Page name: Lemirian Fellride [Exported view] [RSS]
2006-03-18 21:52:39
Last author: Duredhel
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Info - Fellrides are horses driven insane by a zombie infection. They become savage, bloodthirsty creatures, who tramble anyone that gets in their way. Fellrides usually don't have any battle tactics whatsoever, they just run over the enemy with their superior power.

Appearance - Fellride's look similar to a regular warhorse, except for the fact that their eyes are red and seem to be iginited with fire, and their skin is shredded and flayed.

Areas - Fellride's do not have a defined area.

Undead Warhorse

Level - 10

Equipment -
Hooves (5 Atk, 2 Spd, Grant the Trample skill)
Natural Armor (1 Def)

HP - 60
MP - 4
Str - 11
Con - 11
Int - 2
Mag - 2
Dex - 11
Car - 2

Skills – Lightning Speed, Two Weapon Fighting, Rage

Special Skills
Trample - Once a day for every level, the fellride may attempt to trample his opponent, the attack works as the followup hit attack, with an additional chance of 25% of stunning his opponent at the end of the trample.
Run Over - Once a day for every 2 levels, the Fellride can attempt to run over an enemy if he performes a succesful attack roll while moving on a straight line. The enemy is pushed to the ground and the fellride passes through his square to continue the line of movement, dealing an extra d4 + half of level trampling damage.
Charge - After the third square of movement in a straight line, the Fellride gains + 1 attack power for every square it moves in the same line.

XP Award - 2000

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