Page name: Kenna Duncan [Exported view] [RSS]
2014-05-18 00:11:45
Last author: Duredhel
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User Name: NPC

Character name: Kenna E. Duncan

Mutant Name: Jabberwock

Classification: Student

Abilities/powers: Kenna is an avatar of randomness and probability. Her power is the omnipotent ability to shift the fabric of reality itself in the most useless way possible. Kenna herself has no control over her power, when she uses it, a few things seems to happen (though everything and anything CAN happen)(Whenever Kenna uses her powers, I'll roll a die and abide by whatever is rolled). Sometimes she might activate her power unwittingly, such as when she sneezes particularly hard or is in danger.

1-3 Glamour;
Glamour is an ability attributed to old european mythical creatures able to hide in plain sight by a field of magical illusion. In Kenna's case, it's very much the same except she has no control over the illusion and it is completely random. Onlookers might see Kenna as anything from another person to a human-sized platypus. Kenna has no way of knowing if her Glamour is activated (other than people's reactions), not even looking at herself in a mirror. Electronic equipment or characters who can see through illusions can see through the Glamour and it usually only lasts a few minutes (though it can go on for longer).

4 Spatial Shift;
With a tremendous amount of power, Kenna changes the space-time continuum by shifting everything in the universe about 3 inches to the left. Some objects/people immediately around her (and herself) might get shifted around a bit more or less, however.

5. Energy Shift;
This strange ability seems to function only with mutants close to Kenna (within 5 to 20 feet, it varies), switching the powers and abilities of two mutants (but not Kenna) from a few seconds to a maximum of a few minutes. Oddly enough, in regular people, the energy shift only seems to switch over the ability to speak french.

6. GM's Call;
Can be anything, really, up to the GM's criteria.

Sex: Female

Age/Date of Birth: 18, May 22nd.

General appearance: Kenna is a skinny, small girl with bright, blue-green eyes (they used to be brown, then even orange at some point) and fiery, wavy red hair. She has a button nose and a roundish face that actually seems a lot longer because of her permanently serious expression. She tends to wear mid-tone clothing, nothing too extravagant or too demure, trying to keep whatever little control she can over her life. The only particularity would be a small, golden metal die she wears around her neck on a small chain.

Additional Appearance: She may sometimes look like a human-sized, magically animated fridge... or accordion, or a giant floating plate of crackers. It depends on her power, really.

Personality: Kenna is an extremely serious, no-nonsense girl. She has a short fuse when it comes to illogical behavior, over-overemotional acts and such things, which makes her power even more of a curse. Kenna always dreamed of a safe routine and common life with no strange occurrences. Even after all that has happened to her, she still holds that dream close to her heart and attempts to steer clear of people and events which might bring too much excitement or unpredictability. Kenna is also extremely blunt and honest, making no attempt at sparing someone's feelings if they're annoying her or causing her distress.
Special Skills: She knows every single Gilbert and Sullivan Opera by heart, but she claims it's actually that the Operas tend to change to fit whatever the hell she sings.

Place of birth: She used to be Irish, but now she's Scottish, she has no idea how it happened.
Weapon(s) of choice: Apathy
Medical information: She used to be allergic to peanuts, but not anymore. She now seems to be allergic to shrimp.
Brief History: Kenna was a normal, slightly overachieving girl most of her life in Ireland. She was the kind of child who seemed to be born an older person, enjoying the kind of things adults did rather than the nonsensical games of her peers. Random occurrences began happening around her slowly, beginning with things as simple as her pencils changing colors inside her bag and slowly building up. By the time she was 13, her powers were bringing everyone in her small Irish town (which was one day magically transported to Scotland, changing everyone's last names with it) a step closer to the mad-house each day. When her parents were finally driven off the ledge, a close relative managed to contact the Xavier school and put her on a plane bound for New York. Three months later, Kenna somehow arrived at New Jersey aboard a Kayak, the plane was never accounted for. Professor Xavier seemed to be able to suppress the girl's powers and let her live a peaceful life, however, one morning Kenna's powers seemed to come back at full swing (little did she know that Xavier has just disappeared) and with a sneeze, she erased herself from everyone's memories of the last couple of years. (Appearing to them as if she had just materialized out of thin air.)
Relatives: Her Father and Mother still live, but now reside in a mental institution.

X-Men Characters

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2012-07-26 [The Past]: I love the idea of how she's 'introduced' into the house :D

2012-07-27 [Duredhel]: Thanks 8>

2012-09-07 [Duredhel]: ... turns out it doesn't take that long to transfer these picture-based charts.

2012-09-07 [The Past]: Oooh I like, I like. Will have to steal for my toons ;)

2012-09-07 [Duredhel]: Yay :>.
You can just replace Flame's spot with Kenna (since she's not in her own chart) so as to not mess up the table :>

2012-09-07 [The Past]: Very nice. Will look at doing this later tonight :3

2012-09-08 [Duredhel]: Poor Kenna will die in her room before she's checked on XD

2013-02-23 [Duredhel]: And Kenna knows like... no one XD.

2014-12-08 [ancienteye]: Ah. So /she's/ how the power-swap happens. XD

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