Page name: Kisuke Uramane [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-04-09 01:54:46
Last author: Chen stormstout
Owner: Chen stormstout
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Username: [Chen stormstout]
Character name: Kisuke Uramane
Gender: male
Age: 30
Class/Rank: Artificer/Alchemist, former Captain of the 12th division elite unit corps (scientist/warrior class)
Appearance: Standing about 5’11 with blond hair that goes below his ears then puffs outward, grayish blue eyes and fair skin, Kisuke has a slim build, and is normally fitted in his unqiue clothing that is a green kimono, with a haori (or kimono coat) with diamond shapes on it, with a pair of wooden sandals , a striped bucket hat and his cane , or as he puts it his more “commanding” uniform, which is a blue kimono with a white sash and a white haori draped over his shoulders.
Personality: He is generally a laid-back, jovial fellow, although he can be “deadly” serious when the situation warrants it. Despite his carefree attitude, his speech is always polite, though it is sometimes sarcastic.
Weapons/Magic/Skills: The only known weapon that Kisuke has been seen with is a blade that is a bit wider and more straight than that of a katana with no hand guard with a red ribbon that drapes down with a few elaborate decorations on it and a hilt that curves out at the bottom, the sword has the secret ability to transform into a cane that Kisuke walks with, so his blade never leaves his side in or out of battle. He now has taken his brothers title so Kisuke utilizes many magics and can weave or forge them into various items with the right tools and time, in which case Kisuke likes to consider himself a “Jack of Trades”.
History: Kisuke originally came from an land outside the rule of the Empire, he and his brother Artemis, made names for themselves not long after they became citizens, Artemis forming a Technical Institute for Research, which became renowned for the magical arts it studied and created, while Kisuke went on and joined the Emperors military, and with his keen mind and prowess rose quickly through the ranks. Eventually Kisuke joined with his brother in presidency in the institute when it formed into a department in the Bourgians regime. Kisuke had just reached the rank of captain of the elite guard when his ceremony was halted with news of the late emperor’s death, and the riots that had erupted. Artemis was killed when the institute mysteriously exploded as armed bandits stormed the gates. Kisuke resigning from his captain hood now is rebuilding the name of the institute, restarting and continuing his brother’s steps in magical research in the Immaculate city of Lucenbourne, though the location of the new Institute is unknown.
Other/Details: Kisuke opened a shop in his own manor in Lucenbourne, complete with his own employee staff; he lends his skills to those who can afford it, or to the lower classes sells cheap magical items. He has various enclaves that he uses when out gathering components for his experiments including one in the Legionnaire city of Slechteur. It was also known that Bedevere came to Kisuke when he lost an arm and, after a month Kisuke created a unqiue adamantine prosthetic for the knight, and 'connected' it to sir Bedevere, with the chance of the knight going insane at most or suffering minor after effects at least .

return to the immaculates

return to The Legion

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