Page name: Lir [Exported view] [RSS]
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2008-10-17 02:49:57
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Character name: Lir
What you are the god of: Illusions and trickery
Age*: 684,000
Height: 5'1''
Eye color/shape: Large with a slight narrowing at the corners. The irises are so black that you can't tell where the pupils begin.
Hair color/style: Dark gray. Wavy and shoulder length. He wears it pulled back in a pony tail.
Face specifics: He has a small sharp face. High cheek bones and a pointy chin. His lips are thin and his mouth almost looks to large especially when he grins, which is a lot. He has small white teeth that look rather sharp. You don't really see much of his real face because he wears a black mask most of the time. It is rare that you see his real face, since he prefers to wear the faces of others.
Body specifics: He's very small and thin. This gives him the advantage of being rather quick and able to fit into tricky places. He's got wiry arms and legs and has very pale skin. His hands are small and delicate, perfect for pick pocketing. Like his face, you don't see much of his body because he wears thick black and gray robes, and is constantly shifting into the shape of others.
History: Lir is a child of the fog and shadows. On a star less night the winds blew the sand into a forest clearing. At that moment in the clearing, fox made a kill. The cries of the hunter, the blood of the kill, and the mist on the ground joined with the sand, and out of the mixture Lir was born.
Personality: Lir is tricky, sneaky, and not nice. He is the god of trickery after all. He loves nothing more then weaving complex webs of lies and tricks to fuck with humans. He has no friends (although he and Orry will get along wonderfully once they have the chance to meet) and holds little respect for people. He will lie, cheat, and steal and only really thinks of himself. He loves stealing things and then pinning the blame on others and watching the panic. Basically he's an asshole.
Sexual preference: His not really into anything sexual. However he loves playing games so if it's going to make for a interesting time or a good laugh he'll do whatever.
Relations: Yeah right.
Special abilities/talents (if you have any): Lir is the master of illusion. He can shape shift and steal into peoples minds. He also can call up mist and fogs and blend into the shadows, disappearing at will. He's a master of the slight of hand and manipulating things that aren't really there. He can make you seeing the things you long for and then vanish them in a flash
Special influence on the world** (if any): If anything he is a bad influence on the world. He's the patron god of thieves, lies and cheats sooo......
Also, answer in character the following question:
"What's your favorite thing to do?"
"That depends on the day. Today?'s about we play a little game and see.”

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