Page name: LarLar Poems [Exported view] [RSS]
2006-07-07 08:50:25
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LarLar Poems@wiki

These are some poems that I am rather proud of and would like to share with the entirety of the elftown community! YAY! thank you.



My first banner!

So Very Easy

Breath my dear.
Deep breaths in your deep sleep.
Your breaths kill me,
each one so perfectly audible,
Their delicate elegance so blissful,
unaware that their electric noise,
Follows me in my dreams.
It pulses rhythmically, wonderful,
Yet chilling.
The chill it sends makes me trust
that I've lost all of my senses.
They're wonderful, yet brief, these lives we live.
And insignificant, yet magnificent, those breaths you take.
They spell truth, yet write lies,
Saying, "I have life,"
when truly you are dying.
You were the lamp and I the candle,
You shined brightly and I had but a faint glow!
You were the star shining, showing your worth,
but I fell into the black hole that you hid.
And now, there you lay,
Could it possibly be so easy to break your bulb,
to allow the candle to shine brighter than a lamp, or a star!?
Could it be that by pulling this plug and
Cutting off your life that I can finally be free from your
The medal is cold.
Hello, I come bearing death.

Sweet Freedom

I hate those roses you gave her.
I hope they die and
rot in her hands,
Their color,
Burning her like fire.
Why for her?
Remember the days before her,
It was only you and me,
I remember the day you told me about
her. Forget our love? The dreams,
Throw them away for HER?
So I can replay the silent movies of us,
Hiding under cover of
darkness? Sneaking a kiss, before the sun
Hoping I'll make you regret it, this
I use,
Bring down on you,
Deep wounds,
Not as deep as the one's you left,
In my heart,
No hope.
Memories clearing,
The pain is gone, your blood still here.
What have I done?
I'm free.


My dearest Friend,
It amazes me how much we've changed,
How far apart we've grown.
Seems like it's been forever,
Since the day we said we'd always be
Friends, never loose touch.
It's been months since we've talked,
And even longer since we've seen
Maybe that's what growing up is all about.
I went by to say "Happy Birthday",
forgot your number and couldn't call.
You weren't there, Not that I'm angry,
But I miss you,
Wanted to see you.
It just sucks that we've changed,
And that when things get hard it's not even
You I call.
We've been replaced it seems,
With jobs and boys and other

I thought back the other day,
Couldn't even remember what music
We listened to together,
Except Les Miserables in the 7th Grade
(it's still my favorite you know)
And Shania Twain that one summer,
that we sang and danced in your brother's
room with mops and brooms, and pretended we were older.
Well we've finally made it to our last summer,
Last year of school, these are the days we dreamed
Of together, and now they're here,
And where are we?
We've been lost in this world of life.
Where Friendships grow old and people come and go,
With no significance.
But I will always remember the years,
Between 5th and 8th grades,
That we shared, and the laughs that we had.
I do miss you, and I hope to see you one day.
I really have to go now, before I'm late.
You're still my best friend.
I love you.

That's it for now.. Hope you liked it.. Drop me a line

© ME!!!!

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2006-07-08 [Celeste of Darksword]: Ok, i read Lara's poems (and i was coherent!) I really like them, i think my favorite is "Sweet Freedom" I dont know why, even though its sad and angry sounding I like that one. your right about the new style, i see what you meant now, its different, hard to explain, but not like your older poems.

2006-07-10 [Alleria]: YAY! I wuves you! ... umm.. I think that that's my favorite too..

2006-08-27 [llwerllyne of ducksville]: uh i like "So Very Easy" the most oh um wait i forgot what else i was going to say

2006-08-28 [Alleria]: heh.. lovely. you're confused.. oh wait.. maybe your not... right?

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