Page name: January 2012 [Exported view] [RSS]
2012-02-03 07:34:27
Last author: Nioniel
Owner: Nioniel
# of watchers: 5
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January 2012 Nudes

<img0*200:stuff/aj/169023/thtfl.jpg> <img0*200:stuff/aj/169023/psngnud.jpg> <img0*200:stuff/aj/169023/1327453840.jpg> <img0*200:stuff/aj/169023/1327453895.jpg> <img0*200:stuff/aj/169023/1327453948.jpg> <img0*200:stuff/aj/169023/1327452778.jpg> <img0*200:stuff/aj/169023/1327453695.jpg> <img0*200:stuff/aj/169023/1327453762.jpg> <img0*200:stuff/aj/169023/1327454039.jpg> <img0*200:stuff/aj/169023/1327517574.jpg> <img0*200:stuff/aj/169023/caged.jpg> <img0*200:stuff/aj/169023/penance.jpg>

Melissa's Shoots
- February 2012

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2012-01-25 [Skydancer]: Adds to the watch list. :)

2012-01-25 [Nioniel]: I'll be making up a wiki for nudes each month. :)

2012-01-25 [Skydancer]: Excellent, idea and it helps keep track. :) Never hesitate to have grand adventures too.

2012-01-25 [Nioniel]: :D

2012-01-27 [Skydancer]: Some rather fun ideas. :)

2012-01-27 [Nioniel]: Myah was fairly distressed that I was in her kennel. :P I had to kick her out of the room, she kept trying to race me back into it.

2012-01-28 [Avaz]: Lovely!

2012-01-28 [Nioniel]: :)

2012-01-28 [Skydancer]: Grins, good fodder for a nude model blog.

2012-01-28 [Nioniel]: Nude model blog?

2012-01-28 [Skydancer]: Sure, why not, your a good writer, you have interesting adventures and you could blog about your photographic journey and that of self discovery.

2012-01-28 [Nioniel]: Hmm. That could be interesting.

2013-07-07 [davidkatsu]: very fetish and artistic, seriously, you did an amazing job, I love those socks that you are wearing.

2013-07-07 [Skydancer]: Waves and reminds you about doing your Nude Model blog. :)

2013-07-07 [Nioniel]: Life has been incredibly distracting lately. :(

2013-07-08 [Skydancer]: Indeed, I really understand that. Ended up setting myself a sort of office hour where I go in and do work I need to do, paperwork, paying bills, uploading a few things to stock, answering emails, and grabbing the camera to take a few shots, be it the garden, self portraits, something. :)

2013-07-08 [Nioniel]: That's a really good idea!

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