Page name: Lemirian Jiangshi [Exported view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2007-12-15 01:20:06
Version author: Duredhel
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Info - Jiang-shi are a special type of undead originally created by Xiadomian necromancers in order to preserve the abilities of a person into a zombie states. Jiang-shi are, for all accounts, zombies, they have no real sentience, personality or intelligence, however, they differ on two very important aspects. Jiang-shi are careully preserved, so they do not rot as Zombies do, this is done to keep the brain intact, and also, Jiang-shi retain the physical skills they had before death. Jiang-shi are diligent followers and will remember the commands their necromancers give them for years. In the olden days of Xiadom, black mages were not seen as something negative, they would often create armies of well preserved, combat trained Jiangshi undead warriors and workers. However, after the creation of empire, the black mages were persecuted by the Church of Nesha and Seannite Necromancy took hold, which meant Necromancers focused on ephemeral but massive armies, though Jiangshi were stronger, it just took too much time and effort to create them for Necromancers to be interested. However, given their preserved state, many Jiangshi remain in hidden xiadomian villages, doing work for the locals, or waiting in tombs and abandoned lairs, unaware that their masters are long since gone.

Appearance - Jiang-shi are usually ancient, meaning they wear very traditional Xiadomian clothes from before the empire, they are wonderfully preserved, looking almost like living humans, they retain the characteristics they had since birth. Since their hair keeps growing long ater their death, Jiangshi also sport long braids. Nevertheless, Jiangshi are not hard to differentiate during broad daylight because their skin ranges in tone from green to blue, presenting a very sickly color, also, they tend to have stitches running up and down several parts of their body.

Areas - Jiang-shi are found almost exclusively in Xiadom, usually in secluded areas or ancient tombs.


Level - Varies

Equipment -
Whatever weapons the Jiangshi's master assigned to it upon creation. The Jiangshi must know how to handle a weapon to use it, their lack of intelligence makes them simply stand in puzzlement if given a weapon they do not understand.

HP - Double the Original Character's
MP - 0
Str - Same as the Original Character's
Con - Same as the Original Character's
Int - 1
Mag - 1
Dex - Same as Original Character's
Car - 1

Skills – The Jiangshi has the same physical or combat skills as the original character. Charisma, Magical or Intelligence-non combat skills are lost.

Spells - None, Jiangshi cannot cast spells.

Special Skills
The Jiangshi loses the special skills it had in life, instead, it gains the following;
Undead - Jiangshi take damage from healing spells, but are immune to several status effects.

XP award - Varies

Example Jiangshi

Jiangshi Guardian

Level - 10

Equipment -

Stats -
HP - 60
MP - 0
Str - 8
Con - 6
Int - 1
Mag - 1
Dex - 10
Car - 1

Skills – Handle Swords, Discipline, Unarmed Fighting, Followup Strike, Flurry of Blows.

Special Skills
Undead - Jiangshi take damage from healing spells, but are immune to several status effects.

XP award - 2000 XP

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