Page name: Life: The Return Rules [Exported view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2010-01-11 05:59:18
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#1. Absolutely no power playing! Basically this means that no character is able to force another character to do something without that character's permission. For example, if you want to go some place, you cannot automatically bring another person with you without their consent.

#2. No killing other characters without consent of the person, and myself, [dragon_master_25].

#4. When adding to the page, please put your name in bold the first time that you say your name in each of your posts, this makes it much easier to tell who is posting what. You can do that by using the code, < b > < /b > , just replace the space between the HTML codes with your characters name.

#5. If you kill off your character in the RP, they CAN NOT come back to life.

#6. All applications will need to be sent to myself, [dragon_master_25], and I will put them into the respective places.

#7. AND ABSOLUTELY NO GOD-MODDING!!! Your character is not invincible, nor are they capable of super-human acts. All characters are normal human beings. You can be in good physical shape, and do things that are very athletic and of that sort, but it is impossible for you to jump down three stories and live or anything like that.

Thanks for taking the time to read these rules. If everyone follows them, the RP will run smoothly and be fun for all.

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2010-01-11 [Thrice]: I think your bold rule is dumb.

2010-01-11 [dragon_master_25]: Then what should it be? I haven't been on here in so long, you know that.

2010-01-11 [Thrice]: Lol No just about bolding the name. :P Cuz I'm lazzzy xD

2010-01-11 [dragon_master_25]: Well, then you need to stop being lazzzzy and Just Do It!!!
And yes, I do owe Nike Trademarking fees. Lmao.

2010-01-11 [Thrice]: I'm not doing it. Because you're my bitch.

But everyone else should. XD

2010-01-11 [dragon_master_25]: Since when am I your bitch??? XP

Fine, you and me are the exemption to the rule.

2010-01-11 [Thrice]: Then why is there a rule if there are exemptions?

2010-01-11 [dragon_master_25]: Because I am the MASTER!!! So what I says goes!!! Lol.

2010-01-11 [Thrice]: LOL sounds like what I say goes. XD

2010-01-11 [dragon_master_25]: On one thing, lol.

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