Page name: Ikilios' Palace [Exported view] [RSS]
2004-02-08 23:37:57
Last author: test_drive
Owner: test_drive
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You have come from different places in Rome to....

Ikilios' Palace

  Ikilios' palace is made only of the finest marble and stone. Gold adorns the palace everywhere and there is always open windows and walls to let in light and air. The columns are more intricately carved than other places and the furniture lavishing the palace is of rich and foreign import. The palace has many rooms to accomodate his fellow companions.
  However, the palace also houses the grand advisor Lucius, who has a secret chamber that can be accessed from the library...

Leonor walked out to the garden and looked around. The day was new and the air was crisp and fresh. Leonor looked up to see birds flying here and there, singing their morning songs. Leonor smiled at the peaceful morning. Thank Lucifer and Aurora that today is such a lovely day, Leonor thought to herself.

Lucifer walked out of an archway, humming a lovely tune. "Hello Leo! Beautiful day, no?" he laughed and walked towards Leonor, smiling and still humming.

Leonor's eyes grew wide, seeing the shimmering image of Lucifer, the light-bearer. "This palace is unworthy of such a presence!" Leonor breathed out, bowing her head to Lucifer.

Lucifer sighed, trying to dim his appearance for the mortal eyes. They had no tolerance for seeing gods. "Unworthy, I'd think not. This place is beautiful, I always start my days here. So get used to seeing me here if you're going to be up this early."

Leonor smiled. "The Caesar will be flattered at your favor,"

Lucifer rolled his eyes, "Like he'll ever see me." Lucifer laughs sarcastically and brightens his appearance to a huge blare of light. He snaps and exits, off to the Pantheon.

Lucius arrives at the palace and climbs out of his litter. He spotted Leonor and called her over.

Leonor stiffened at Lucius' voice and turned to face him obediently. He had power over her and she did not want to upset him.

"Leonor, my child, what are you doing up this early in the morning?" Lucius asked.

"I wanted to see the sunrise, my lord," Leonor replied slowly and carefully, not able to keep her eyes from his glinting, sharp teeth.

Lucifer apppeared, only a faint glimmer atop Lucius' litter. He hopped off and stood to the side of the two, choosing to only appear to Leonor. He gave her a broad, cheesy smile and watched they're conversation.

Leonor caught sight of Lucifer and quickly moved to Lucius again.

Lucius caught the quick movement of her eyes and looked over at his litter, seeing nothing. He raised a brow at her. "I assume the Caesar is busy?" He asked softly.

"He has not awoke yet, my lord, i think," Leonor replied, her back stiff with tension. She never did trust this man and she never thought she would. This man always made her nervous.
Leonor shuddered as Lucius grinned, his sharp teeth flashing. Leonor suddenly began to wish her neck wasn't so open.

"Very well then. I shall wait for him in my studies." Lucius said, walking away. Leonor watched him, the hair on the back of her neck on ends. She turned to the litter to see if Lucifer was still there.

Suadela appeared next to Lucifer, unaware of what was going on.

Inside the palace, Caius paced angerly around his rooms. This is nonsense he thought angerly, Where are the servants in this place?! I called for one nearly a quarter hour ago! Don't tell me I have to do things myself around here. He thought to himself, finally deciding to go find someone to deliever his messege. He stalked out of the room, slamming the door behind him, but stopped shortly when he came face to face with a dark haired woman leaning against the wall next to his doorframe. She tsk-ed at him, Caius a rich voice appeared in his head You are *my* favored, not Mars'. You bring discord to others. Calm yourself. Caius ran a hand through his hair, impulsively straightening it out. He took a deep breath and plastered a cool look on his face. "Better my dearest Discordia?" She did not respond but he felt a light airy feeling in his head and he knew she was laughing. When he looked around for her she was gone. "Sometimes I think being favored by you isn't a favor at all." he muttered to the place she had been standing, and set off towards the garden.
Ikilios opened his eyes and sighed. Nightmares were infesting his mind and the gods were not helping. Ikilios sat up and rubbed his face. Was it very late? The servants seemed to have gone in hiding and they didn't come to wake him up anymore.
    Ikilios got up from his large bed and pulled on a clean stola, slipping into his soleae. Gods, give me wisdom today he prayed in his mind as he walked out of his chamber.
    As Ikilios walked down the giant halls, he spotted Leonor and just seeing him made his heart warm with comfort. She had been so strong for him. Ikilios wondered where all the others were. It wasn't that early in the morning, was it?

Finally finding a servant to take his personal letter, Caius was free to begin his work for the day. That was, if his employers were awake for the day, either of them. Actually when he thought about it, Caius realized they were both quite alike, and they'd probably both object at his comparision. Although the thought was amusing, Caius did not laugh. Discordia had given him one warning for the day already, and that was enough for him. He travelled the halls trying to find a servant to Ikilios' rooms, to find out wheather he was awake yet or not.

Ikilios was about to call out to Leonor when he spotted Caius. Ikilios smiled smuggly. What was he up to now? "Caius, whom are you in search for?" Ikilios called out.

Caius looked up and saw Ikilios in front of him and bowed deeply. "Good morning my Lord, Caius at your service." He straighted, "I hope you have slept well? I was in truth, looking for you."
Melina walks into the palace trying to be as discreet as possible.
"I'm afraid my sleep was nothing but nightmares, demons troubling my mind." Ikilios replied, a dark look casting over his face. He blinked it away. "But tell me. Do you have some business with me?"
Suadela bored where she was standing, walked over to Ikilios and Caius. She chose to be left unnoticed by all. Suadela stood there listening to the mortals conversation.
"I am sorry to hear you sleep is troubling my Lord" Caius replied. "And the only business I have with you is any you would have for me. Any delieveries this early in the morning? Or shall I go annoy your correspondents until they return your letters?"

Ikilios grinned. "Annoy? No...but I would like to know where Lucius is. Go find him and tell him I wish to speak with him. You can find me at the Pantheon, for i shall be there to pray to Jupiter." Ikilios said. He turned and called for a litter and was carried away to the Pantheon.
Lucifer sighed, bored he left Ikillios' palace for the colluseum.
As soon as the Caesar turned his back Caius rolled his eyes slightly. 'One would think I was merely a hand servant around here.' He walked back to his rooms to pick up his messenger bags and along the way stopped a servant to find Lucius' whereabouts. Grabbing his things, he made his way to Lucius' studies and knocked on the closed doors.

Lucius looked up from his desk with a growl. "Who is it?" He snarled.

"Caius sir. Messege from the Caesar. He would like you to meet him at the Pantheon immediately."
Leonor sighed with boredom and decided to go to Latium.
"What a nuisance! Come in here. I won't have myself talking to a door. Do you know what he wanted? Perhaps he has gotten a sniff of our plan..." Lucius said softly.

Caius entered the room and bowed slightly to Lucius. "My apologies sir, he did not say what his intentions were, only that he wishes to speak with you and he was going to the Pantheon to pray to Jupiter. Rumor had it he has been having nightmares lately, and he confirmed it himself when I asked him if he had slept well.

"Nightmares," Lucius muttered to himself. "Nightmares...he's such a little boy!" Lucius growled, getting up and wrapping himself in a cloak. "Then i'll be off to see what he wants." As Lucius tied a knot at the collar of his cloak, he stared at Caius, his face softening. "You are one i trust deeply, Caius. Go and see if you find the others and tell them that I'm holding a meeting at the inn very soon. don't make a show of yourself, Caius, but I'm willing to bet you already knew that." Lucius said with a grin. He quickly walked out of his studies and called for a litter to the Pantheon.

Caius walked out after him and shut the doors. Walking quickly and making sure no one is following him, he walked out of the palace, to the Latium and Colosseum to deliver Lucius' messege.
Ikilios and Leonor arrived at the palace from the colosseum.

Leonor breathed nervously, her hand trapped prisoner in Ikilios' as he led her through the palace. Leonor gulped, wishing to any of the gods that they'd come rescue her. As much as she loved Rome and wanted to protect it and Ikilios, she was not ready for this. She was not going to be Ikilios' concubine. And after all, she'd done her job anyway, right? Ikilios was away from Lucius. Leonor pulled her hand away from Ikilios and stopped.

Ikilios felt Leonor pull away and turned to face her. "Leonor, what is it?" he asked, his eyes a bit clearer now that it was before. Voluptos' powers were fading on Ikilios already.

Leonor wet her lips nervously. "Y-you're Caesar. Do you not have matters to attend to? You have not seen to you city duties today," Leonor suggested quickly.

Melina pulls her cloak around her Im done here she says leaving.

A woman suddenly appears beside Leonor. " I heard your prayer my dear. Would you like him distracted?" Diana said to Leonor with a smirk on her face.

Leonor looks at the woman. Leonor felt both relieved and frightened to see her. Distraction would be great, but seeing another goddess, Leonor began to see how much of a danger Ikilios was really in. Leonor turned to Ikilios and then turned to Diana and nodded slowly.

A woman appeared through a nearby door way coming towards Leonor and Ikilios. She was beautiful, she had long free flowing hair that danced as she walked and she had a smile that could charm anyone. " Excuse me m'lord, I have a request, from a special friend." the woman winked at Leonor, " I need the lovely lady for a few hours we have... pressing matters to attend to. If it wouldn't be too much trouble m'lord." the woman asked as she stretched her hand towards Leonor.

Leonor blinked and took the woman's hand, looking at Ikilios, waiting for his reply.

"W-w-well I see no problem," Ikilios replied, surprised at the sudden appearance of the beautiful woman.

"Thank you m'lord. She will come back to you when she has a few moments." And with that the beautiful woman led Leonor down a hall and out of site.
" M'lady is there a place where we can talk?" The woman asked Leonor once they were out of sight and hearing of Ikilios.
Kathryn was walking around the palace when she bumped into a someone (Ikilios). " Please excuse me sir. I wasn't paying attention." Kathryn said to Ikilios.

Ikilios looked down at the woman, making eye contact with her emerald eyes. It made him stiffen, stagger on his feet. It reminded him too much of that sudden lust he'd felt for Leonor just a while ago. "You are excused," Ikilios replied gruffly. 

Melina walks out of the palace and thanks the Gods for not letting anyone notice her presence.

"Please sir have i done something to hurt you. Ahh, but this is rude of me I am talking to you and we haven't introduced ourselves. I am Kathryn." Kathryn said to Ikilios in an informal manner.
Sarconia walks up the steps of the palace, and down a hall at a slow pace... She heard a voice off in the distance, she walks a little faster, trying not to make too much noise with her sandals. She hears a female...
"If it is secrecy you want, then the best place to go is the garden. The fountains drown out soft words." Leonor said to Diana.

"Please then lead the way." Diana said letting go of Leonor's hand so that she could lead.

Proserpina, who was already in the garden, was inspecting the flowers. If certain flowers wern't blooming correctly, she would wave a hand over them so they blossomed to their fullest. Instead of wearing commoner's clothing, she was in a flowing faded green gown. She was barefooted, confident that no thorns would dare puncture her skin.
Cupid flys up the hall and sees a mortal in blue peeping around a corner... What do we have here? he said to himself. He flew past the woman, into a bigger room, to see Ikilios and someone else standing there...ooooooooo This could be FUN!! he laughed to himself....I wonder where Trivie is.. He cast that thought aside as he drew his bow and an arrow.. He strung the arrow.. and aimed it at Ikilios's heart...he let it go.. and BANG! It hit him straight in the heart. Ikilios closed his eyes.. and when he opened them.. he was looking right at Kathryn...YES!! Cupid said to himself with glee! and he sat on a stone to watch what would happen next..

And Ikilios thought for a moment that he was mistaken, that he wasn't lusting after Leonor but this woman. Ikilios blinked. His knees felt weak and his heart began to race so fast until it ached. Ikilios held his chest. "Kathryn, my lady, I fear you have wounded've wounded my heart very deeply for you keep captive in your hand this very moment." Ikilios breathed out, all thoughts of Leonor fleeing from his mind, and heart.
Leonor led Diana to the garden, which was large and decorated in beautiful fountains carved of stone. Leonor was struck in awe herself as she walked into the garden. She always came to the garden, but just now, the garden looked so much more beautiful than it had earlier in the morning. Leonor sat down on the edge of a fountain and looked up at Diana. "What do I owe for your presence, my lady?" Leonor questioned, unaware that large changes were being made in the palace at the same exact time.

" This is a beautiful place Leonor. Did you know that in most gods or godesses prences the earth will grow more radiant. You owe me nothing for aiding you. For you asked to be aided. What is truly on your mind my dear? I sense much turmoil in you." Diana asked curiously, these silly humans and their emotions.

Sarconia muffled a laugh and shook silently.
"Kathryn, my lady, I fear you have wounded've wounded my heart very deeply for you keep captive in your hand this very moment."?? She said to herself laughing...
Cupid laughed, Good one eh Trivie? he said to Trivia who was sitting next to him. He grinned.
Ikilios searched Kathryn's eyes. "Please say something," he whispered. Ikilios' eyes were clouded over, his once clear eyes nothing but a haze now.

Kathryn paused visibly at a loss for words, No matter who he is he asked for it THWACK! Kathryn's hand made contact with Ikilios's face. " Sir what are you saying. I just...I don't even know your name. Who are you to talk to me that way. Are you coming down with something? Most gentlemen wait to tell a LADY those words after they have been introduced." Kathryn stiffened in Ikilios's arms since they hadn't moved and she wasn't strong enough to pull away from a strong well seasoned warrior.
Leonor sighed. Her heart felt heavy. "I am heavily concerned for Rome's fate, my lady, but above all, Caesar's. I fear he is in danger for you are not the first goddess to appear to me today. I-it was suggested that I be taken as his mistress, I do not know if I am up to that, to help keep him away from the danger. I am not worthy, and i lack the courage to do so," Leonor said softly. She felt the sting of tears in her eyes. All her life she'd been raised in the palace, always admiring Ikilios in his shadow...did she have feelings for him? But how could she if she was afraid to go near him now? "I am lost and confused. I know not what to do." Leonor finally admitted, closing her eyes.

" Here is some advice, if you heed it or not it is up to you." Diana took Leonors hands in hers, " As we speak my bretheren are playing around and messing with people, they are messing with Ikilios, who is holding a woman and cupid is involved. The rest should go with out saying. BUT see if you can trust this woman, maybe she is the one you were searching for. She may help you in your task. As for your feelings listen to your heart and listen to your head, heed them and if they disagree then trust your instincts. Any more I cannot help you because you must figure out your own heart. " Diana spoke to Leonor in an honest and sisterly manner. " If you have need of an ear call and I may come for even a godess is not at your beck and call. But i do suggest that you figure out or controll your emotions before you return to Ikilios." Diana finished and disapeared to human sight. She waited in the garden to see what Leonor would do.
Ikilios stiffened at the sharp slap but he did sway under cupid's powers. "Then you are not a believer of love at first sight?" Ikilios questioned, releasing her from his arms but not his grasp. His eyes pierced through hers intensely. "I believe that the gods have destined this, want this,"

"That may be true sir and the feeling may not be totally one sided but...WHO ARE YOU?!" you could hear the malice in Kathryn's voice during the last three words. And if she didn't get an answer she would do more than slap him...
Cupid roared with laughter!

Trivia couldn't stand it anymore. "Thats enough Cupid!" She said as she froze time again. She walked up to Ikilios and flicked his head, releasing him from Cupid's magic arrow. She turned to Cupid. "You are messing with fate of Rome! As we speak, people are plotting against the Caesar. Who's side are you on?"

Cupid blinked.... "Your acting like Bellona! It's just a bit of fun. Fate of Rome? Trivia they're MORTALS!" He said. " You hear me? M.O.R.T.A.L.S!! Why didnt you yell at Voluptas when she set her love spell on Ikilios?" He asked.."I don't care if they live or die Trivia! I know right now of atleast 10 people conspiring to kill Ikilios! They're mortals.... let them figure this out themselvs. Eventually Ikilios will get out of my love spell.... " Cupid scuffed his foot on mid air as if he was doing so on the ground.

" You both should be ashamed of yourselves. Trivia release the mortals from your spell, this may be something important we need to see how this plays out with or without cupids help. Besides it'll be entertaining... that mortal looks as if she is going to kill him." Diana said joining her fellow immortals.

"You consider this entertainment?! That's sick..." Trivia steps back and waves her hand, releasing time from her grasp. She disappeared finding other immortals rather immature.

Malekith emerges from the shadows nearby Ilikios and Kathryn. "Stay your hand, milady." you could see the anger in his eyes. "If you have something against our ceasar, use words. I would not have you hurting our leader. rest assured that if you lay another hand on him, you will lose it"

" I am the one who is being held here. This is Ceasar? The one who makes calf eyes at me? Who still hasn't told me his name... this is Ceasar? I should really teach him a thing or two about politics..." Kathryn said with a maliciously quiet voice.

Sarconia came out from behind the corner and said, "Malekith you will not touch her!" She walked slowly to Katheryn. "You can trust me, my names Sarconia." She whispered so soft only Kathryn could hear. She looked at the Caesar, "Good evening highness." She said, curtsying. "I dont think we've been properly introduced.. I'm Sarconia."
Suadela had been wandering around the palace looking for something to entertain her. She foudn nothing and so left to the Pantheon.

" I TRUST NO ONE!!!" Kathryn said finally having enough, she looked at Ikilios, " Help me... who are you? and you Sarconia please step away. For just a few moments.! Argh! If you don't speak soon... you'll regret it..." Kathryn finished she gently poked Ikilios with a sharpened quill she had up her sleeve, to show him she meant bussiness.

Ikilios' eyes lost their haziness and he was his old self again. Before saying anything, he gripped Kathryn's wrist firmly and pulled it away from him. "You would dare to commit such an act against your caesar?" Ikilios breathed out sharply. He then turned to Sarconia. "And who are you to enter my palace? What business do you have with me? I don't recall ever seeing you here." Ikilios said. To him, it seemed like that was the only kingly thing he'd said today. How Leonor would laugh at him! Speaking of Leonor, where was she? Ikilios pushed his thoughts of her aside as he awaited for Sarconia's answer.

Malekith laughs, "you see Kathryn, ceasar does not make calf eyes at you, you are seeing things. and you Sarconia, who are you to tell me what to do. I warn you, you do not want me as an enemy. You know what I can do..."

" I do not know who you are. You haven't answered my questions. And you haven't let me go since i bumped into you. Do you remember nothing of our previous conversation? If you don't than... but if you do than you know why i act as i do now... loosen your grip on my arm." Kathryn states going right into Ikilios's face and placing the tip of her dagger gently against his stomach. " No sudden movements now." She whispered into his ear.

With a sudden flash of movement and steel, Malekith is behind Kathryn, with her own blade at her throat. "I told you to stay you hand," Malekith growls, "If the ceasar wishes it, her head will fall free" he says aloud, more so a threat to Kathryn than a statement to ceasar
"You see how entertaining this is..." Diana said to know one inparticular.

"Yes I have to say this is very entertaining!" Cupid said.

" OOHH! Who will shed blood first... Cupid any ideas?" Diana asked a broad smirk on her face.

"I bet the Malekith man will kill the Kathryn lady..." Cupid said.
leonor sighed. Another woman for Ikilios. it should've been a relief but it pained her ever more. Was it envy taht was stirring inside her heart? Leono got up from the founttain.
She walked with grace through the sonte halls until she came upon the shock of her life. Ikilios was at the mercy of a woman, and the woman in captive of Malekith. Another woman was standing nearby. "Dear gods!" Leonor breathed out. "What is the meaning of this? Malekith, please release that woman at once, so long as she promises to drop her own wepaon!" Leonor ordered.

Sarconia turned, her earins clinking, she saw Leonor, and turned back to the present situation... "Kathryn.. why did you do that?!?" She said... " Uhg this is hopeless." And with that Sarconia walked past Leonor, down the hall, and out of the palace, her sandals making no noise on the stone floor. She walked to the Latium.

" YOU! Great another person trying to help. All I need is for one person to answer, and i am facing him face to face." Kathryn said with no fear as if her life wasn't in this man's hands, she refused to acknowledge him as Ceasar until he introduced himslef as such. He owed her that at least.

Leonor turned to Ikilios. What had he done? "Caesar, I do not understand. What is going on? What is this woman asking of you?" Leonor asked, frowning slightly.

Malekith lets go of Kathryn. he tosses the dagger Ikilios, then checks Kathryn for any more weapons. satisfied after he found none, he speaks. "Ceasar, I would suggest you answer this woman. and Kathryn, do not do that again. I have other bussiness to attend to, and I know the ceasar can handle whatever comes up, so I take my leave." with that, he receads into the shadows. off to the pantheon.

"Idiot." Kathryn states and since she couldn't go anywhere, Ikilios still had a hand. She reached between her breast and retreived her back up dagger. " Now we are even you have a dagger and i have a dagger. SO are you going to answer or are the three of us going to stand here staring at each other all night." Kathryn asks getting bored which is worse than her getting mad, because you don't know which way she is going to go.
Lucius arrived at the palace from the inn. He was unaware of what was happening the very moment. He looked around and saw that the sun was setting quickly. He sighed, staring at the sky. He felt he had accomplished much that day and he felt assured of his revenge. With a smile, he walked into the palace in search of Ikilios.

Sarconia arrived from the inn following Lucius, nothing more than a shadow.
"This is ridiculous! My lady, I am Ikilios, Caesar of Rome, second son of Pelios, the precious caesar of Rome. Now why are you offending me?" Ikilios asked, truly not remembering why this lady was holding a dagger at him. What had he done? what had he said?

" I am not sorry for pulling my dagger out. If you unhand me i can try to answer your questions. I am Kathryn, I didn't mean you any harm until you wouldn't let me go." Kathryn said sympatheticaly, knowing he was telling the truth and didn't remember his actions and words. She slowly lowered the dagger to her side to show she meant no harm.

Lucius suddenly looked up as the sun went out, as if someone had blown out the flame of a candle. The gods were up to mischief and it brought him no comfort. Grumbling, Lucius continued his search for Ikilios.
Bacchus appeared in the palace. He eyed the fuss around a man he recognized as Ceasar. The woman were obviously in trouble. And such a beautiful woman too. She certainly needs some help, he thought to himself.
He walked over to her. Though not visible, her whispered in her ear: "Sweet lady, you should know that there is a battle going on.
Oh, do not fear! I'm am but a humble god, my name is Bacchus.
You are confused now, of course.. Bear over with Ceasar, his past words were said unknowingly, he does not remember any of it, and it is not his fault.
As I said, there is a battle here, and you will either have to be with or against Ceasar."

Vicka silently entered the palace.
She told the guards Ceasar had sent for her, and as she'd been here before, they let her wander. She spotted the great Ceasar, a woman, and Malekith.
She kept in the shadows, listening.

Faunus entered the palace. He looked aroud, examining the people. Hmmm, this place is dull. Maybe a little music will help, he thought to himself and started playing his flute while jumping around, trying to dance.

Bacchus popped forth next to Faunus. "I'm glad you turned up. Everywhere is getting dull.. Allthough the situation of Rome is pretty exciting, I'd rather have fun than worrying about such serious matters.."
And so Bacchus started dancing with Faunus.

Faunus suddenly stopped playing. "We should have some food, don't you think? Grapes maybe...Does anyone have grapes???" he looked around. "Anyone? Apples then? Something else? Anything?"
"I'll have to get my own then" he thought grumpily, and ran away.

Venator rode up outside and handed his horse off to a stable boy. With a purposeful stride he entered the palace. Nodding to the gaurds which let him pass, his attire alone enough to gain him entry without question. The young legionaire strided down the labyrinth of halls, his crimson cloak snapping at his heels as it tryed to keep up. His mind dwelled on what Selene had told him, if even that was her true name. He doubted it. His brow furrowed in thought he payed little notice of the others in the corridors.
"Get grapes! Or vine! Or something.." Bacchus shouted after Faunus. "Oh well.. I'll have to get some myself.."
And with a faint tone he disappeared. The sound ecchoed in the great halls. Bacchus liked people, even though they didn't see him, to notice him comming and going.
As he popped back with jars filled with wine, a happy little melody danced through the halls of Ikilios' palace. Maybe I ought to stop doing that.. he thought to himself. Nah, that would be boring. He looked after Faunus, but apparently he wasn't back yet. Bacchus seated himself on a statue and watched the mortals, humming on a little melody.
Caius strode into the palace. He had gone to speak to his brother earlier, to warn him of the unrest that most subjects were able to feel for themselves. My brother often has a blind eye towards the love of his Caesar, and it's only fair if someone gives him some idea of whats going on. He hadn't though, told him anything of his involvement in the rebellion or let any details slip, he was far too smart for that, and his brother wouldn't know what to do. He sighed and set off for his rooms... taking the long way around the palace to see if he could overhear any useful information- for both Lucius and the Caesar.
Cupid flew into the palace, looking for some trouble, when he spotted Bacchus. He flew up next to him and took a seat. "Whats new with the mortals today?" He said grinning. "Do I need to cause some mischief?"

"Oh, I'd say mischief is always watch. And you arrows does such great jobs! Here, have some vine.." Bacchus handed Cupid a jar. "The fair lady over there is having some trouble due to you messing with Ikilios.. One arrow has already caused mischief here, let's try a second." Bacchus said and grinned. 

Cupid laughed and took the jar, "Thank you." He said. He looked down to where Ikilios and Kathryn were. "Yes I do say my arrows have caused trouble." He laughed. "Try a second dear brother? O you are crueler than I thought." He said with a mischievous look on his face. "I like that."

"oh, I wouldn't call myself cruel.. I just appreciate good entertainment." Bacchus looked around, still with a happy smile on his face. "How about messing with one of the proud guys? The serious ones.. Caius, Venator, or maybe even Lucius.. That would prove really interesting.."
Venator did not like the atmossphere of thing of late. Brooding he continued to make his way down the hallway, muttering to himself and trying to see if he could discover anything of great importance from the woman's warning. Frustrated he continued through the halls, and, caught sight of something up ahead which brought him suddenly from his thoughts. A figure lurking in a corner, listening to the room beyond. "You there!" the legionaire called to Caius.

Caius turned around to face the man. "Excuse me sir? Can I help you?" He asked Who is this man and why do I feel as if I should know his face? he wondered

"What do you think your doing just there? Lurking around, eavesdropping no doubt." He eyed Caius coldly, waiting for an explaination...and then, felt something odd...He shrugged it off for the moment, it had come out of nowhere...
Cupid laughed. "I think I beat you to it. I shot Lucius yesterday!!!" He says laughing. "But I think I'll shoot Venator today... why not that could be good..." He grinned. "Come with me." He said, flying off his perch, searching for Venator...there! Cupid said to Bacchus. He pointed at Venator and Caius. He pulled out his bow, and an arrow. He strung the arrow in the bow.. aimed straight for Venators heart... shot... THWAP! it hit him straight on. Cupid smiled at Bacchus. "Lets see how this plays out.." He said grinning.
Sarconia leaves the palace for the Pantheon.
"Good one Cupid!" Bacchus smiled. "hehe, what if they fell in love with each other! Oh, I would die, choked by laughing too much! But this is getting interesting.. So, who's Lucius' hearts beloved? Does he show any signs, or is his heart dead too?"
Vicka spotted Venator. Yes, Venator was a loyal bastard..
Vicka walked towards Leonor and Ceasar trying not to seem nervous or anything.
She had talked to Leonor once before, so they faintly knew each other. She had talked, and done other things, to Ceasar many times.. But she still wasn't someone important to him. The great Ceasar had many girls around him. "Good evening.. " she bowed deeply. "I'm am sorry to so rudly walk in on you, I am not disturbing anything? I just wondered if I would be needed today?" She looked at Leonor.. And noticed that there were tension between Ceasar and this third woman. She realized she really did come at an unappropriate and interesting time.
Bacchus was getting kinda drunk.. He was a god, he couldn't get drunk.. But he convinced himself he was. He danced around singing, and when he hit the highest tones, aware humans could hear them. Bacchus had little concerns.

Cupid laughed and danced with his "drunk" brother.

"What a sight the two of you make." Diana said smiling and appearing sitting on a near by bench watching the two gods.

Cupid turned to see Diana sitting down. "Why dear Diana, what a pleasant surprise." He said, bowing to her. "Your presence graces us Goddess." He walked over to her, taking her hand and kissing it. "Would you like to dance?" He asked sarcasticly, a grin on his face.

" Why cupid... I would love to dance i am fright fully bored. Dancing would be fun." Diana said with an equal amount of sarcasm in her voice. She waved a hand a music started to play. Since Cupid still had her hand she led the way to the middle of the room and started dancing.

Cupid spun Diana around in circles, humming to the music. "You know dear, you really are a wonderful dancer.." He said as he patted her bottom. He started laughing as a look of shock came across Diana's face.

"Becareful Cupid or you will be a castrated spreader of love. I don't think i like this music how about something more up beat." Diana said then waved her hand again and the music changed to a more up beat tune.

Cupid stopped dancing, a hurt look on his face. "Diana... you wouldnt!" his eyes were wide.. "YOU WOULD!" he said loudly. "... Y...Y ou cant do that to me Diana!.. it .. it would kill me!" He stared at her, his eyes wild.

"No even love has it's place. But my hounds would love a chase. What if I turned you into a stag... or a bear..." Diana replied in an amused voice indicating the hounds that had entered the room while they were dancing. The hounds were laying down watching the pair.

"Dear Diana, I shall not touch you in a way you do not wish again." Cupid said and bowed. He walked over and petted one of the hounds. "I promise I'll be good.... With you." He grinned.

The hound growled at Cupid. " Becareful Cupid those aren't ordinary hounds they are wild and part wolf. They came because they don't like it when i am gone long. They already don't like you so be careful for they will be around and not always with me. They must eat... you know" Diana said and winked at Cupid, " Now i believe we were dancing." Diana finished with a purely mischevious grin on her face.

Cupid stuck his tongue out at the hound, and walked back over to Diana. "Yes i believe we were." He took Diana and started dancing with her again.

Caius narrowed his eyes at his accusor, "I am not sir. I am the Caesar's messenger and was setting off to find him when you interrupted my search." He rummaged through his messenger bag and pulled out the ring with Caesar's seal on it and showed it to the man. "See? Employed and trusted by Ikilios himself. Now if I may ask, what are you doing here?"

Sarconia entered the palace from the Pantheon walking as fast as she could. She turned a corner to see Caius and Venator talking. She slowly walked over to them. "Master Caius." She said curstying to him, then to Venator. "I need to speak with you." She said calmly, her blue eyes alight.

Caius nodded at Venator "If you'll excuse me, sir." and turrned back to Sarconia

Sarconia glanced at Venator.. Then to Caius. Sarconia grabbed Caius' arm and walked a few paces away from Venator. "Caius you know my assignment from Lucius.. I need an arranged meeting with Leonor...But I havent the slightest idea where Lucius is..." She whispered to him.

Realising Sarconia's intent wasn't merely a chat, Caius steered her farther away from Venator and farther down the hall. "I haven't seen Lucius since everyone left the Inn, however I do know he's in the palace somewhere, he would have told me if he had left. Have you checked his studies? What about his chamber?" He shook his head cutting himself off realising she wouldn't know where they were, "No of course you haven't, you check his studies, if he yells at you for interuppting him, just tell him I sent you. I'll check his chamber, if you don't find him in his studies meet me back here and we'll search elsewhere for him." Where in Jupiter's name is Lucius? It's not like him to be missing especially when he has so much riding on today. Caius thought violently, although let no sign of his thoughts show on his face

Sarconia gripped Caius's arm. "I dont know where his study is Caius." She said. " And if I'm wandering around the palace alone, and I run into Malekith... I dont even want to think what will happen. I was in the Panteon, and I ran into him, and he started quesioning me about being in the palace. If he comes here, and finds me.. I dont think I would be able to help you or Lucius.." She said, her blue eyes looked worried.

Caius nodded and mentally added Malekith to his list of people to keep an eye on. "Malekith you say? Hmm sounds familiar for some reason." He shook it off, "Alright, come with me I'll help you find Lucius, I need to talk to him myself... I can't take you to his chambers he'd be very upset with me, but I can lead you to his studies, and thats where he's most likely to be."

Sarcionia noded and said, "The reason you recognize the name is becuase Malekith is Caesars personal assassin." She said. "Now enough of this, lets try and find Lucius." She said, still gripping his arm. "Lead the way" She said.

Caius nodded and started to lead her to Lucius' studies.

Sarconia stopped walking, stopping Caius in the process with her hand on his arm. " Caius did you hear that?" She said. She looked behind her from where the voices came. "It's Lucius." She turned, him turning with her, and they hurried back to where Sarconia heard the voices.


Kaeso entered the palace keeping an eye out for his brother. Somehow he'd have to do as the goddess suggested and meet with this Venator without catching his brother's notice. And that could be a problem with him always running around delivering messeges. Why would the goddess, whichever one it was I was speaking to, think it was Caius in the rebellion? Unless she knows of something I don't. Speaking of the mysterious goddess, who was she?
Ikilios sighed, relieved that things were better between him and Kathryn, thought he still didn't know what had gone on. He turned around, thinking he heard Lucius' voice call out to him.

Lucius sighed as he finally spotted Ikilios. He looked rather flustered. Lucius also saw there was another female along with Leonor. Good, he didn't have to hunt her down. Where was Sarconia? "Caesar, I am back, and with a proposition." Lucius said, grinning widely.

Leonor was upset all over again when she saw Lucius.

"I have met someone that will serve as a great companion to Leonor, so that she won't be able to interrupt you as often while you are at your duties." Lucius said. 

Leonor's eyes grew wide. "no, Caesar! I have no need for a companion! You are companion enough!"

"Quiet! It is Caesar's decision!" Lucius hissed at Leonor. Lucius turned back to Ikilios. "I think she will be good for Leonor, teach her to be a proper lady and to not meddle into politic affairs in which she is not involved in." Lucius added.

Leonor closed her eyes and bowed her head. She would have to trust Kathryn. She had no choice. Even it hurt her heart, Kathryn had to be his mistress to keep him away from Lucius. Leonor fought back the tears at the frustration and looked at Kathryn.

Lucius grinned trumphantly.

"Ah there you are Lucius." Sarconia said, her hand resting on Caius' arm. "We've been looking for you." She let go of Caius and curtsied to Caesar, then to Lucius, and she nodded her head in Leonor and Kathryns direction. "Highness." She said, showing her respect. She walked over to Lucius to stand next and slightly behind him.

Lucius narrowed his eyes, letting them know he was annoyed at their tardiness. Lucius turned to Ikilios. "Well, Caesar, here she is, Sarconia. Leonor, I suggest you start off on friendly terms with Sarconia. After all, she is going to be your companion from now on." Lucius said, grinning slyly.

Leonor frowned and stared at Sarconia. What if she was one of Lucius' associates? Was Leonor's life in danger as well??

Sarconia shrugged off Lucius' glare, and smiled at Leonore, her blue eyes kind.
Cupid leaves the palace for the Pantheon.
Please continue writing at Ikilios' Palace 2 due to length of page

you can go and see games and races at the Colosseum or go converse with gods at the Pantheon, or you can browse around Latium, the rural area of Rome.
back to the Powers of Old

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2004-02-08 [thestranger]: thats a really good question... she's been gone all day

2004-02-08 [Kit Azhure]: she has a life...*looks around* where can i get one?

2004-02-08 [DeadHead]: lol. i have a life... but all my friends are either gone or already doing something. some annoying boys named chris and tim keep calling and if they call ONE MORE FREAKING TIME im going to RIP off their balls.

2004-02-08 [cheesemonkey]: geez u guys wrote alot!

2004-02-08 [cheesemonkey]: .< ripping off balls isnt nice either...

2004-02-08 [DeadHead]: lmao, cant help it cheese man. they piss me off... i prolly WONT rip off their balls... they just need to take a hint :D. and btw w.b you were missed ;)

2004-02-08 [cheesemonkey]: hahah, thanks...i feel so loved

2004-02-08 [test_drive]: lol

2004-02-08 [DeadHead]: oh your so loved *says very sarcasticly*

2004-02-08 [test_drive]: lol, we were away at church...took a while to get home

2004-02-08 [test_drive]: i think we're gonna need a second page for this!

2004-02-08 [DeadHead]: probably, just make a wiki paged called "Ikilios' Palace old

2004-02-08 [superbazorro]: uh...where'd damien go?

2004-02-08 [test_drive]: i got edit after tali!!! o yeh, iono where damien is

2004-02-08 [DeadHead]: lol hes prolly just afk real fast

2004-02-08 [ShiftySkillet]: lol porbby

2004-02-08 [ShiftySkillet]: WOAH CANT SPELL....probably...

2004-02-08 [DeadHead]: haha

2004-02-08 [ShiftySkillet]: grrrr spelling sux arnus..

2004-02-09 [Pnelma Tirian]: this is so confusing. I can't tell who posted what cuz all them greek names are so damn closely related.

2004-02-09 [cheesemonkey]: its ok pnelma *pats pnelma* we all get confused at this RPG

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