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Pagan Dictionary

LAA'L BREESHEV: The February 1st Greater Sabbat marking the midpoint of the Dark Half of the year and a time of purification and sharing. This sabbat celebrates the Return of the Goddess from the Underworld, bearing in Her arms the Infant Sun, and the beginning of Spring as the slumbering seeds begin to stir within the womb of the Earth. Also known as Brigidmas, Brigit's Day, Candlemas, Feast of Pan, Feast of Torches, Feast of the Waxing Light, Festival of the Lactating Ewes, Gouel Varia ar Gouloù, Gwyl Ffraed, Gwyl Mair Dechrau'r Fwanwyn, Imbolc, Imbolg, Lá Fheile Bride, Lupercalia, Oimealg, Oímealg, Oimelc, Óimelc, Oímelg.  

LAA LUANISTYN, LAA LUANYS: The August 1st Greater Sabbat that celebrates the first harvest, when the fruits of the Earth are cut and stored for dark winter months. The sabbat also marks the weakening of the God as the days grow shorter. Also known as August Eve, Bilberry Sunday, Fraughan Sunday, Crom Dubh Sunday, Death of the God-King, Domhnach Chrom Dubh, Feast of Bread, Feast of Lug (Lugh), Festival of the First Fruits of Harvest, Festival of the Sacrifice and Death of the God-King, Garland Sunday, Laa Luanistyn, Laa Luanys, Lammas, Lammas Day, Lughnasa, Lughnasadh, Lugnasad, Lúnasa, Lúnasdain, Lúnasdal, Lúnasduinn, Martinmas, St. Martin's Eve,  

LABRYS: A double-headed axe which symbolized the Goddess in ancient Crete, still used by some Wiccans for the same purpose. The labrys may be placed on, or leaned against, the left side of the altar.


The May 1st Greater Sabbat that celebrates the beginning of the Light Half of the Year. Also known as Bealtaine, BealeTeine, Bealltuinn, Belltaine, Beltain, Beltaine, Beltane, Beltine, Bel-tine, Boaldyn, Cala' Me, Calan Mai, Calan Me, Cétshamain, Cyntefin, Dydd Calan Mai, Feast of Bíle, Kala-Mae, Kala-Hañv, May Day, May Eve, Walpurgisnacht.
The March 25 Feast Day in some Christian traditions that celebrates the visitation of the angel Gabriel to Mary to announce that she would be the mother of God.
LÁ FHEILE BRIDE: The February 1st Greater Sabbat marking the midpoint of the Dark Half of the year and a time of purification and sharing. This sabbat celebrates the Return of the Goddess from the Underworld, bearing in Her arms the Infant Sun, and the beginning of Spring as the slumbering seeds begin to stir within the womb of the Earth. Also known as Brigidmas, Brigit's Day, Candlemas, Feast of Pan, Feast of Torches, Feast of the Waxing Light, Festival of the Lactating Ewes, Gouel Varia ar Gouloù, Gwyl Ffraed, Gwyl Mair Dechrau'r Fwanwyn, Imbolc, Imbolg, Laa'l Breeshey, Lupercalia, Oimealg, Oímealg, Oimelc, Óimelc, Oímelg.  

LAMMAS, LAMMAS DAY (Old English "loaf mass", "bread feast"): The August 1st Greater Sabbat that celebrates the first harvest, when the fruits of the Earth are cut and stored for dark winter months. The sabbat also marks the weakening of the God as the days grow shorter. Also known as August Eve, Bilberry Sunday, Fraughan Sunday, Crom Dubh Sunday, Death of the God-King, Domhnach Chrom Dubh, Feast of Bread, Feast of Lug (Lugh), Festival of the First Fruits of Harvest, Festival of the Sacrifice and Death of the God-King, Garland Sunday, Laa Luanistyn, Laa Luanys, Lughnasa, Lughnasadh, Lugnasad, Lúnasa, Lúnasdain, Lúnasdal, Lúnasduinn, Martinmas, St. Martin's Eve,  

LAMPADOMANCY: Divination by interpreting a candle or lamp, usually the flame. A form of pyromancy.

LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT: Term for the balance of all of one's actions throughout all of one's incarnations, which thus determines one's future experiences. It is not a doctrine of sin and punishment, but fate or destiny as a result of one's actions. This concept is most frequently associated with Hindu philosophy. Also known as Aisa, Karma.

LEAD: The first and oldest of the seven metals of alchemy, associated with the operation of Calcination.

LEAF DOCTOR: A Traditional healer or priest to African tribal members, believers in Vodoun, Santería, or Macumba, or those who seek the healing power of herbs from them. Also known as Conjure Man, Jujuman, Root Doctor, Witch Doctor. See also: Traditional Healer.

LECANOMANCY: Divination by interpreting the sound or image of an object or substance falling into a body of water.

LEFT-HAND PATH: A term used to identify some traditions where Magick is used for destructive purposes. Also known as Black Magick, Path of Shadows.

LESSER ARCANA: The 56 suit cards in a Tarot deck that assist in fleshing out the situations indicated by the Trump Cards (Major Arcana), or indicate smaller occurrences in our lives. The Major Arcana consist of 22 Trump Cards depicting dominant occurrences. The Lesser Arcana are also known as the Minor Arcana. See also Tarot Cards. 

LESSER SABBATS: The four Quarter Festivals of the Solstices and Equinoxes. The four Greater Sabbats are the fire festivals of Imbolc, Beltain, Lammas and Samhain. Also known as Quarter Days.

LETHARGE: The left-over scum, spume or ashes from a metallic operation in alchemy. Also known as Litharge.

LETHE (Greek,: "forgetful"): The river of Forgetfulness, one of the five rivers surrounding Hades. The others are:

Acheron (Woe);
Cocytus (Wailing);
Styx (Hateful);
Pyriphlegethon (Fiery).
LEVITATION: The phenomenon of a body or object rising into the air without a visible means of support.

LEUKOSIS: The second stage in alchemy that takes place during Distillation. Also known as the White Phase.

LEY CENTERS, LEY LINES, LEYS: Alignments and patterns of powerful, invisible earth energy which seem to link sacred places and natural magickal sites. Ley centers radiate at least seven ley lines and are situated over magnetic fields or blind springs. Akin to Kung-lei (Dragon Paths).

LIBRANOMANCY: Divination by interpreting smoke from incense. A form of capnomancy. Also known as Livanomancy.


The line of descent from an ancestor;
In some pagan traditions the line of Initiatory descent (magickal and spiritual ancestry).

LIQUOR HEPATIS: In alchemy, a sulfurous liquid distilled from sulfur, lime and sal ammoniac. It was associated with the Soul. When mixed with wax or fat it was known as Balsam of the Alchemists, Balsam of the Soul.

LITHA: The Lesser Sabbat celebrated on or about June 21st , marking the point of the year when the God is at the height of His power as evidenced by the Sun during the Longest Day of the Year. Also known as Alban Heruin, Meán Samhraidh, Midsummer, Summer Solstice.

LITHARGE: The left-over scum, spume or ashes from a metallic operation in alchemy. Also known as Letharge.

LITHOBOLIA: A type of demon that throws stones.

LITHOBOLY: Mysterious hails of stones that suddenly rain down from the sky or appear from nowhere inside a room. In folklore, the hails are credited to lithobolia (stone-throwing demons).

LITHOMANCY: Divination using precious or semiprecious stones either by interpreting light reflected from stones (crystallomancy, scrying) or casting them and interpreting the way they fall (sortilege).

LIVANOMANCY: Divination by interpreting smoke from incense. A form of capnomancy. Also known as Libranomancy.

LOA: An individual deity or ancestral spirit in Vodoun. See also: Guedes.

LOAS: The Vodoun pantheon of Gods. Also known as Mystères. See also: Guedes.

LOGARITHMANCY: Divination by interpreting logarithms.

LOW MAGICK: Magick practiced by people who are not trained in High Magick and does not involve the ritualized summoning of spirits. Spells, incantations and concocted philters and potions are the lowest forms of Low Magick.

LUGHNASA, LUGHNASADH, LUGNASAD: The August 1st Greater Sabbat that celebrates the first harvest, when the fruits of the Earth are cut and stored for dark winter months. The sabbat also marks the weakening of the God as the days grow shorter. Also known as August Eve, Bilberry Sunday, Fraughan Sunday, Crom Dubh Sunday, Death of the God-King, Domhnach Chrom Dubh, Feast of Bread, Feast of Lug (Lugh), Festival of the First Fruits of Harvest, Festival of the Sacrifice and Death of the God-King, Garland Sunday, Laa Luanistyn, Laa Luanys, Lammas, Lammas Day, Lúnasa, Lúnasdain, Lúnasdal, Lúnasduinn, Martinmas, St. Martin's Eve.  

LUNAR ECLIPSE: The partial or total darkening of the moon when the earth's shadow is cast upon it. The lunar eclipse varies in significance across religions and magickal systems.

LÚNASA, LÚNASDAIN, LÚNASDAL, LÚNASDUINN: The August 1st Greater Sabbat that celebrates the first harvest, when the fruits of the Earth are cut and stored for dark winter months. The sabbat also marks the weakening of the God as the days grow shorter. Also known as August Eve, Bilberry Sunday, Fraughan Sunday, Crom Dubh Sunday, Death of the God-King, Domhnach Chrom Dubh, Feast of Bread, Feast of Lug (Lugh), Festival of the First Fruits of Harvest, Festival of the Sacrifice and Death of the God-King, Garland Sunday, Laa Luanistyn, Laa Luanys, Lammas, Lammas Day, Lughnasa, Lughnasadh, Lugnasad, Martinmas, St. Martin's Eve.  

LUNG: The Chinese Dragon. Originally three clawed, later the five clawed dragon depicted Imperial and Celestial power and was restricted to the use of the Emperor, the four-clawed became the common dragon. The three-clawed became the Japanese dragon and remains so. There are four types of Lung:

T'ien Lung (Celestial Dragon);
Fu Tsang Lung (Treasure Dragon);
Ti Lung (Earth Dragon);
Shen Lung or Kung Lung (Rain Dragon);
The Earth and Rain Dragon together are known as the Wang Lung.
LUNOMANCY: Divination by interpreting moonlight on a person's face dusted with silver. A form of Selenomancy.

LUPERCALIA: The February 1st Greater Sabbat marking the midpoint of the Dark Half of the year and a time of purification and sharing. This sabbat celebrates the Return of the Goddess from the Underworld, bearing in Her arms the Infant Sun, and the beginning of Spring as the slumbering seeds begin to stir within the womb of the Earth. Also known as Brigidmas, Brigit's Day, Candlemas, Feast of Pan, Feast of Torches, Feast of the Waxing Light, Festival of the Lactating Ewes, Gouel Varia ar Gouloù, Gwyl Ffraed, Gwyl Mair Dechrau'r Fwanwyn, Imbolc, Imbolg, Laa'l Breeshey, Lá Fheile Bride, Oimealg, Oímealg, Oimelc, Óimelc, Oímelg.  

LYCANTHROPE: Creatures that are half human, half animal, the most well-known of which is the werewolf.


Shamanic shapeshifting practice, the ecstatic magickal transformation of a person into a lycanthrope (half man, half beast);
In psychology, a mania or hallucination in which a person believes themselves to be a were beast (usually a werewolf) and exhibits a craving for blood.
LYCHNOMANCY: Divination by interpreting the flames of three candles. Similar to Lampodomancy.

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