Page name: Life: The Return Characters [Exported view] [RSS]
2011-02-13 05:54:53
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Life: The Return Characters

Played by:
Occupation (if applicable):
Bio (details of the character):
Special abilities or qualities:
Physical Description:

This is the basic template for the characters in this RP.

Anthony Roberts

Played by:


Occupation (if applicable):
Full-Time Student

Bio (details of the character):

Physical Description:
Little bit on the taller side around 6'2. Very athletic, likes to work out a lot. Shaggy reddish-brown hair, brown eyes, and a goatee. Has a tatoo of a cross on his arm with a banner wrapped around it. He doesn't have a name or date on it yet. He claims that he's saving it for something special. Has his lip pierced, but is contemplating taking it out.

Name: Allison Claymour

Played by: [Thrice]

Age: 17

Occupation: Bookstore (like Barns and Noble).

Allison is very, very shy. She spent most of her childhood with her nose in a book, instead of out playing in the mud. Because of this, being extroverted nevver set right with her personality. Unlike most people, Allison looks a person in the eye when she talks to them, as if she is observing their soul, searching for truth. Because of her introverted nature, she finds it hard to trust other people.

Special abilities or qualities:
Allison is book-smart, clean and organized. While she couldn't jimmy-rig anything to save her life, it is very easy for her to blend into the shadows, feel out a situation and decide how to react; Like a spider. She has a strange ability to bring out the truth in people, without even trying - or noticing.

Physical Description: Allison is normal in the height department. She's 5'4, with a slim body. She never played any sports (well, she played Wii sports XD), so she never attained the hardworked body that most others did. She has a round face, set with a button nose and rosebud lips. Her almond-shaped eyes examine the world around her with an intense iceburg-colored stare. She doesn't stand out in the clothing-department. She wears jeans, a t-shirt and a zip up hoodie mostly, trying her hardest to be the wallflower she is.

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