Page name: Kei's Poetry 2 [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-08-18 12:27:08
Last author: Keii
Owner: Keii
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Kei's Poetry 2

Continued from Kei's Poetry

Tables Turned

Foxes on white horses high
Give chase to flesh under the sky.
Dodging through a field of grass
Withering beneath because of labours farce.
Country-side green
Alliance red
Field mine stop and turn their heads
Humans cower under the moon
Snarling teeth of dogs deprived of food.
Frightened hearts race and beg
Only this morning on chickens fed
Blood sport fun
Brings joy and laughs
As blood soaked carcass is dragged along the ground
Left to rot
A life for neither penny nor pound.


Fooling you never seemed so easy
One word you believe
I become all the people I hate
Messing with feelings like playdoe
But wrong this may seem
I also fool myself
Fake happiness I believe
Fills my face with tears
Confused? So am I
I snap so often at everyone
Need to sort out my own head
Before you and I can fly.

Minds or Thought

My dear friend,
So alike in mind,
Watch the night stars dance and sing,
On lonely slabs you lie and stare.
Lie here.
Side by side.
No lovers here, no lustful touch,
Just dear friends to make us tough.
Blank stares and looking gaunt.
Sound in mind? Or crazy in thought?

When We Were Young

Playdoe and shiny things
Finger painting fun
Dressing up and telling tales
No worries or doubts
Young again and young at heart
How it should always be
Sitting there in the playing field
My best friend and me.

My Aphrodite

Aphrodite stand there tall
And let your light bathe me
Splendour in your golden form
Loving your tender touch
My Aphrodite
My one and only
I love thee.

Sorrows Song

Dark pools of ink,
Stare out from rims of snow,
Full of sorrows song.
Pleading to help those who need it,
Hiding the scars that line the face,
Only when the cheshire cat grins,
Shall the grains of golden peace fall.

Christmas Spirit

The advent candle lit every night,
Flickering in the dark.
Carols sung in the cold,
Noses red and presents sold.
But behind closed doors,
Feuds break out beneath the mistletoe,
The holiday of sharing and love,
Reduced to tears and hurt.

Traditions the same every year,
The same old turkey feast.
Fake smiles and ‘thank you’ passed,
Around the Christmas tree.
But whatever hurt and petty grudges,
Said the whole year round,
Can be forgotten for at least one day,
As we spread our love around.


Can you see the masks littering the empty workshop floors?
All of them perfect in every single way,
But none of them worth it – none of them match,
The deeply flawed face that tries to smile and laugh in the mirror,
Hidden from the outside world, and those that sneer at that ugly and unwanted face.

Can you see the tears that sweep and streak those eyes?
Those deep and tragic eyes, that could betray every emotion,
People always deny it – “I will never leave you. I care too much”
Even you, but it’s all a little white lie,
All in the name of kindness and pity,
They always leave in the end, finding someone better and prettier to befriend,
A doormat for society – those eyes have seen too much sorrow already.

Can you see that at last the mask is finished?
So flawed and unattractive, to match that deeply flawed face,
But look at that smile – a smile to light up a hundred faces,
Dishing out love so freely, but getting none in return,
A mere shell.
A whore for wanting society.

Virtual Fields

The world around me crumbles at my feet,
Distant stars long gone, once fiery balls of heat
I look around with a forsaken sigh
What happened to those trees that once rose up high?
Replaced with spires of iron and glass
In a bubble, floating on what was once a beautiful past.
We sought to make the world a cleaner place
Hovering cars are now our taste.
But in the process we’ve forgotten what is real,
And now live in virtual fields…

Suicide #357

I tried to kill myself today.
Had the pills ready in my hand.
So many – each of a different colour,
Purple… my favourite,
And even a shiny blue one.
I sat there staring at them,
They seemed to come alive.
Like M&M’s they enticed.
All ready at the poolside,
Enjoying the slippery slide.
I fell asleep and dreamt of pretty things,
The peachy sun and daisy rings.
And then darkness fell, as I opened my eyes,
I awoke to the smell of burning,
My toast was black like the coffee beside it.
I got up off the floor and went to work.
I tried to kill myself today.

The Rag-doll

I remember the day when I first was born,
She saw me in a shop.
My face was clean, and my hair was bright.
She stood to stare in utter delight.

Pretty she was, my owner so young,
But she took care of me, because I was her own.
Everywhere we went, hand in hand.
I loved her so dearly and she was so kind.

We used to sit in the bright summer sun,
Drink tea and eating scones.
All the others were so jealous of me,
Because I was the favourite, and always had the key.

Older she got but we never would part,
My cloth got so tatty and lost it’s charm.
But I was still loved and the only one,
I was her world, and she was my sun.

I remember the day that we went for a walk,
And stopped at the shop where I had been born.
She dropped me there and disappeared inside,
As I stood outside, waiting patiently, I didn’t mind.

Waiting and waiting it got so cold,
As the sun went down and the shop was closed.
I started to cry as I felt frightened and scared,
My weaknesses were instantly bared.

The others stood in that window so warm,
And laughed at me standing their all alone.
I pulled at my hair and it fell like spaghetti,
Looking at it fall to the floor I felt so petty.

As the sun rose I was still alone,
Unwanted and forgotten as if I had never been born.
People pushed and into the gutter I fell,
My life was over – she didn’t even say farewell.

Untitled (as of yet)

The golden stream of songbird’s flight,
Upon the music of the night.
I dance and prance around the moon,
And rejoice in the chimes that call out noon.

Footsteps on stone ring out to the sky,
Like music to my heart and all those unseeing eyes.
The gentle twitter of that beautiful voice,
Makes the stars dancing and twirl as they rejoice.

Gentle lapping of tranquil waves,
Upon the sands that I so crave.
Combines the music of my soul,
And provides a place where I feel whole.

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