Page name: Lemirian Exhorian Scarab [Exported view] [RSS]
2006-03-18 21:52:12
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Exhorian Scarab


Info - Exhorian Scarabs were once one of the most feared forces in the Realms, however after thousands of years pf war with the other races the Exhorians have been pushed back to their ancestral home in Asfeltas. They have an almost racial fear of the Dah'kin.

Appearance - Exhorian scarabs a huge lumbering beast that can snap a tree as if it was a twig with their pinzers. They are heavily armored and move slowly, they are very territorial beasts and will fight anything they see unless controlled by an Exhorian overseer. They're colours range from Brownish Yellow when they have just changed husks, to a very dark green when they are about to change husks.

Areas - Exhorian Scarabs can be found all over Ki'afisal, though they are far more common near asfeltas.

Exhorian Scarab Young

Level - 10

Equipment -
Giant Pinzer Bite (8 Atk, 2 Def, -1 Dex)
Giant Exhorian Foot (4 Atk, 2 Def)
Exhorian Caparace (8 Def, -3 Dex)

HP - 60
MP - 6
Str - 10
Con - 10
Int - 3
Mag - 3
Dex - 5
Car - 3

Skills – Defensive Stance (2), Awareness, Knockback.

Special Skills -
Grapple Bite - Exhorian Scarabs can attempt to hold down their enemies by biting them. If they succeed they deal d8 damage every turn until they are killed or they let their victim go.

XP award - 2000

Exhorian Scarab Adult

Level - 20

Equipment -
Giant Pinzer Bite (9 Atk, 3 Def, -1 Dex)
Giant Exhorian Foot (5 Atk, 3 Def)
Exhorian Caparace (9 Def, -3 Dex)

HP - 170
MP - 6
Str - 13
Con - 17
Int - 3
Mag - 3
Dex - 5
Car - 3

Skills – Defensive Stance (2), Awareness, Knockback, Critical Strike

Special Skills -
Grapple Bite - Exhorian Scarab can attempt to hold down their enemies by biting them. If they succeed they deal d10 damage every turn until they are killed or they let their victim go.

XP award - 6000

Exhorian Scarab Elder

Level - 30

Equipment -
Giant Pinzer Bite (10 Atk, 4 Def, -1 Dex)
Giant Exhorian Foot (6 Atk, 4 Def)
Exhorian Caparace (10 Def, -3 Dex)

HP - 340
MP - 6
Str - 19
Con - 22
Int - 3
Mag - 3
Dex - 5
Car - 3

Skills – Defensive Stance, Awareness, Knockback, Critcal Strike, Crippling Strike.

Special Skills -
Grapple Bite - Exhorian Scarab can attempt to hold down their enemies by biting them. If they succeed they deal d12 damage every turn until they are killed or they let their victim go.

XP award - 12000

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