Page name: How dragons breath fire [Exported view] [RSS]
2004-10-23 10:30:19
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<img:> How Dragons Breath Fire <img:>


Like snakes a dragon has a venom tooth, this is hollow and connected to a venom producing gland. As the dragon spits the venom it ignites it using a spark pouch. Inside the spark pouch are two stones. This process is simaller to the match and aresol experiment.

Why do Dragons Chew Stones?
Its not that much of a silly idea really. Large, herborivorus dinosaurs such as Diplodicus (pronounced Diplo-Docus) and Brachiosaurus are well known for swallowing stonesd to help them grind food. It is simmaler with dragons except they chewed stones to help remove slithers of meat form between their razor sharp teeth. The pouch was probably so they didn't have to find a new stone after each meal.


.: Dracology :: Dragon Handbook :: Dragon Biology :.

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