Page name: Li Vliegon Tkare [Exported view] [RSS]
2006-05-27 20:36:16
Last author: Veltzeh
Owner: Veltzeh
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For AWLMountain

The rarely seen, mysterious beings called the Scapers, who fight and quarrel like no other race but never go to war.

Scapers are an androgynous race in whom others often see undescribable beauty and/or mind-confusing ambiguity. They are divided among themselves and don't often meddle with the other races, for a scaper's worst enemy and dearest friend is another scaper. They are creative inventors who, regardless their lack of unity within their own, never go to war. Only an attempt of attacking from another race unifies them and they raise their gates and defend themselves, but never attack. They are quick to run away, for borders on land and countries have never made them loyal.
Most deficient in magic and the supernatural, scapers only trust in science and technology, and have made progress in it no other of the races have ever seen. They are never willing to share their achievements with other races and not very often even among themselves.
The scrapers stand at the average height of 170 cm, violet-skinned and often long-haired. They generally live for about 200 years. They are not very strong, but very durable and fast with amazing coordination. However, as inventors, their mental abilities topple their physique any time and they don't often rely on physical force. They have mental powers and most are capable of astral projection, some very few even being telekinetics or telepaths.
They prefer living in places the other races dislike to be left alone, and thus the others don't see them much and know even less about them.

Username: [Veltzeh]
Character Name: Li Vliegon Tkare (lie vlee-gon t'car-eh, Li is a title)
Race: Scaper
Gender: androgyne
Class: outcast of three Scaper communities
Age: 46
Appearance: Tkare stands 174 cm tall and has long dark blue hair to go with eir light violet complexion and teal eyes. Ey's a scaper in eir prime, full of energy and youth but able to take responsibility. Eir figure is graceful and handsome, much like eir face. Tkare travels heavily equipped with bags, weapons, tools and other equipment essential to eir scientist nature, though would gladly go rather scantly clad if ey could. Ey wears a beautiful silver chain around eir neck as a mark of eir high rank, and another piece of delicately shimmering jewelry is tied around eir head, hanging just above eir eyes.
Personality: Tkare is a scientist at heart and mind and thus very curious. Ey is a natural leader, even if somewhat ignorant and arrogant at times. Ey tends to adapt to any situation at hand and won't think about the past, even if ey tends to regret the obvious mistakes ey's done in vain.
Favored Weapon Type: Guns, blades and the occasional tool. The most impressive of Tkare's possessions include an energy channeling gun (very powerful, reloads by itself in time), a soul disperser (stun gun, works with batteries), an energy blade (only consumed energy when it was made) and a laser sword (mainly a cutting tool, works with batteries). Ey also has a loud megaphone and likes to use it.
Social Class: Leader Inventor, Li (a high rank)
Brief History: Tkare was born to a lower middle class family, but worked up to claim the title of a li as a youth, with the help of eir personality. A natural troublemaker and anarchist, ey was eventually driven away from the city ey was born in. Tkare traveled to another city of scapers, only to find that it wasn't very different from eir home city. The citizens drove away at least three people a week. Tkare only lasted in that city for three weeks. Ey tried yet another city, but after having been driven out yet again, ey found there were no other Scaper areas nearby, and in eir curiosity, left to examine the rest of the world and the other races.
Patterns of Behavior/habits: Tkare pretends to know everything even when ey doesn't, but isn't too mad when proved wrong. Being a quick thinker, ey often has a solution ready for almost any situation. Ey doesn't trust anyone with eir life, but otherwise tends to rely on others for assistance in order to maximize eir welfare even though ey might be able to handle it alone. Tkare is persuasive and used to have eir way with other scapers, but doesn't know whether this works on the other races. Ey isn't ashamed to use whatever is at eir disposal to have eir way.
Any special talents and/or abilities: Powerful astral projection, though, unlike other scapers, Tkare can't hear anything while projecting.


<_< ... >_> ...Ahem.
I love this drawing, even if I say it myself.


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