Page name: Marcus Grant [Exported view] [RSS]
2012-01-06 08:01:29
Last author: Lepellier
Owner: Lepellier
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User Name: [Lepellier]

Character name: Marcus Grant

Mutant Name: Leech

Abilities/powers: Blood manipulation. He has the power to draw blood himself, and can also crystallize his blood by touch, making him able to essentially clot blood or seal open wounds. With enough blood, he may also crystallize it into a spear-like weapon. This ability also manifested in the ability to produce blood much faster than a normal human, and must remove some of his blood at times to prevent his veins from expanding like balloons and bursting. Once he has crystallized the blood, he may not revert it back to liquid, and it will remain in solid state (He can not internally crystallize the blood).

Sex: Male

Age/Date of Birth: 18, May 13th.

General appearance:
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 155
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Short, slightly longer on top.
Build: Slim, non-muscular

Additional Appearance: Most commonly seen wearing a black tank-top and a pair of jeans with a studded leather belt and black tennis shoes. If he ever covers his arms, it's with a black, zip-up hoodie. He'll often spike his hair up into a "faux-hawk" styling. He has no tattoos nor piercings, but does have a number of small scars, especially on his arms, mainly from the process of experimenting with his powers. He always has his MP3 player tucked into one of his pockets. His skin is often a reddish-tan color due to his higher blood pressure.

Personality: Ever since his mutation, Marcus has felt a little withdrawn, scared of what others will think of him because of his "strange" abilities and their morbid origins. He's fairly shy at first with people, afraid to reveal that he deals with blood and what he must do to keep himself from exploding. Once he gets to know someone, he's more laid-back and upbeat, especially around those who accept his powers. He also is quite a music lover, and often has at least one ear-bud in, usually listening to hard rock.
Special Skills: He's learned to "sculpt" some of the blood that he crystallizes, and makes sculptures with it.

Place of birth: Elgin, Il
Weapon(s) of choice: Blood spears
Medical information: Has no definitive blood type. With his increased blood production, he suffers much less from blood loss, and even when he's regularly using his powers, he has little risk of passing out from the removal of blood from his system.
Brief History: Marcus was born to a normal family, his parents both in their 30's when he was born in the smaller city of Elgin. The majority of his youth was spent normally, growing up and going through school, until the middle of his senior year. Late one night, Marcus was driving home from seeing a movie with some of his friends, when a car came around a blind corner being driven by a drunken driver, and hit Marcus' car. The accident broke the window and set off his air bag. When paramedics arrived on the scene, there was nearly no blood in Marcus' car, even though the boy had been badly cut on his face and arms, and all of the cuts had already clotted over. With no other options, even though he seemed to be fine, if a little shaken, Marcus was taken to the hospital, and shortly after released with a clean bill of health, though the doctor was quite confounded by the fact that he could not determine Marcus' blood type if he were to need an infusion. About a week after his incident, Marcus was rushed back to the hospital, complaining about pressure and a burning sensation all over his body. When the doctor took his blood pressure, it was skyrocketing off the charts. Suddenly, Marcus clenched a hand over his chest, but when he drew it away from his body, it was accompanied by a floating orb of blood which left no mark behind on his skin, then after a quick moment, the blood crystallized and fell, bouncing off Marcus' chest and hitting the floor, shattering. This event caused both of Marcus' parents to fall to the floor themselves, fainting. Marcus, however, felt much better after this, the pressure and burning both having completely faded away. After his parents came to, they were both quite frightened of Marcus, and immediately went in to finding a place that they could send him to be with other "Freaks" like their son had become. Marcus was immediately pulled from school so that he couldn't blemish his family's name, and a few months later, his parents were finally able to send Marcus away to Xavier's institute.
Relatives: Mother (Amanda) and Father (John) both alive. No siblings.

How long your character has been in the mansion: New

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2012-01-10 [Duredhel]: Gotta post with this guy, right Lep?

2012-01-31 [twitchboy]: Have you read Deadman wonderland?

2012-01-31 [Lepellier]: I have not. And yes, I am. I was waiting until after the time skip, however, Dur.

2012-01-31 [twitchboy]: Your powers remind me alot of the branch of sin ability in that manga. You might like it

2012-01-31 [Lepellier]: I might have to. I haven't read good manga in a while.

2012-03-11 [Duredhel]: Lep :> don't forget this character exists, he should be in the mansion now.

2012-03-11 [Lepellier]: I know. I meant to introduce him yesterday. Are we thinking he's already arrived, and just skip that first little bit?

2012-03-11 [Duredhel]: I think that would work :O

2012-03-11 [Lepellier]: Sounds good.

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