Page name: Keystone - Part 1 [Exported view] [RSS]
2010-04-26 11:43:57
Last author: Rice
Owner: Rook.
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Temperance stood in the alley way, arms crossed, disgrunteled look on her face as she looked down at the two men before her. She paced them, clicking her fingers, thinking things over. Two tall silent men stood behind her, watching their boss with satsified smiles. "You realise stealing from me was stupid". Temperance turned down to the two men at her feet, she gave a wicked grin and snapped her fingers. Her two fellow mobsters behind her took out their guns and shot the other two men dead.

Angela walked out of the shadow and took out one of Temperance's mobsters with a pin to his juggular, ripping it in half, flipping back his long red hair to reveal a mark that meant he was from The Castle. "I'll find you a new mobster in a bit, Love." she said, kicked the body over with the others. She smiled at her friend. "Anything particular that you are lookign for?"

Before Angela could even get close to Temperance, Victor came out of the darkness and stood infront of her, gun aimed at Angela's head. Temperance sighed as she looked down at the two dead men, shame, they held promise. She smiled at Vic and patted his shoulder. "'s alright..she's a friend". Victor lowered his gun, though he watched Anegla like a hawk.

Angela grinned at Vic and blew him a kiss, then wrapped her arms around her friend in a hug, then led Temperance awayf rom the scene of the crime. She prattled on gaily about the new flowers she got for her garden, the mean time, talking in code about a meeting tonight in the sunflower field behind the Pub.

Temperance pulled a face at the hug and sort of wriggeled out of it, she wasn't really the hugging type. Vic wasn't far behind her, standing as serious as always, following her like a gaurd dog, probablly a pit-bull. Temperance just carried on like Vic wasn't there, she usually did. "I see". She wondered what the meeting would be about.

Angela's senses tingled and she threw herself over Temperance as shots hit the gruond right where she had been standing. She located the threat and aimed to fire back, all teh while talkign about poppies; who was going to be there, and roses; meaning they were going to try and de-root the lord and lady again.
"And they are going to fail...again. The sun will just wither them away before they have a chance to get very high." She knelt in front of Tmep, who lay on the ground, seemingly just staring at teh sky like it was a normal day. She took aim again, focusing, and prepared to pull the trigger. The mask she wore made it hard to see in the daylight.

Vic charged at Angela's side, he whipped out his gun and aimed headshots, he fired taking out a few enemies, leaving the ones closer to Angela for her to kill. As Temperance got up, blinking lazily, Vic suddenly grabbed her and dove to the side hiding behind a wall. He held Temperance close holding her into him with one hand, the other reloading the gun. He used his arm somewhat like a chield to protect her.

Angela threw her gun to teh side and tackled the nearest of them, takign them out by breakign their necks. She ran and also hid behind Vic.

Vic looked out and squinted, he aimed and shot a few more down, taking out the last ones near him. Temperance peared out, eyes wide. Why were they attacking us, she looked at Angela, maybe they were her enemies or something.

Amelia walks in and stands by Angela and whispers "whats going on?"

Angela shrugged.

After the attackers were dead Temperance and Vic walked out. Temperance went up to one fo the bodies and looked around for any clues as to who they were. Victor stood still, slipping his gun back into his holster. "'ve got a meeting in a couple of hours". Victor spoke with his low controlled voice. Temperance nodded.

angel snorted, then snickered at her nickname. "Tempi..."She started to walk away. "I'm going home to change. I'll see you at that meeting, Temp?"

"Later Angie". Temperance waved and walked off with Vic, kicking a few rocks as she went. She reached into her pocket and got out a ciggarette lighting it as the disappeared.

Angela secretly followed and shot a pin, slicing the ciggarette in half, tehn skipped away happily.

Temperance threw the fag to the floor and ruffeled her haiur."GOD DAMN IT ANGELA". She proclaimed as she walked off. Vic raised an eyebrow and just followed.

Angela jsut raced home, then changed into her librarian's outfit, a pair of slim jeans, a tshirt that said 'bookworm', and a pair of glasses that where dark and nerdy, yet added a look of vulnerability and elfin looks to her.

Temperance walked towards her home, a rather large house surrounded by gaurds and everything. It had been her fathers, but he was sort of not in an shape to take care of it.

Angela got to the library and picked up her stack of books to put away, sweeping her hair quickly into a sloppy bun. She put herbooks away, and realized she still had her mask on. She was glad no oen was in teh library at the time and slid it off, folding it and placing it in her back pocket. She sat down behind the desk and picked up a book just as the first person walked in.

A wolf pup padded up to Temperance and barked friendly. It's tongue hanging from its mouth panting in the hot sun. It's green eyes examined them, his gaze lingered on Vic longer than it had on on Temp.

Hawk peered around the corner and mumbled. "I hadn't expected Vic to be here... This changes things..."

Angela looked out of the window of the library, which was across the street from Temp's house, and saw Hawk, rolling her eyes. She excused herself, and wentto the top floor, looking down onhawk from above. She put on her mask and balanced on the edge of the gargoyle, then leapt off, gracefully, silently, lanfding behind Hawk, putting her heand around his moutha nd dragged him backawards, away from Temp's house.

Hawk clutched a bag clipped to his waistband. "Angie!" He tried to shout through her fingers, then grabbed her arms and threw her infront of him "What are you doing?! I'm trying to deliver something!"

Mikan sensed his masters trouble and turned his head, growling. He ran towards Hawk and growled at Angela.

Angela raised her eyebrow and held her handout for the bag. "You know the rules, Hawkie." She smiled down at the wolf pup and blew it a kiss.

Mikan settled and jumped at Angela, attacking her in licks. He has a soft spot for females. Of any species.

Hawk rolled his eyes. "Thanks for the distraction, Mikan, extra dinner for you later!" He bolted off in the direction of Temp. "I don't think you want this bag anyway, my sweet!" He patted the bag, and a thick, scarlet drip fell from the cloth bag.

Angie picked up the pup and took the mask off, putting it in her back pocket, adn ran to the library, waitnig for Hawk.

Hawk looked behind him and didn't see her following. "Goo-" As he almost finished speaking he hit Angela and they toppled over eachother. "How did you get in front of me?" He asked, a little embarassed he was ontop of her....

Mikan wriggled from Angela's grip and jumped out of the way. He started to lick their faces.

Angie rolled her eyes and threw off Hawk, pushign herself up to her feet. You couldlearn to be a little more gentle with whom you land on...Hawk." she smirked and whisteld for Mikan to follow her inside.

Hawk landed on the bottom step of the Library with a thud. "You could learn to be more gentle period." He complained, rubbing his ribs. He followed her into the library and looked at Mikan at Angela's, tail raised and wagging happily. "Mikan could be less gentle. What use is a mercenary dog if all he does is lick peoples faces."

Mikan looked up at Hawk, his ears flattened and his tail drooped, along with his happily seeming face.

Temperance sat at the table, arms crossed, bored look on her face. Around her were the many heads of the crime families within Keystone, they were all talking about current affairs ect. Temperance looked at Vic who stood besides her, she then looked back at the family heads. "Alright I've heard enough". Everyone went silent as she spoke. "Here's the deal, you've all got your land, keep you work to your sectors and don't get in each others way". She took a long drag from her ciggarette. "Then next person who over-steps their mark and works on other peoples territory will find themselves in need of knew knee-caps". She was notorius for shooting people's knee-caps out who annoyed her. "You may all leave".

Angela perched on the ledge above Temperance, an amused look on her face as seh watched everyone mumble and get, leaveing. Angela backflipped off teh ledge and landed, facnig Temp, on her table, teh other half of the ciggarette landing in front of her. She grinned stupidly and tucked the sharp pin away where it came from.

Temperance looked at the end of her cigarette and sighed slightly, brushing a piece of hair behind her ear."Really....I think maybe my expectations were too high for some of these families". She stood up.

"Honestly, I would love to take the lot of them out with rutsy spoons and wooden forks." She said, cheerfully crossing her legs adn stayign on the table.

"I think I'd be a bit more creative than that". Temperance leant against the wall, staring up at the roof.

"No you wouldn't." She chortled. "You would blow their kneecaps off." She leaned back on her elbows adn amused herself by thrwoign a pin at nearby moths.

"Depends how they annoyed me". Temperance looked over at Vic."Vicky I'm thirst, can you get me a cup of tea"? Vic nodded.

Angela watched Vic walk away, grinnign at Temp. "How do you resist him?" She got up and lazily retrieved her pins.

"Resist"? Temperance turned to Angela blinking oddly, she looked at Vic and tilted her head a little as if to get a better look at him."You thing he's attractive"?

"Who's attractive?" He said, walking through the door way, leaning against it. He winked at the two girls and chuckled. Mikan scampered over to Temp, rubbing on her leg.

Angela ignored Hawk for the moment. "If I dind't already have someone in my sights I would definantly try pursuing him... but as it is...he's got eyes for you, Love." She smiled adn walked over to Mikan, patting the pup on the head. Her only response to Hawk was to throw all of her pins that she held in her hand at him.

Temperance stroked Mikan on the head, tickling it's ears before walking over to Vic. She then hoped up onto his back and latched onto him, resting her head on his shoulder. "Vic...I'm bored". She took the tea with one hand holding on with the other.

"Gah!" He gasped as he ducked to the floor, avoiding the pins. He glared at Angela. He sighed and stood again, picking the pins out of the wall and giving them back to angela. "Never again."

Angela smiled and flicked HAwk's nose. "I can't promise that, love." she winked at him. "You need to learn how to look in front of you when you are running, dear." She made the vague refrence to earlier at teh library.

Temperance hoped off of Vic's back and drank her tea, she then slammed her hand down on the table and gave a wicked grin, the kind of grin she only gave when she had a rather devious plan.

Angela's eyes went wide, and a slow, lazy smiled came over her face, starting in her eyes.

Temperance took a deep breath." we all know the Lord and Lady are having a ball tonight". She began to pace. "And..I just so happened to have gotten us all invites, curtosy of a friend of mine working inside the castle". She held out the tickets. "We are going to pose as noble families from out of town and go to the ball where we will work under cover".

Hawk ignored angela, she was such a pain sometime. "Great, another plan that will almost get me killed." He rolled his eyes, remembering back the Temp's last plan. Under some extremely fat woman, face shoved right into her chest. He shivered at the thought.

Angela glared at him, angry. "Don't call me a pain, Frank." She had an acute way of reading emotions. She turned back to Temp, wondering why Hawk wound;t be a little nicer. She smiled. "Ido love to dress up... is it a mascarade?" She rolled her neck, listning to it crack. "I have a dreessmaking frind from out of town that could help us...."

Temperance nodded crossing her arms. "Angela, Hawk you are a couple". She nodded once again sternly, a nodd that suggested they better accept that fact and do as she said. "Me and Vic are the secound, we are friends of course and travel together".

Hawk smiled then caught himself and quickly replaced it with a look of annoyance. He didn't look at Angela, just intent on hearing the rest of the directions. "I'll just go steal something." He grinned. "Just how high in the food chain are we going to be? I don't want to steal the wrong style of clothing."

"Compared to the rest of them at the party, we are gracing just about upper middle, fairly rich and important but not so much so we'll attract unwanted attention". Temperance slid the invitations towards Hawk and Angela.

Angela sighed, annoyance VERY visible in her voice. "When is the party?" Seh asked softly, already in her mind traveling the route to her friend's shop.

"Tonight..we shall meet out the front at 8pm, don't be late and be on your best behaviour, also think up new names before you get there". Temperance walked out with Vic, waving good bye to them.

"I'll see you tonight..." He said to to the women, he looked at Angela for a few seconds and smiled. "Since we are going to be a couple, might as well get into part." He said, stepping closer to her. "I love you!"

Angela looked at him, unsure of wether or not if he meant it. She narrowed her eyes suspiciously, her heart racing excitedly if he did mean it. She smiled and nodded, then walked out of the room, then, stoppign at the doorway. "I love you too..." Seh said over her shoulder, then walked out.

Hawk stepped up onto the window sill and jumped down. As he landed he bent his knees and tumbled forward on purpose. He thens tood up and brushed himself off. "Now to steal some clothing..." He muttered while looking around.

Three hours later Angela stepped out of the shop, holding a bag and three or four boxes. It was only a fifteen minute walkto the shop, but her firend insisted onfindginteh PERFECT dress. She walked home and layed teh stuff on her bed,checkign the clock. It was 6 o'clock. She sighed and strated getting ready.

Three hours later, Hawk was trying on the new out fit he stole from a local duke's closet. "Perfect." He said, staring proudly at himself in a shattered mirror of the small house he lived in. He was rarely there so there were things lying about all over. Mikan approached the mirror, also looking proudly at the tie around his neck. Hawk had no interested in wearing it, Mikan did. MIkan happily bounced around the house, showing off his new tie to a few stray cats Hawk had let in. Hawk held a soft spot for animals. He didn't really see any harm in them like some people did. Hawk adjusted the collar and unbuttoned the top few buttons, so you could see that part of his chest. "So stuffy in this thing...i'd rather stick to my old jumpsuit."

Temperance stood outside the castle, hand on her hip the other staring at a pocket watch in her hand. She was wearing a simple short black strappy dress, her hair pinned up in a bun with a few strands framing her face. She had dressed Vic in a more smarter suit, he just stood by her, stern as ever.

Hawk was walking towards the castle, he tried to act as stuffy as possible his nose held high and cane in hand. Mikan copied his master, one paw at a time, muzzle held high along with his tail. Hawk winked at Mikan and Mikan barked. He saw Temp and her overly protective body-guard, Vic, and approached them. "Hello, Temp." He said, as coolly as ever. He dropped the act, and excitedly asked. "What do you think?" He said twirling his cane.

"I think the cane adds to tht stuffyness you already posses, Master Hawk." Angela stepped otu of the shadows ina simple, yet elgenat, rose colored dress that had one sleeve only. She handed them each their masks, and slid on her blonde wig, allowing her dark brown tresses to mingle in with the hair, makign it aprea like she had an underlayer of highlights. "We all ready...?"

Temperance put on her mask, it was a black and grey skull type mask that had jewels in it, it was elegent and made her grey eyes look like bright orbs. she linked arms with Vic forcing a plain black mask onto his face, he felt a little stupid. "Ok, my name is Alison and this is my husband Lucien".

Hawk put on his mask before he decided to stare at Angela. It was a plain white mask with small black horns on the forehead. He bowed to Angela elegantly. "I am Carter, and you," He kissed her hand, he thought it would be a polite way tpo greet a woman of her status. "Are my fiancee...?" He waited for her to finish his sentence with her new name.

Angela adjusted her black mask, making the red and deep pink jewles sparkle. It made her skin look pale, and her eyes a deep and moody blue. She rolled her eyes and looked at Hawk. "I'm Allegra, Carter Dearest." She smiled, her teeth white and her canine teeth looked unusualy sharp.

Temperance linked arms with Vic and walked in, quickly dissolving into the crowd of the rich and powerful families. As she entered the castle she couldn't help but marvel at how deliciously expensive everything looked.

Angela sighed and also linked arms with Carter, following Temp's example. She followed her through the crowd, until they came across the Lord and Lady of the castle.

'Carter' whispered into 'Allegra's' ear. "Like the drug?" He teased. 'Carter' reached out to a duchess with her back turned and her hand on her hip, and slipped off her diamond ring. He quickly put in his pocket.

Temperance just smiled at the Lord and Lady, staying back and out of sight as much as she could.

The Lady looked at teh two 'families' and whispered somethign to teh Lord. He looked aorund and spotted tehm, tehn whispered back. They made a striking and contrasting pair. While he was tall and heavy, she was short and thin. They slwoly made their rounds, angling themselves to Temp, Vic, Agnela, and Hawk.

Angela smiled sweetly at 'carter' and stepped on his foot with her stiletto, makign it apear accidental. She shot a look at Temperance to see what she was going to do.

Temperance remained cool and collected, so the Lord and Lady were comine to them, time to play it cool. "Lucien, darling would you mind getting us all a drink". Vic nodded and departed, leaver Temperance standing by herself, smile on her mouth.

Hawk grunted and picked up his foot. "Auch..." He put his arm around her waist and pulled her close, just to annoy her. Then he took his cane and quickly pushed off a wig of some random rich person. MIkan peered out of Hawk's jacket, he whined to get out. Hawk held him him.

Angela growled under her breath and grinned at the Lord and Lady as they walked over.

The Lady rushed forward, dragging her husband along. "Why Heeelllooo there Daaarlingsss!" She said, gushign and drawing her words out.

Temperance bowed her head."Good evening to you aswell m'lady..m'lord"> She bowed to the Lord aswell.

Teh lord nodded his head to everyone adn looked rather lost. It was apparent he didnt arrange the ball.

Vic came back with drinks, giving Temp a glass of wine, he looked down, letting Temperance do the talking.

Angela smiled at teh Lady, taking her by the arm, and leading her off, chatting with her. As Angela walked, sho noted everythign abotu the room, giving everyone a chance to work.

Temperance began to move, hands by her sides, she looked at the windows checking for which would be the best entry for breaking in. She then started counting gaurds, observing their weapons and behaviours.

The guards were a rather careless bunch, getting drunk and revaling in the party.

Angela looked around and motioned with her head to a dmall door by the stairs.

Temperance sort of snaked across the hall towards the door, she then opened it and snuck in.

A moment after Temp shut the door and he nodded to the lord and lady and slunked towards the door.

Mikan did not follow, he knew what his job was. He headed up the stairs.

Angela continued to talk to the Lady, putting on her best airs.

Temperance wandered down the halls, she ahd gotten through the door and was on her way to the Libary, though she did not know this of courser.

Victor stood alone, looking left and right, waiting for the right moment to go in after Temperance. He didn't want to leave her alone, what if gaurds caught her?

Angela disentagled herself from the Lady and said she needed to fidn the powder room to freshen up. The Lady pointed up the stairs and gave directions to the powder room. Angela gracefully ascended to staircase and walked to teh powder room, locking the door behind her. She looked around, and saw teh vent she was looking for. She took off her dress, revealing a black sleevless number underneath it, and took off her wig and slid on another one, also black. She leapt up ontop of th toilet and climbed to the ledge, unscrewing the nobs.

Victor took his chance and darted through the door, he ran until he caught up with Temp. "There you are". HE smiled as her. Temp reached out and held his hand.

Angela jumped down, threw her dress and wig and everything in the vent, and then climbed up after it, cleanign up. It was as if she were never there. She screwed the vent lid on behind her, so she could get back out if she came ack that way, and looked down each vent lid, lsiteniong to people, ocasionaly jumping down, grabbign something, and then jumping bnack up in it. She silently crawled, until she saw Temp and Victor. She dropped a ruby teh size of an egg down on Temp, beside her foot.

Temp blinked and then bent down, she picked up the ruby, the reddness glittering in her eyes. She looked up at Angela and smirked.

Angela just winked. "It's a lot faster to see the rooms and not have the rooms see you this way, Tempi." She sang before she scooted off.

"VIc...lift me wont go back to the party and keep watch". Victgor lifted Temp up and after Angela. He then did as he was told. Temp caught up to ANgela.

Angela grinned back at Temp, sliding her a black outfit like hers, but teh belt contained a diamond-studded skull.

Temp changed quickly dumping her clothes back down, Victor caught them and looked for somewhere to hide them, he shoved them in a plant pot and calmly walked back to the party. "Lead on Angie". Temp smiled.

Angela crawled quietly, occasionaly stopping to look down or in a vent that they came across.

Hawk and Mikan were snooping around upstairs, while he let the girls do the dirty work. Temp never trusted him for jobs like these, so he often just snuck around looking for things to steal. He was looking for jewels this time. He peered around a corner at two guards taking watch over a rather large oak door, with beautiful detailing on it. ' That door itself would be worth stealing.' He joked to himself. He held MIkan's muzzle closed, so he wouldn't make any sounds.

Angela saw the two gurads standing in front the oak door, and she decided to crawl through to the otherside of the door through the vents.

Hawk heard a quiet pounding in the cieling, at first he thought it might have been a mouse but then he remembered the plan. ' They are in the air vents.. Hawk looked up then back at the guards. How can I get them away from the doors..? He smiled, looking like he had an idea. Hawk threw his voice so it sounded like there was a woman calling for help down the hall. The guards looked at eachother, and ran down the hall. As they came his way Hawk jumped out of hiding and bashed them in their faces a couple of times with his cane. "One good reason to have one of these."

Angela dropped through the ceiling on the other side of the door and disbatched of the guards on that side, shoving them nito a closet adn locking the door, thowing the key in teh fireplace ot melt.

Hawk busted open the door with an exaggerated kick. "Angela!" He shouted surprised, when he saw her standing by the fire place. "What are you doing here? This is my job." He said defensively. Hawk started to search around for something of worth, throwing over a desk and tearing out the drawers.

Angela was fingering a jewel in her hands.

He looked at her. "Where did you get that...?" He said reaching for it.

angela smacked his hand away. "you terd."

Mikan snarled up at her.

Hawk rose his eyebrow. "What the...?" He shook his head. "Nevermind. Let's just find more...."

"Ive already gotten them up to Tempi, who is taking them to Vic, and who is taking them away."

"Whatever..." He leaned against the wall but the wall fell in. HAwk fell backwards onto a hard stone floor.

Angela ran over to him. "Hawk!!" she sounded worried. "Are you alright?"

Hawk rubbed his head with one eye closed. "Yea..i'm fine..." He stood up and looked around. "Why is this part of the wall hollowed out?"

Angela looked around and stepped over him, moving forward.

"It looks like a tunnel." He stepped forward touching the wall. Mikan's eyes glowed in the darkness. Hawk pulled out a lighter and flipped it open. "Let's go in..." He said curiously.

angela was laredy ahead of him, feeling her way down the tunnel, her eyes closed.

Hawk reached around, Angela was gone. "Hmph, damn her sneakiness.... Why am I turned on by it???" He shrugged and put the lighter ahead of him to light the way. Mikan hopped towards Angela.

Angela laughed to herself, petting Mikan's head.

Hawkprogressed down the secret dark hall for what seemed like hours. But he looked at his small pocket watch. Hesighed, it had only been 3 minutes (coughmonthscough). "Any treasure yet?"

Angela snorted at him. "Shut up, we're trying to work here."

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