Page name: Join XENO-gen [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-05-03 21:54:22
Last author: Lordterrex
Owner: POG
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If you are interested in joining, give me a message ([POG]), I'll write you back if I want you to join, then post a profile using this template...

Read Prelude-XENO-gen First, tho!

Personality Traits-
Upper OR lower-
Personal History-

I look forward to RPing with you, and shall post my own chara soon!


Username-[POG] t3h admin!!!111one
Age- 15
Appearance- Slight, with tanned skin. Straight dark brunette/black hair reaching just above shoulders. His hair is spiky and ruffled. Has bright blue, indigo eyes. Very dirty, wearing a ragged blue shirt, with a yellow logo that reads 'Fred's Fish'. Has a massive hole in it. On the bottom, he wears black shorts. His feet are bare.
Personality Traits-A compulsive pickpocket, Moss is one of the many orphans who watched his parents morphe into 'gens.He is reasonabluy queit, but very intelligent. He likes card games and poker. He wins against gang members, and is very light fingered.
Job/Occupation- Street kid/ theif
Upper OR lower-Lower
Personal History- His parents were attacked by 'gens, and shortly turned into them. He managed to escape them, but had to watch as the gangs let rip with their AK-47's ripping he mutants to shreds. He has been living of his own means, ie. stealing, ever since.

Username-[POG](i get two charas because I'm speshul ^^)
Age- 17
Appearance- Regarded by many as one of the most beautiful people living in the lower levels, fawn is tall but delicate, with purple-ish auburny golden hair, which is long and curly, but always kept in a braid tied up with bandage. Her eyes are green, but speckled with gold. Her skin is a pale milky colour, and she wears a white lace vest. On her bottoms she wears lurexy, plasticy skintight black flares over biker boots. Over her shirt, she wears a golden bomber jacket.
Personality Traits-Silent, angsty, angry, everything tht oyu wold ever need in a teenage girl. Seems very scary, but can be shy and possesive.
Job/Occupation-Leader of a gang called the 'Royals'. Better known as 'Queen of the underworld'.
Upper OR lower-lower
Personal History- Was once a lowly, orphaned street kid, until she got threatened by a gang. she fought with them, and seeing as she is incredibly strong, the leader took a liking to her. After he died, she inherited the Royals.

Age- 18
Appearance-Thin, 5’7, Chin length dirty blonde hair. Startlingly blue eyes.
Personality Traits- he is kinda cocky and cynical. with a strong sense of what’s right. He never really felt like he fitted in on the surface.
Upper OR lower-Upper
Personal History- as a child he always had a sense of adventure, something not many of the other kids had. He always wanted to become a P.C. because they were the only ones that ever got to go underground. Above ground there was peace, there was tranquility…there was boredom, for him at least.

Name-(nickname) Ginger
Age- 17
Appearance-Very tall and lanky. Like celery. He has an abundance of freckles and big 'girlie girl' eyes, which he was teased about constantly. His eyes are a watery yellow, fringed heavily with eyelashes. He has (duh) ginger hair, not that long and it curls slightly. V. pale. Almost albino (another thing he was teased about.)The other kiddies used pour milk and other pale substances all over him and yell in delight that it had actually TANNED him. He believed them.
Personality Traits- very optimistic. Sees the world through rose-tinted glasses. Tres naive, and, some would say, weedy. Very shy around girls. VEREE.
Upper OR lower-Upper
Personal History- He lives with his dominating mother, who is something of a BEAST. Never really had a father figure. He was the kid the others thought was weeeird, and avoided like the plague. He honestly beleives that he peace corps are making a positive impact on the Lower world. Did I mention he was very naive?. Anyways, after many years entrapped with the mother from hell he is still mentally scarred. His idea of women is waaay warped. I know what your thinking: GET A LIFE! Which is what he intends to do. He WILL make Mother and the others proud!

Name- Dr. Glorie Ray (Weird, I know. her parents were hippies!) most commonly known as 'Nursie' or 'the Nurse'
Age- early twenties
Gender- female
Appearance-A little under average height (is often teased for being short), curvy physique, fluffy honey blonde hair with a short fringe that always seems to be ruffled, and slim, sarcastic green eyes.
Personality Traits- Mature, witty, clever, sarcastic, tends to panic in bad situations. Is also tactless and extremely unlucky. Tends to get violent when angry.
Job/Occupation- Doctor, fresh out of med school. Recently unwillingly became a P.C nurse.
Upper OR lower- Upper
Personal History- Glorie is just your average overachieving genius, apart from the fact that she always seems to get herself into sticky situations. Her most recent mistake was accidentally mentioning she was interested in curing the Xeno-Gen virus in front of a P.C parade. Now she's been roped into ACTUALLY VENTURING down to the lower levels with them as their nurse! It seems poor Glorie can do no right and now she is going to pay the consequences, probably with her life. 

Username- [Lordterrex]
Name- Brock Bran nickname: Jarl
Age- 25
Gender- Male
Appearance- A short person, at 5 foot 5, his body is covered in muscles, a life of running from danger, and avoiding trouble had given him an intelligent gleam. he sported a goatee. his face had a vew scars, but not nearly enough to be considered a true underworlder.
Personality Traits- tough, and gritty. the kind of thing, that when you get stuck in your teeth, you try for hours to get it out. he is kind enough, a supporter of peace, but a believer in the need for roughing some one up. he is a mixture of the under world, and the overworld. this probably has to do with his birth being a mixture of the under, and the over world. he was raised in his youth, in the world of peace. until he was taken underground, once he was considered old enough.
Job/Occupation- a mercenery. even the PC's know it is important to have some protectin in the underworld.
Upper OR lower- a mixture of both.
Personal History- born on both sides. he spent his life learning to fight, and he now uses that to help the PC's do their job. protecting them from the gangs that would kidnap them for their own personal plesure.

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2007-04-24 [taylorrr]: When are you going to post your character?

2007-04-25 [POG]: DONE!

2007-04-25 [taylorrr]: Niiiiiiiiice...I LIAAAKE it.

2007-04-25 [POG]: NIce deary *claps*

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