Page name: Ikilios' Palace 2 [Exported view] [RSS]
2004-02-09 21:56:21
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"A companion," Ikilios muttered to himself. Honestly, Ikilios wanted to spend more time with Leonor. She was comforting and she always made his feel relaxed. Ikilios studied Leonor's face. But he couldn't always think of himself. Perhaps a companion was good for Leonor. He let out a heavy sigh. "Alright, then, Lucius. Sarconia will be Leonor's companion." Ikilios announced. He turned to Leonor, took several steps towards her and held her hands in his, which threw her off guard. "But if you have any discomforts with her, dear Leonor, do not hesitate to come to me." He said softly, searching her eyes. He wanted her to know he wasn't pushing her away.

Caius watched the whole scene with a cool eye, but inside his mind was reeling and he couldn't resist the urge to raise an eyebrow. Was Ikilios falling in love with Leonor? And what did this mean for them... ally or not, Leonor might prove useful, he'd have to talk to Lucius about it later.

Sarconia glanced at Caius, then to Lucius. She licked her dry lips, and made a mental note to talk to Lucius about what happened with Malekith earlier today.

Leonor looked into Ikilios' eyes and it did not help for her stomach to be doing flips. "If you wish it, Caesar, then I shall. I serve only to satisfy you, Caesar," Leonor replied softly. She waited for him to release her hands.

Lucius rolled his eyes slightly, disgusted. "Very well then. Now that's settled, Caesar, I would like to retreat, now that the sun is setting." Lucius said, placing a fist over his heart and bowing deeply. Lucius had a feeling Sarconia and caius would both have questions, so he motioned for them to follow. "Leonor, my lady, your new companion will come back to you shortly, after I give her a small tour of the palace."

Leonor ignored Lucius' words. she only wish Ikilios would release her hands. It was embarrassing, for kathryn was still there.

Lucius chuckled as he walked to his studies. Such amusement Ikilios brought!

Sarconia curtsied fastly and hurried off to catch up with Lucius. When she finnaly did she said. "Goddess that disgusts me." And she made a gagging sound.

Caius also made his goodbyes, but followed at a more lesiurely pace, thinking to himself. He caught up with Lucius and Sarconia in time to hear her comment about Leonor and Ikilios. "Disgusting, yes, but Leonor is now a weakness of Ikilios' that we can add to his growing list."

Lucius chuckled. "Caius is right, Sarconia." Lucius opened the door to his studied and shut it tightly once they were inside. "Before we attack, we'll have to get rid of Leonor in some way to make Ikilios too weak to fight back. That poor man will be too busy bawling over the girl before he realizes what is happening." Lucius added with a smile.

Sarconia wrinkled her nose as if she had smelt something foul. "Still.." She said. "But that also brings up another point. I ran into Malekith in the Pantheon today, and he was questioning me about my reasons of being in the palace. He then asked me how I got in, and again asked me why. We need to get him to think were innocent before we attack... I suspect he knows about our plans." She said rubbing the back of her neck. "But yes your right. Leonor could be useful in the down fall of Caesar...." she stopped.. not sure if she should finish her sentence or not. " But her interaction with the Gods worries me." She finally said.

Every time someone mentioned it, it unnerved Lucius greatly. "That is why you, Sarconia dear, will make sure she will stay a good distance away from the gods. Prevent her from visiting the Pantheon. The gods will soon abandon her once she starts worshipping them. And again, I tell you, do not leave her by herself from this day forward." Lucius said. He sighed heavily and massaged his brows. "Malekith is a problem. He won't have much suspicion towards sarconia, now that she is Leonor's companion, but...Caius, I fear for you. How ill you deal with malekith?" Lucius asked, looking at Caius.
"Ahem.!" Kathryn audibly cleared her throat. " Alright... you are Ikilios, apparently. Now why or who made you say what you said to me? I may also have a suggestion, if the lady," gestures towards Leonor " doesn't mind I am in need of a job and it may have presented itself. Ikilios you need someone to help you with day to day things. I could help you, and with the lady's help of course. And thank you for finally releasing me." Kathryn said in a matter of fact tone to Ikilios and Leonor.

"I cannot say why or what i said that disturbed you so greatly. I cannot remember and i speak the truth, or by Jupiter's toes i'll have my nose fall off. And as for your employment...I-I'm not sure...Lucius knows more about that than I-" Ikilios was interrupted by Leonor.

"Kathryn, you are more than welcome to be Ikilios' mi-" Leonor stopped herself short. "-servant," she corrected herself. "For some reason, the palace has been short of servants and Caesar needs someone to wait on him. Can you do this, Kathryn? You will be paid handsomely." Leonor said. She did not see or feel Ikilios' disapproving gaze.

" I will not wait on anyone sorry. I will however help them. You need some to make a schedule and make sure you stick to that schedule. Lucius is just an advisor. As for what you did Ikilios... here is a summary i bumped into you... you held onto me then confessed your love for me... i slapped you and told you to let me go... then you all of a sudden snapped out of it and you still wouldn't let me go it wasn't until Lucius showed up that you let me go. That is basically what happened. Now if you have need of my services... Please let me know. But I do not like that other woman and since i don't know my way around the palace yet maybe Leonor could show me around." Kathryn said still standing where Ikilios had left her.
Caius smiled at Lucius, "Worry not, good things come out of having a brother loyal to the Caesar. I will simply make sure he sees me more often with Kaeso. He cannot doubt my brother's loyalty, he's too simple to see anything thats not under his own nose. Don't get me wrong I love him dearly, but he too will prove useful in this case."

Sarconia smiled. "Yes.. One thing Lucius.. Leonor doesnt like me. And if she complains once about me... I'm gone.." She said, her blue eyes worried. "I get the feeling that Kathryn and Caesar done like me either." She chuckled.
Suddenly Malekith runs up to ceasar. "Ceasar. thank the gods you are all right. I was at the pantheon, and the reveared godess luna told me something was happening here at the palace, and you were involved. I feared the worst"
Lucius smiled. "No need to fear, Sarconia. Leonor is too kind-hearted to do anything to push you away. In any case, she fears me, I know this. She will not do something to anger me so easily. Kathryn...well, I don't think we need to worry much about kathryn just yet." Lucius assured.
Leonor frowned slightly at Kathryn's pride. She wasn't one to serve Caesar so lightly. Was that a good or bad thing? She turned to face Ikilios. "Caesar, you will be happy with her?" Leonor asked.

Ikilios placed a hand on Leonor's shoulder, pushing her aside lightly, and turned to Malekith. "Luna, you say? Well, nothing has happened since you left, Malekith." Ikilios said. "You have no need to fear. Lucius is back and there's nothing to worry about now. Caius is here too."
Sarconia nodded to Lucius. "It is time for me to be brought to Leonor." She said. "Dont be surprised if she turns up dead one night, she might drive me mad." She said sarcasticly. She straightened her toga and said. " Nows better than any Lucius."

Caius frowned at Sarconia, if you kill her "accidentally" one night, it'll be quite a blow to our plans. Remember the oath you signed? (ooc: I'm assuming all characters with the rebellion signed it?) If you have a problem with her, or need a break, come find me." He grinned, "I'm usually around somwhere and I welcome company anytime."
"I have my doubts nothing has happened, but I will let it rest for now. But ceasar, I need to talk with you alone. Not now, but I will be back when I am sure we may speak privatly" said Malekith, and with that, walked away, joining the shadows, leaving the palace

The news that Malekith brought unrest to Leonor. She sighed. Leonor turned to Kathryn. "Well, then let's get going, you'll need to knwo the areas of the palace." Leonor said, taking one last look at Ikilios before she left the room.
Lucius would've lashed out at Sarconia in anger if Caius had not interceded. Leonor couldn't be dead yet, and not like that. Perhaps he'll send her to the Colosseum...Lucius began to laugh out of nowhere. "Right, go to Leonor then, Sarconia, and take heed of Caius' words." Lucius said, sitting down in a comfortable chair.

"Excuse me if you thought I ment otherwise Caius. Im not stupid enough to do that. I just thought we might need to lighten up a bit, becuase if we dont.. then things will get bad." She said. "I'll take that offer up then Caius." She said grinning. She then looked at Lucius. "Yes Lucius, I shall go straight to Leonor." She said, bowing her head, and opening the door. She took one last look at them, then left out of the room, shutting the door softly behind her.

Caius shook his head, for some reason he couldn't bring himself to smile over the situation, much less laugh. It was a dangerous power playing game they were getting into and if all didn't go just right, they'd all end up being fed to the lions, and no one wanted that.
Ikilios sighed and watched Leonor leave. His father had always told him that emotions were a bad game as weakened one too much...One day, Ikilios, when this is all yours, you will have to be strong. Caesars trust no one, they make and have no friends, and they love no one. If you can accomplish that, you will be the strongest caesar all history of Rome has known! Ikilios shook his head. To be able to do that, you would'nt be human.
Ikilios headed back to his chambers and shut the door. He needed rest.
Sarconia ran down the hall, back to where she last saw Leonor. She managed to see Leonor and Kathryn leaving, and Caesar heading off somewehre else. She ran to catch up with them. When she turned the corner, she rand faster, managing to catch up. "Sorry I'm late." She said to Leonor. "The old stick of a man Lucius was lecturing me about something." She smiled. "That is so tedius." She said and laughed. " So where are you two headed?" she asked.

She would have the nerve to call Lucius an 'old stick of a man'? Perhaps her companionship wouldn't be too bad. Leonor smiled. "I was just giving kathryn a tour of the place, since she's going to serve, I mean, help Ikilios." Leonor explained. "Would you like to join us? Perhaps we can talk and get familiar with each other while we do so,"

Sarconia smiled. "That would be nice, atleast I'll be around people who dont yell at me all the time." She started walking with them. " Yes, getting to know you would be nice too. It's been a while since I've had a female to talk with." She said sadly... but quickly smiled.

"A lack of a female companionship sometimes does make one lonely..." Leonor admitted with a smile. "Do you travel much? Is that why you haven't spoken with a female for a while?"

Sarconia nodded. "Yes, I just came back from Gual(sp?) and I really havnt been in Rome for a while. So the people I knew are gone." She said. "I hope I wont have lack of femal companionship now. Thats why I asked Lucius to possibly help me talk to you.. I was to affraid to ask you myself." She said, blushing slightly.

Leonor smiled warmly. "Then I am grateful to Lucius. Welcome to the palace, Sarconia. Maybe we can be as close as sisters," Leonor said. Leonor didn't look at this companionship so negatively anymore. It was time for her to step out of Ikilios' shadows and live for herself. But Leonor's smile faded when she thought of Ikilios. She sighed softly. Ikilios...

Sarconia returned the smile, " That would be wonderful! To have a sister.." She said.
Sarconia saw Leonors smile fade and she heard the sigh, "Leonor .. whats wrong?" She asked, her face worried.

Leonor blushed deeply. "Well...w-well, it's Caesar, see, and I'm not too sure...about...about him." Leonor couldn't go on. Her cheeks burned with hot blood.

Sarconia giggled. "Do you like him?" She whispered, giggling a little more.

"Is it very obvious? I am not too sure myself, since he is Caesar, after all...he will have to wed an aristocratic female one day...possibly one of the senators' daughters." Leonor said with a sigh. Her face lit up. "But enough about me. What about you? You looked rather comfortable with Caius! There are many court women who adore Caius. They say he takes after Apollo himself!" Leonor said with a giggle, enjoying this small, female talk.

Sarconia turned a deep crimson. "Caius? .. N.. I don--" The crimson deepend. She bit her lower lip. She then looked up at Leonor.. but that was obviously a mistake.. for she turned even a deeper shade of crimson when she saw Leonors face.

leonor let out a clear laughter. She held Sarconia's hand. "I'm glad you're here." Leonor said with a wide smile.
It was dark and the moon was beginning to shine. "Luna must be out," Leonor said, looking up at the sky through the columns. "Well, I'll show you to a room and I'll be off to sleep."

Sarconia laughed too. "I'm glad your here too Leonor." Sarconia looked up. "A night for lovers." She said, and sighed. "Thank you for being so kind to me, I'm really going to enjoy your company." And with that Sarconia followed Leonor to a room, said her good nights, and got into bed..
Venator made no reply, the creeping scoundrel had an undeniable shed of evidence for his excuse. And, nevermind that, whatever it was he had felt he realised as he caught Vicka out of the corner of his eye. His dark eyes flickered a moment and then he changed his course. He did not recall ever having seen any lady so beatiful as she whom had just passed...
Sarconia was in her night gown, she climbed out of bed and opened the door. She looked both ways and went out into the hall and shut the door quietly. She swiftly ran to Lucius' study, and knocked on the door three times... waiting for admitance.

Caius opened the door quietly, and seeing it was Sarconia, let her in.

Sarconia walked in quickly and shut the door behind her. " You were right Caius, Leonor will be usefull about getting to Caesar. She likes him.." She said, talking quickly. "I cant stay long, I just thought I should tell you that.." She looked out the window at the moon and smiled, remembering what had been said earlier.

"Likes him?" Caius asked confused, "Of course she does, she's a loyal subject..."

Sarconia half giggled.. and her eyes widened. " Caius she likes him." Sarconia said. Caius still had a blank expression on his face. "She wants to wed him!" She said softly.

"Oh!" Caius said, reconition dawning on his face, "It all makes sense now, why didn't I figure that out?? She's so much more useful to us now! Thank you, you've done wonders a bit already quick, see what else you can find"
Malekith was alredy waiting in ceasar's chaimbers when he arived. "ceasar, I bring news of importance to you. I believe... no, I know, that the are people plotting against you. I have no doubt you knew this already, but I believe Sarconia is among them. You must tell me what went on earlier today. what did Leonor mean by "I hope you are happy about this?" You must tell me, otherwise I cannot guaratee your safety, or hers. I see that you care for her, and she for you."

Ikilios frowned. "Sarconia? No, Sarconia is now Leonor's companion. What makes you believe she's among traitors?" Ikilios asked, ruffling his hair. He sighed. "And earlier, all that happened after you were gone, well, nothin happened. Kathryn was just hired as one of the palace servants and specifically my servant, and I had a strange feeling Leonor thought i was taking in a mistress...she mistook it..." Ikilios explained. He let out a frustrated cry. "I do not understand this evil plot against me...and Sarconia....and by the gods, if Leonor's life is in danger i swear i shall tear the throat of anyone that means her harm!"

"Ceasar, you must tust me. I have very bad feeling about this Sarconia. I am keeping a close watch on her. I understand that she is to be Leonor's comapion. I do not like this. I also understand that Lucius sugested this arrangement. If something goes wrong with Sarconia and Leonor, be assured I will be at Lucius' door" replied Malekith, "For I do not believe that Sarconia is the only one in this web of deciet and lies."
After Sarconia had been dropped off at a room Kathryn asked Leonor " Leonor.... You both have feelings for one another why don't you be his mistress since you were so keen on me being his mistress, which i don't know if i want to be." Kathryn asked hestiantly since she had been forgotten in the earlier conversation, and Kathryn had listened intently.

Leonor sighed and forced a smile. "You do not have to be his mistress, Kathryn, but his friend. If you do choose to be his friend, please take good care of him. I cannot be his mistress. I am someone meant for a merchant or trader, not a caesar." Leonor said sadly.
"Cauis I have stayed too long I must go!" Sarconia said. "Pass the information on to Lucius." She said, and with that she turned and left. Running down the halls to her room, she opened the door quietly, and shut it softly. She sighed and went to the window, opening it and breathing in the fresh air.Luna. She prayed.Please tell me if I am correct in my feelings for... for.. for Caius. Please tell me if this is right.. She looked at the moon and sighed again.
Diana bored with the palace went to the pantheon.
Ikilios sighed heavily. "Malekith, then i trust you with keeping an eye on Sarconia. I do not want Leonor hurt. As for Lucius...I trust Lucius. He's been in my family for generations." Ikilios said, climbing onto his bed. "Now if you don't mind, please, I'd like a night to think over this. And if the gods favor me so, I shall speak with you tomorrow morning." Ikilios said, deeply troubled. He didn't expect any sleep that night.

"Very well, I take my leave. But one last reques my liege. I know of your nightmares. pray to Somnus, he can cure your sleep." says Malekith as he quiety opens the door. "sleep well, leader of Rome"
And with that, Malekith slips into the shadows, leaving the sight of all romes occupants

Venator, realizing with a start the late hour heads off to the barracks and bed. Resolving to find the lady he had seen and at least discover her name...
Sarconia leaves from the window, and decids to go and talk to Leonor. She leavs her room, and walks to Leonors chambers. She knocked timidly on the door.

Leonor awoke at the sound of the knock. Was it morning already? Rubbing her eyes, Leonor climbed out of bed and opened the door. "Sarconia! Is something the matter?" Leonor asked, wide awake now.

Sarconia looked at her feet. "I needed someone to talk to...about... about.. C." She started to blush..

Leonor smiled widely and placed a hand on Sarconia's shoulder. "Come on in. I have plenty of space on my bed."

Sarconia looked up at Leonor. "Are you sure?" She asked.

"Very." Leonor said with a smile. "Have yu prayed to Venus lately? Or...or perhaps Cupid?" leonor asked, walking over to her bed, sitting down and patting a space beside her for Sarconia.

"Well..." Sarconia said taking a seat. " I tried to pray to Luna.. becuase I was looking at the moon, but I didnt get an answer." She chuckled. "I don't understand it.. I've never felt like this before.." She stammered.

"Maybe tomorrow we can go to the Pantheon and burn a sacrifice. This is exciting! I'm sure the gods will favor us so and Caius will come to realize your true beauty, Sarconia. Unless he's a eunuch, he really can't say no to you! You'll be the talk of the courts when Caius asks for you," Leonor said with a sigh, a faint glimmer of envy in her eyes. Caius and Sarconia would be a perfect and logical match...her and Ikilios was just unheard of...she had no royal blood or a rich background.

Sarconia put her hands on Leonors shoulders. "Theres a chance, if it's love.. nothing will be able to stop it." She said, as if reading Leonors mind. "As for Caius and I... I don't think he see's me like that." She said, her blue eyes sad.

Leonor laughed. "If there is a chance for me, there is a larger chance for you. Have no fears, Sarconia. We will visit the Pantheon tomorrow and work things out there." Leonor encouraged.

Sarconia smiled and randomly reached across the distance between them and hugged Leonor. And with that they said their good nights, and Sarconia went back to her room and slept.
Back in Lucius' study, Caius sat, confused and yet elated. The news that Sarconia had brought would help them immensely, especially if the Caesar felt the same way, as he suspected he did. He shook his head, he would pass the information on to Lucius, he knew far more in these matters than Caius did. But Sarconia....? He'd have to talk to his brother about her, Kaeso always knew what to do when it came to matters of the heart. Deciding it was too late to retreat to his own rooms, Caius laid down to sleep on a futon in the study.

The sun began to rise, rinsing Rome clean of its darkness. Lucius squinted against the sun that was seeping into his studies. Another day, another chance. Lucius watched Caius sleeping and smiled. If he were to have a son, he would've been like Caius.
Bacchus found that everyone were leaving. The mortals were going to bed at a strange hour, and the gods lost intrest as the suspense faded away. So did he. But there were a lot to stir up even more here. For now, he left for the Pantheon.

Vicka stood lonely in the great halls of Ikilios', the great Ceasars, palace. Right now, there was no need for her. Their rebellion seemed to get along fine, but who knew what people on Ceasars side, like Malekith, knew or suspected.
It was late. Or early, more like it. The first light of dawn made the great walls blush with color.
Great columns, the fountains, the gardens, shone and sparkeled.
She felt lonely, with no hurried actions in mind, no work to do.
She shook her head. Why was she still standing here? Vicka hurried off, to the Latium, to get some rest. 

Venator rose before the sun did and was dressed and heading out the door as the golden light fell in long slanting rays over the sleepy city. He ruffled his hair and headed off toward the stable, pulling the wolf pelts of his cloak close to ward off the morning chill. Saddling his horse he led him out into the main courtyard. A brisk morning ride would be welcome before the endless toil of drills and duty later that day. Venator was still young despite his rank and responsiblilty and it was his morning rides that kept him so. Swinging astride the seal brown horse he turned and headed out of the coutyard at a lope, his horses hooves beating a rythmic pace on the stonework. Out to the Latium
Sarconia woke to a stream of sunlight on her face. She stretched,It's been a long time since I've had a good nights rest. She said to herself as she stood and stretched even more.I wonder where Leonor is. She thought while she picked up her brush and started running it through her brown curls. She took three of the bobypins she had used the previous day, and started putitng her hair in an arrangement. About an hour later, she was finished. She took her earings and put them in, putting some bronze eyeshadow across her eyelids, putting different hues to accompany it. She Then pulled out a white, tight,two-shouldered toga, trimmed with gold, and a gold shimmering shawl to go with it. She put her clothes on, then slipped on her sandals. She opened her door, and went into the hall, walking towards Lucius' study.
"Leonor.?!" Kathryn called knocking on Leonor's door at the same time. Kathryn was dressed in a light green one sided toga, it had blue embroderie along the edges. Her hair was arranged half up half down with a green ribbon that matched her dress. " Leonor are you there?" Kathryn said and knocked again.
Sarconia walked to Lucius' study and knocked on the door three times. Playing with the hem of her toga, she waited for someone to let her inside. After about five minutes, She gives up and starts walking back to her room. Sarconia see's Kathryn outside of Leonors room and decides to talk to her, to start a possible friendship. "Good morning Kathryn." She says, smiling and walking over to her.

" Good morning Sarconia. How are you?" Kathryn asked with the perfect mix of politeness and curiosity.

"I'm good, I got a good nights sleep last night.. So I'm ready to do somethings around Rome with you and Leonor today." Sarconia said smiling. "How are you doing?" she asked.

" I am as well as can be expected in a new, maybe hostile environment. Doing something that maybe arduous and stressful. It is not fun when you are seen as the other woman. But that is all irrevelent. Tell me you have been here long what is the palace most like?" Kathryn said brightening up cursioty getting the best of her.

"Truth to tell, I have just arrived from Gual a few days ago." Sarconia said. "But from what I know of the palace, it's usually quiet, but the past day it's been quite loud." She said. "I really dont understand it myself." She said, her blue eyes sparkeling in the light.

"Maybe you can tell me about the favored advisor Lucius. Ceasar spoke of him yesterday and all i know is that he is an advisor. If i am to work for Caesar then I will probably run into Luicus. Tell me what you know about him?" Kathryn said innocent cursoity on her face and in her voice.

"Lucius?" Sarconia said laughin, "Oh hes a dry old stick of a vampire!" She said, laughing still. "But, dont get him mad... thats all I have to say. Dont get him mad." She said again, a serious look on her face..."Just be nice to him and he'll leave you alone." She said grinning. "Just dont get on his bad side... " She said. Then she stuck her tongue out at Kathryn, "Like I said before, hes just a dry old stick." She said laughing.

Kathryn chuckled. " No really what is he like. Is he a master politican, does he have an inquisitive mind. What is his personality?" Kathryn said her eyes unfocusing slightly at all the question she might ask... and which would be too much.

What is she trying to find out. Sarconia said to herself, searching Kathryns eyes. "I'm sorry Kathryn, I really dont know him that well." She said, her face looking sorry. "I dont spend really alot of time around him at all." She said. Your not going to find out anything about him from me missy. She said to herself smiling at Kathryn, her eyes bright and friendly. "Maybe you should ask Leonor, she knows him better than I do." She said.
Lucius had ignored the knocking on his room earlier. He knew it was Sarconia and since Caius was still asleep, Lucius knew there was no point in letting her in. Lucius scoffed. Humans.
Leonor yawned and opened her eyes. The walls of her room were washed full with the sunlight. Leonor's eyes grew wide. Was she asleep that long? Leonor dressed quickly in a cream-colored stola and pulled up her curls with golden pins from Egypt, a gift from Ikilios long ago. Washing her face and sprinkling rosy water on her neck, she exited her room in search of her newly found companions.

Sarconia turned her head as Leonor came out of her room, she smiled at her and said playfully, "Good morning sleepy head. We've been waiting for you." She grinned, looking at Kathryn.

Kathryn finished her conversation with a shrug and said to Sarconia " I guess I shall have to find out for myself..." Kathryn said an identical smile on her face as she turned to adress Leonor directly, " Shall we go wake Ikilios?" Kathryn asked with a genuine smile on her face. " He can't sleep all day." Kathryn said with a wink to Leonor and Sarconia.

Leonor blushed slightly at botht the comment about sleeping in and waking Ikilios. "I-I usually don't sleep in. I don't know what's come over me." Leonor said with a smile. Leonor turned and saw that the sun was still rising over the hills and not fully up. "Perhaps we should go wake Caesar....but is Caius up yet?" Leonor said with a smile, turning to Sarconia. "If not, we'll head over to the Pantheon to start off the day."

Sarconia turned crimson, "No hes not awake yet Leonor." She said, turning even a deeper crimson. "Yes, perhaps we should go to the Pantheon.. it could do us both some good." She said to Leonor giggling girlishly, then glancing at Kathryn who was trying not to laugh, and she turned even deeper crimson.

"Maybe Ikilios and Cacius would like to join us at the Pantheon. This way we make sure they are up and that they pay their respects." Kathryn broke giggling at the two women who thought their feelings well hid, you could see it in the glance they exchanged that these were important men to them.

Leonor sighed. "I suppose so. Then i shall go wake...erm...Sarconia can go wait Caius! Kathryn, would you be so kind as to come with me to wake Caesar?" Leonor said, slipping her arm in kathryn's and smiling widely at Sarconia.

Sarconias eyes widened..."How about I'll go with you two.. then we can all go and wake Caius.. together.. . not me alone!" She blushed and giggled. "Now stop that!" She said to Leonor, trying not to giggle anymore. "Please dont make me go alone." She said, her eyes pleading..

" Us women have to stick together in a palace full of men. We will go wake Ikilios for if he comes with us Caius might come as well. Say what does Caius do for Ikilios anyway? So I say we stick together." Kathryn said with a polite smile on her face that turned into a grin at Sarconia's pleading eyes. " I think that is a fair compromise." Kathryn insisted.

"Oh alright. We'll go wake Caesar and Caius together." Leonor said. As they walked towards Ikilios' chamber, Leonor answered Kathryn's question. "Well, Caius is a messenger between Caesar and Lucius. He is the only one they trust firmly eough to deliver personal messages." Leonor replied. But was that all he did? Leonor pushed the thought away. Caius was a good man and he was just doing his job, nothing more. Leonor smiled. "His brother isn't all that bad either, Kathryn."

Sarconia giggled and said, "Yes Kathryn.. he isn't that bad at all." And she looked at Leonor and grinned.

" I have the feeling you two aren't telling me something." Kathryn said a good humor smile on her face, " Has this brother a name. What does he do? I am so clueless about such matters, if i step out of line with my questions, you will not hesitate to tell me.. will you ladies?" Kathryn said a smile turning up the corners of her mouth.

Leonor laughed. "Kaeso is his name and he is the palace cook! He's quite tall, taller than Caius, I think. He's a gentle creature."

" Is he a good cook? What is his personality like? What do you mean by a gantle creature... is this first hand knowledge?" Kathryn said teasingly. A smile still playing on her face.

Sarconia laughed. "Oh I think they'll suit eachother just fine." She said to Leonor, a grin on her face.

"Ha! I knew you two were match making. How do you know i am not engaged or married... I am not but that is besides the point. So what is Kaeso like?" Kathryn asked teasingly playing along for now.

Kaeso was down in the kitchen, preparing the great Caesar's breakfeast when his brother burst in, hardly woken from sleep and looking like a dishevled maniac. Kaeso looked up in surprise,

"GOOD MORNING KAESO! It's a beautiful day, isn't it?"

"My dear brother what has gotten into you?" he asked, Caius just laughed and spun around the kitchen yelling good morning to everyone and stealing bits of breakfeast. As he muched on a couple grapes he responded,

"Nothing I can speak of here, but I was brought good news last night. And" he added laughing again, "I need to ask you something privately!"
Leonor giggled. "Now that we know you're not married or engaged, you should find out for yourself! I'm sure Kaeso is up and about in the kitchen even as we speak! Well, What do you think, Sarconia? The kitchen or the Pantheon first?" Leonor asked, in a happy mood this morning.

Kathryn's stomach grumbled loud enough for everyone to hear. " Well that's my answer." Kathryn said a slight chuckle in her voice.

Sarconia giggled and said, "I think we should go to the kitchen.. get Kaeso.. then get the other boys and go to the Pantheon all as one!" She giggled again. She hadnt had this much fun in a long time.

"Then onto the kitchen we go!" Leonor proclaimed.
As they entered the kitchen, Leonor burst into a wide smile. Caius and Kaeso were already there. "Ah, Caius is awake." Leonor whispered to Sarconia. "Good morning, gentlemen," Leonor greeted loudly, waving at them to get their attention.

Kathryn managed to roll her eyes at the two match makers before the men noticed them. " Shall we go to them ladies or shall we make them come to us?" Kathryn asked with a wink.

Sarconia looked at Caius and blushed a little, then whispered to Leonor and Kathryn, "Lets make them come to us."

Kathryn's stomach grumbled loudly again. " Sorry i haven't eaten since lunch yester day." a slight blush appearing on her cheeks. " Will they take long i am starving and these wonderful smells aren't helping." Kathryn said still blushing.

Leonor smiled. "Kaeso, do us ladies a good favor and hurry along your cooking!" Leonor exclaimed.
Please continue at Ikilios' Palace 3


back to Ikilios' Palace or the Colosseum or perhaps the Pantheon or Latium

Username (or number or email):


2004-02-09 [DeadHead]: i call edit button after kit!

2004-02-09 [Kit Azhure]: sorry forgot the spork it goes btwn the fork and spoon

2004-02-09 [Kit Azhure]: Tali ur turn!

2004-02-09 [ShiftySkillet]: WHAT ABOUT THE FOOOOON!?

2004-02-09 [Kit Azhure]: what is a fooooon?

2004-02-09 [ShiftySkillet]: other way of saying spork *nods intelligentubly*

2004-02-09 [test_drive]: haahahahahhaa


2004-02-09 [superbazorro]: lol....yes yes...much faster way to say spork too

2004-02-09 [ShiftySkillet]: yup

2004-02-09 [DeadHead]: spork spork spork!

2004-02-09 [superbazorro]: foon foon foon

2004-02-09 [DeadHead]: lmfao

2004-02-09 [ShiftySkillet]: FRONNNNNNNNNNNNN

2004-02-09 [DeadHead]: whoa wut happeend to kits post?

2004-02-09 [Kit Azhure]: its there

2004-02-09 [test_drive]: nothing's it?

2004-02-09 [test_drive]: im after kit!!!

2004-02-09 [DeadHead]: ok i just didnt see it, durrrr

2004-02-09 [test_drive]: srry, had to add a new n my new page-ness

2004-02-09 [ShiftySkillet]: lol page crazy

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