Page name: Lamori Lavarday [Exported view] [RSS]
2014-07-31 21:43:07
Last author: Kbird
Owner: Kbird
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Name: Lamori Lavarday
Age: 19
Race: Elf
Kingdom Born in: 2nd Kingdom but was moved to Third kingdom at a very young age.
Kingdom where loyalty is: currently 3rd.
Good/Bad Guy: good.
Personality: Lamori is Intelligent, soft-spoken, and observant. Unlike most of her kind she is more of a loner. She tends not to speak first unless the person does something to spark her interest. She is a perfectionist when it comes to her job & she delights in studying the behavior of the mentally unstable or "unique".  
Description: She tends to cover her ears with her hair or use fake ear covers to make herself look more 'human'.
History: Lamori was brought to the 3rd kingdom when she was six, after her father got a job at the castle. Her mother became a maid and she would fallow her mother and help her clean. As a hobby she would try to find Queen Cinderella and watch her from a distance, after hearing rumors about the Queen being "unstable".
Lamori's mother passed two years ago and She took over her mother's position as one of head maids.
Lamori has grown tired of her day-to-day life in the castle and has been hoping to go back to her home kingdom. 

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2014-07-31 [ancienteye]: Neat. :3

2014-07-31 [Kbird]: thanks~ I think she'll be fun~

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