the light of the day. I hope that there are many of you who share my thoughts, and i hope that together, we can make this class work. If you have any questions about History Of The Middle Earth and Beleriand feel free to ask,and of course,feel free to add your thoughts and notes and knowledge about one of the greatest and first epic fantasy ever told.I wish you good luck-
- Marko Vujovic
1. Student name a
2. Student name b
3. Student name c
4. And so on
Brieff History of Middle Earth and Beleriand:
1. The First Age (Making of Arda,Morgoth and Silmarills)