Page name: I Need Some Love [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-06-12 20:52:19
Last author: indigo boy
Owner: choke_on_dreams
# of watchers: 1
Fans: 0
D20: 19
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If you are seeking some serious L.o.v.i.n.g, this is teh page to be. Just add your beautiful self onto this page (---Edit---) and fill in the details as will be shown in the Template (Belower).

From that moment onwards, its like e-bay. Everybody <3's E-bay. People who want to buy you, will simple have to bid for you, and place their names on the list. And there you have it. You have an owner who loves you very very much. Or in some cases, you have multiple families. But lets not get G.r.e.e.d.y.


.Kyahahahaha. Teh Template . Kyahahahaha.

What You Need To Mention On Your Profile:::

[+] Elftown Name:
[+] A picture of yoursef :)
[+] Name:
[+] Age:
[+] Description:
[+] Special Needs:
[+] The Kind of Owner you need:
[+] Special note to Owner:
(Optional. But its always nice.)

[choke_on_dreams] (I created this Beast. I deserve to be first)
[+]Name: Call Me Mally :)
[+]Age: .1.5. years of age.
[+]Description: Uh oh. I dont Have a description. I just want a  home. And I want some l-o-v-e plz. Im a special person, I like to curl my hair, I can do the splits too! I <3 eyelinerrrrr and I was a ninja assassin in my previous life. Mally also tends to talk in third person sometimes. Shes perfect in no ways whatsoever but her flaws kick fucking ass.
[+]Special Needs: I just need you. (And A Twirl Or so)
[+]The kind of owner I need : Someone who has medium length hair and is obessed with teh gym. Who is like uber uber hawt, forgets things easily, But never forgets how much he loves me. Whos very musically talented and lives in canada. Now that Ive described Nicholas, Ide like like somebody to love me please.
[+] Special Note to owner : I twort I twar A puddycat. Oh I did! I did twar a puddycat! Hehe. Buy me, You know you want to ;)

1. [indigo boy] - Um... I bid everything I own + all of the stuff I dont. I can't afford to lose this bid! Haha :)
2. [Izzles] is sorry she can't talk right now. She is otherwise engaged ie. dealing with her hangover. But, she would like to inform people that she already owns Malavika Suresh and would like to say FUCK OFF to anyone who tries to steal her. Thankyou for your time. =)

Also, 'Let There Be Love' is Izzy's song. And she appreciates you loving it. =)
3. [indigo boy] - Hey hey hold up. We're gonna have to do some sort of joint-ownership thing here. I'll give you 20% Izzy. The rest goes to me. :D

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