Page name: Keystone Village [Exported view] [RSS]
2010-04-28 15:13:17
Last author: Rice
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Keystone Villiage

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Welcome to our villiage. It is a peaceful place, where he or she do not have a specific caste system, each doing as they please, when they please.

So, pray, move in and settle down. We assure you that you will fall into our way of life soon enough...

Toni patrolled down to the market place was swiftly, her long hair flicking behind her, it was Spring time and she was enjoying the sunshine and subtle breeze that Winter had made her forget. She held out a piece of paper her dad had left for her. He'd been awake all night finishing a chapter on his book and now slept, leaving Toni to buy some groceries in town, a little note at the bottom also read 'look for a job'. She sighed, it wasn't like she wasn't trying or anything.

Robin hummed as she pruned her holly bushes, smiling at the little buds of the small berries that where getting ready to bloom.

Toni began to pace quickly towards the large wooden board in town, she ran passed the flower shop and got on her tiptoes to look at any vacancies. She took down one for someone to work in the libary and another to work in Club Hex. She then began to read through them and see what the entailed.

Fabu walked past Toni to Robin, presenting her with the seeds she asked for earlier. "why not ask miss toni if she needs a job..."

Robin shook her head. "I like the girl, but we don tneed her finding anything out" she said quietly.

Toni grumbeled and kicked the edge of the board furiously, there was nothing. She looked over at the flower stall and waved a little at Robin."Good morning Robin".

Robin smiled widely and waved back, walking over and giving Toni a small boquet of two white tulips and one red rose. "for good luck on your jobhunt."

"Thankyou Miss.Robin". Toni took the flowers in one hand, smelling them and then smiling. "Then smell beautifull as always". She laughed a little.

Robin laughed along. "And it probably doesn't hurt that I spray them with a little bit of perfume."

"Yeah". Toni laughed, she turned her head as she heard some cheering from a few feet away."Huh what's going on"? She watched as a crowd came into view, a good 90% men followed by some of the dancers from the Hex Club. In the centre stood Lola who was waving and smiling, handing out flyers. "Everyone please attend and celebrate our 5th year". She said loudly, the other woen handing out flyers and small other trinkets.

Robin took a flier to post on her board out front, then walked back inside, waving farewell.

Toni looked at Lola as she waved seemingly with ease and blew kisses, she made it all look so easy, she was an idol of Toni's.

Fabu watched from the doorway, his arms crossed.

Lola turned to Fabu, she strolled over and handed him a flyer. "I hope you'll be there, people seem to flock to the clubs when you're around". She laughed.

Fabu looked at the flyer, but didn't take it. "We already have one for our board, thank you."

"Oh this one has a 20% voutcher for the bar". She smiled and pointed to the bottom area where the voucher could be ripped off.
"Excuse me Lola"? Toni said, Lol turned her attention."Yeah hun"? Toni smiled. "Are there any jobs going in your bar, for bar stuff of course, or maybe waitressing during the day"?

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2009-02-10 [Rice]: So when you beginning Lou?

2009-02-10 [Rook.]: I'm beginning whenever I get done with my picture, which is in a few minutes... feel free to start, Keyz... Tia and I will be aroun dina few...

2009-02-10 [Rice]: Ok 8)

2009-02-10 [Rook.]: Heeey Pete...what if Hawk and Angie like each other... but dont admit it until Temp forces thenm too ? jsut a thought...?

2009-02-10 [Frost-:-Wing]: Sure. :D

2009-02-10 [Rook.]: okay XD

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